It amuses me to see some presenters telling us how good their products are and how their product will prevent wrinkles , get wrinkles less visible and make you look younger.
So why do their foreheads look so smooth and shiny ?
Why don't their facial muscles move

Why don't they have laughter lines or even a trace of a teeny tiny frown?
The face that comes to my mind straight away is Judith Williams.
Her face was not that tight and shiny when she first came to QVC.
She hasn't got a single wrinkle.
If it is due to the products I will be buying a bathtub full

I have bought her products especially her moisturiser which was good but it did not get rid of my no 11s

Having said all that, we do need a good moisturiser to prevent the oxidative stress caused by the sun exposure (ultra-violet rays) and air pollution. In winter we have the cold outside and heating from inside, playing havoc with our exposed skin, mainly our face.
We also face the harsh lashing cold wind and the dirt it brings.
We all need a good cleanser if we use make up, to remove the make up and also to clean the pollutants from the outside. We need them to clean out the grit from blocking our pores

I like Elemis' moisturiser and Oil of Olay's original moisturising fluid and Aldi's moisturiser too they are all good

I like Liz Earle's cleanser ( hot cloth)
If I see a person (usually a female with a tight and shiny face with not a single frown mark) I don't listen to them