Random musings and general banter.


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You would think there would be other presenters/guests they could use even if only temporarily, especially with Sal only just risen from her death bed.

Maybe its time they recruited some new faces to do a few hours?
Who would want to join
Cynical and sceptical are my middle names🤣🤣

Must be from back in the day when I commuted by train to London from the South Coast. British Rail used to have a number of statements they trotted out for the trains being late or not running.

Wrong kind of snow, leaves on the track, driver delayed on an incoming service etc. my favourite was non running of this service due to an incident in Brighton, I was travelling from Bournemouth to Waterloo. Nearly 100 miles away and a two and a half hours away by train.
Yeah, but someone who was an employee of British Rail had a second cousin 62 times removed living in Brighton, so they felt unable to do their job that morning. Sounds perfectly reasonable excuse to me...:LOL: And was the announcement of late running made over the tannoy system by someone with their head in a bucket, as most of the announcements were? I used to travel into London many moons ago and I treasure some gems that we heard on the station platform, by way of excuses for late trains. One that I particularly remember was 'the 8.15 am train to Liverpool Street, calling at........., is late'. This announcement was made at 8.45 am. A shout went up from some of those on the platform to the effect of "we blurdy well knew that, you %%%&&'....... (for 'blurdy' substitute something stronger said by the less civilised commuters on the platform ;))

Ah, yeah: I chose to take a bit of break from shopping TV for a while. My partner had a sudden health scare (it all turned out fine after lots of tests —well, fine in the sense it isn't worst case scenario) and I just couldn’t see the funny side of IW for a while, especially all the hysterics and theatrics when peddling pills n’ potions, contraptions n' cure alls.

But it seems like one of IW's limited edition heirloom timepieces of such exquisite value, okay, I ended up bouncing back 😂

Depressing thing about returning is how nothing/little has changed at IW. Same shoddy products, same scammy sales techniques, same simple Simon… 🤦🏻‍♂️
Hope your partner is better, Herring. So did you miss the debate about Pinnochio Pete's age? My guess is 102.
Seriously, if he has any more ailments he'd either be laid out and waiting for the undertaker, or be a 'great' study for medical students as to how he's still standing. And talking of standing, grey does not work with that suit.
While the med. students were working on him he'd still be saying 'Ave a buy, 'ave a buy'. He'd probably try to flog them a rubber scalpel at the same time.

Trevor has lost 5 st. :ROFLMAO:
Where did he lose it? And have the police been informed? He'll need a Crime Number for the insurance...
While the med. students were working on him he'd still be saying 'Ave a buy, 'ave a buy'. He'd probably try to flog them a rubber scalpel at the same time.

Where did he lose it? And have the police been informed? He'll need a Crime Number for the insurance...
The med students, should be allowed insurance for having to operate on him
That cushion my wheelchair came with like a back support, but one where it makes you sit straight if you get me
Coir mats last much longer than 4 weeks. I remember my parents having one that lasted years.

Not the ones sold by IW ;)

Similar mats.

B&M for £9.00

Yorkshire Trading £9.99

Edit - The mats are machine washable says Pedro, lets see him try in that pop-up one.
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