Gabbling presenters


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Oct 20, 2009
Umbria, Italy
I replied to a post the other day commenting that presentations are more frenetic than of old. Then, proving my point, I saw a repeat hour with Messrs. Campbell and Murphy and it was unbearable. I can't remember either of them talking so quickly in the past.

Then I saw a Kim and Co hour with Debbie Flint and Carla Laszlo and what a difference. I am not a huge fan of Ms. Flint but she does speak at a normal pace and describes the items she is selling, and I also appreciate it when she asks the models (bossily at times) to move their hair out of the way or take off a superfluous belt/coat/scarf which is impeding the spectator from clearly seeing what is actually being presented. Carla is always calm and measured unlike Jenny Blackhurst who has also adopted a slightly hysterical style in recent months.

There are a few presenters who maintain a calming style; Julia, Katy, Catherine, Dale and Will are those who immediately come to mind and who don't incite me to throw my mug in the direction of TV, whilst Jill and Chloe, and a few others who should know better, do.
I think nearly all the presenters are now guilty of talking far too fast AND FAR TOO LOUD. They talk over the BA's who then shout as well to try and be heard. I find myself turning the sound down all the time and sometimes turning it off completely. Jilly is about the only one I can listen to of late and she's hardly ever on when I watch.

It is even more frustrating as the gabblers are also the ones least likely to provide useful, relevant information about the products featured in the shows!
Despite not being a major fan of Debbie or Julia, I have viewed them with new appreciation for their capability to give all the relevant information.
It is even more frustrating as the gabblers are also the ones least likely to provide useful, relevant information about the products featured in the shows!
Despite not being a major fan of Debbie or Julia, I have viewed them with new appreciation for their capability to give all the relevant information.
Debbie Flint is BY FAR the most professional female presenter, whether you like her or not.
I think nearly all the presenters are now guilty of talking far too fast AND FAR TOO LOUD. They talk over the BA's who then shout as well to try and be heard. I find myself turning the sound down all the time and sometimes turning it off completely. Jilly is about the only one I can listen to of late and she's hardly ever on when I watch.

This seems to have taken root on all the selly telly channels now and I can't see what they think it achieves - Gemporia is dire for two presenters talking over each other, trying to outdo each other. All is does is to really hack off the viewer - you end up not being able to hear what either of them are saying even if they're shouting, because it's just a jumbled 'word salad', so personally I lose interest and just reach for the remote.
This seems to have taken root on all the selly telly channels now and I can't see what they think it achieves - Gemporia is dire for two presenters talking over each other, trying to outdo each other. All is does is to really hack off the viewer - you end up not being able to hear what either of them are saying because it's a jumbled word salad, so personally I lose interest and just reach for the remote.
It's a pity. I want to be talked to about products I'm interested in buying, not talked at.
For a good ten minutes this afternoon, before Helene Berman show, Julia was on her own showing the centigrade big deal coat. It was like going back to the early days, before they had BAs. Julia gave all measurements, pointed out the raglan sleeves and the neck tab to change the neckline. Then had a taller model showing that it looked as good on her as the model.
I wish people would yse names so I can relate to who you're talking about. I don't kniw who "eyelid" is or who someone said was Irish, someone else said she's Scottish. Who the heck are you talking about, names please😡
I think her name s Eilidh Nairn and imo is the female equivalent of Simon Mr Insincerity Blagi . And no it’s not because they’re both Scottish I don’t like their presenting skills as I like Anne Dawson.

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