Naming and Shaming


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We're not comparing them...even though I just did.
Oct 17, 2024
Does anyone know when this vile practice started on Ideal World? I'm sure that I tuned into the channel a year or so and they NEVER did it. But now the presenters routinely read out a list of people who have allegedly just bought the product on air. So imagine the scenario - you're sat at home and have just been hoodwinked into buying an overpriced, substandard product that won't do what they said it will do - I'd guess that you're most probably feeling quite low right now but no, that's not bad enough. So then to add insult to injury and to round off your complete and utter humiliation they then have the gall to read your name out on national TV!!! And then even worse say: "congratulations"or "well done!!!" Surely no-one deserves this public disgrace? 😗
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You use to like it!​

What exactly did you buy? You're not Muriel from Doncaster, are you? They're offering extended returns up until 11th January 2025 so it's not too late, you can still get your money back.
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What exactly did you buy? You're not Muriel from Doncaster, are you? They're offering extended returns up until 11th January 2025 so it's not too late, you can still get your money back.
Did I say I purchased anything?
Possibly a reply on a wrong thread, I have nothing to return.
Buyer's regret obviously. They read your name out on air, didn't they? Don't feel too bad though as you're far from being the only one to be sucked in.
I never bought.
Name was never aired.
Not sucked in.

Not sure about your reply's intents.
Personally I don't think they should read out people's names. Gemporia do it all the time. I think TJC do it as well. I am not sure if you can opt out. I also don't know if they are allowed to read out your name without your permission .
Personally I don't think they should read out people's names. Gemporia do it all the time. I think TJC do it as well. I am not sure if you can opt out. I also don't know if they are allowed to read out your name without your permission .

TJC do it for sure.

They all seem to only use first name, so not enough info for someone to work out who is buying.

Interesting question re opting in/out.
BidTV used to do it as well and the names also scrolled along the bottom of the screen, I guess that’s one way that people can get their “15 minutes of fame.” (Or 5 seconds) 😉
There must be some strange sort of sales psychology at work here. They must think that it will encourage others to buy although it's obvious that the list of names is totally made-up. 😳
Personally I don't think they should read out people's names. Gemporia do it all the time. I think TJC do it as well. I am not sure if you can opt out. I also don't know if they are allowed to read out your name without your permission .
Talking Gemporia, I think, in the account settings of your profile you can tick, or untick a box regarding your name on TV, or just anon.
Gemporia do it as well. ellis is always saying "marge " you bought 2...if i was "marge" i would message in " yes i know what i bought thanks, dementia hasn't quite set in despite me not buying any of your primal living garbage"
This is probably because they think viewers are SO flattered if they hear their name being read out. That's supposing 'Marge' even exists - I would have trouble believing them if they said today was Monday.

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