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in the early days QVC sold things not readily available to us. I liked that. Maybe she is on programmes I never watch, but switched over to QVC Selection BA is someone called Jackie Joseph, I have no udea who this woman is. Is she famous for sonething?
Jackie Joseph was on everything. She used to be on Create and Craft and then she was on QVC showing handbags I think and then she was on some telly thing that I never watch - the One Show maybe? She was always doing craft things and presenting stuff.

Jacqui Joseph has been on our TV 's as a designer and creator for nearly 30 years. I first remember her making a set of curtains on site for a morning programme fronted by Simon Biagi!!! She is extremely talented when it comes to textiles.
Jackie Joseph was on everything. She used to be on Create and Craft and then she was on QVC showing handbags I think and then she was on some telly thing that I never watch - the One Show maybe? She was always doing craft things and presenting stuff.

She used to be BA for Ashwood bags on QVC. I do remember her on C&C but she used to annoy me by overuse of really, really.
When she was the BA for Ashwood, she said several times that she had visited the factory owned by these people, and the fact that they produced their own leather brought down the prices of their goods. She also said that other prestigious handbag companies used Ashwood leather. Where was that factory? Many customers have mentioned that their Ashwood bags are manufactured in Asia. Very, very dodgy.
When she was the BA for Ashwood, she said several times that she had visited the factory owned by these people, and the fact that they produced their own leather brought down the prices of their goods. She also said that other prestigious handbag companies used Ashwood leather. Where was that factory? Many customers have mentioned that their Ashwood bags are manufactured in Asia. Very, very dodgy.
I bought an Ashwood bag, a TSV, a good few years ago. They were spouting this "British made" rubbish then. The bag was absolute rubbish, zip too small and generally shoddily made - plus the label inside said "made in India" Oops! ! Never bothered with Ashwood since, I really dislike being deceived by brand ambassadors who say anything for a sale, and unfortunately imo that seems to apply to alot of them recently.
Jacqui Joseph has been on our TV 's as a designer and creator for nearly 30 years. I first remember her making a set of curtains on site for a morning programme fronted by Simon Biagi!!! She is extremely talented when it comes to textiles.
And listening to her spiel on Homes UTH she's a property "expert" too. She must have a brilliant Agent to get her so much work. Anyway her expertise can't be that good at anything or she wouldn't rely so much on varying tv work !
When she was the BA for Ashwood, she said several times that she had visited the factory owned by these people, and the fact that they produced their own leather brought down the prices of their goods. She also said that other prestigious handbag companies used Ashwood leather. Where was that factory? Many customers have mentioned that their Ashwood bags are manufactured in Asia. Very, very dodgy.
The factory is supposed to be in Birmingham, ( with its own tannery) I tried to find out where about it was, as I am in Birmingham too. Thought I’d go along and have a look! There seems to be no information as to where it is supposed to be.
And listening to her spiel on Homes UTH she's a property "expert" too. She must have a brilliant Agent to get her so much work. Anyway her expertise can't be that good at anything or she wouldn't rely so much on varying tv work !
And she is also in In for a Penny and also Morning Live. Gets all over
The factory is supposed to be in Birmingham, ( with its own tannery) I tried to find out where about it was, as I am in Birmingham too. Thought I’d go along and have a look! There seems to be no information as to where it is supposed to be.
Good detective work! This is getting more and more fishy 🐟
And listening to her spiel on Homes UTH she's a property "expert" too. She must have a brilliant Agent to get her so much work. Anyway her expertise can't be that good at anything or she wouldn't rely so much on varying tv work !
I have little respect for the woman. She is one of the worst examples of saleswomen who will say anything to chalk up a sale. I've heard her say that she has been on the stage. So, she admits she can act!!
Jacqui Joseph used to be the regular BA for Nina Leonard. She’s sometimes on Money for Nothing and has also appeared on Homes Under the Hammer.
Way way back in the 1980’s Jacqui Joseph had a tiny studio in the Jewellery Quarter in Birmingham where she made clothes to order. I so desperately wanted a leather jacket (they were very “in” then) but being petite could nt get one anywhere that fitted that I also liked so I had her make me one. I wish I’d still got it. I designed it myself and near,y drove her me changing things. Problem was I knew what I wanted but was unable to articulate it sufficiently for her to understand! As I recall it was black with Suede trim in that Royal blue colour that was everywhere. It was absolutely beautiful- she really is extremely talented - and I wore it to death. Best of all no one had the same! I must say I always imagined her making a little doll of me and savagely sticking her dressmaking pins into it after very call or visit 🤣.
What on earth has happened to Jenny Blackhurst’s face?! Not so long ago she was advertising some kind of peach flavoured collagen drink and I commented that she had big circles under her eyes. They’ve gone but then so have her eyes - they’re just a couple of slits! Obviously it’s nothing to do with the collagen drink! Her hair scraped and slicked down doesn’t help but she looks terrible. She looked better with the eye bags!
Dear Lord, just switched to see THE most awful outfit on the older model Sara. It's a Marla Wynne 407778 jacket in white. Words failed me as it was described as "looking fabulous on Sara...". The baggy sleeves way past her hands -- too tight on the back -- worn with white jeans and black boots.

Who in their right mind ...... ?
I've just managed to see that clip, and I agree with everything you say, but you forgot to mention that with her white poodle hair, well she just looked like a French poodle, all that was missing was the bow on top of her head. Those sleeves are ludicrous and they'd drive you mad...I mean you couldn't eat wearing it for a start!

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