Random musings and general banter.


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I've just got on the ship in Majorca and sampling my first cocktail and there's a bloke at the next table in the bar who is the spitting image of Mike Mason, seriously, I swear I'm not joking! But he's Scottish and quietly spoken. Let's hope he's the only look-a-like I encounter.
Have you asked to smell him or see his watch?
Yes, you are supposed to support yourselves. The state provides a safety net for the poorest/worse off.

Apart from a comprehensive Benefits system.
You can argue it doesn't pay enough.

Oh, and a free at the point of use Health Service for all conditions, except teeth.
But we'll ignore all that and concentrate on £300 a year.

Yes, it is government's fault for paying it for 27 years that people are now used to it.
The y're not arbitrarily removing it. They can't afford it and decided to means test it. Deciding it is unacceptable to pay it to all pensioners, irrespective of income.

So set threshold at Pension credit level, same as free tv licence.

They are! It's now being effectively means tested at the Pension credit income level.

No, it removed it from ALL pensioners above the Pension credit limit. It didn't single out any groups, it targeted all. No matter how much you wish to personalise it for specific groups.

Actually, shopping tv is relevant, sort of.
Who do you think buys stuff from IW?! Pensioners with disposable income, a lot of them.
And there'd a lot more wealthy pensioners as my stats showed.
We can argue about the threshold to remove £300. But the principle to means test.
The saving would not be big enough for just higher rate tax payer pensioners.

The age limits need to be raised for free prescriptions and many other things, imho. 60? No. 65 at least
The country cannot afford giving out benefits they seem to believe they are all entitled to. Cut them, just not me.

This capitalist system is not perfect, you can decide to tax the rich and give benefits to anyone below some threshold. If you think there is enough tax and money to pay for everything. There isn't.
Imho, the country is insolvent and in an IVA, paying interest on 2 trillion pound debt to stay above the waterline. People don't seem to appreciate the financial crisis the country and much of the western world economy is in. Wait for the crash/alignment/WWIII to reset it.
Let's see what the budget hold.
Presumably they will tax the rich with CGT, IHT, car, alcohol, private healthcare and school tax hikes.

I would like to see a GB bond/investment where those who can afford would voluntarily buy £2k or more bond to donate to the country coffers. Labour mooted it.
May I just ask if you’re a pensioner?
I have also put Phead on Ignore.

He picked me up once on my grammar, as I don’t string my sentences together properly, As I’ve said a few times on here I had a stroke when I was 14, which has left me with learning difficulties, sometimes I forget.

I got sent a Private Message saying even though you have learning issues, If you want to get anywhere in life, you need to at least try. You don’t come onto a forum to be told off.

Thats why I don’t tend to post on my worst days, when my Brain Isn’t in Gear as I call it, even though coming in here makes me happy.

Sorry about ranting.
Not a problem Jazzy we all need to rant sometimes. Personally I think it was very rude to comment on your issues especially when you’re not known to them personally.

I’ve set phaed on ignore too. I don’t want a long political spiel. We all have our own opinions. I much prefer the honest debates about the IW shysters and the many tangents we go off on plus the extreme wit and humour. Also the knowledge imparted by forum members.
I've just got on the ship in Majorca and sampling my first cocktail and there's a bloke at the next table in the bar who is the spitting image of Mike Mason, seriously, I swear I'm not joking! But he's Scottish and quietly spoken. Let's hope he's the only look-a-like I encounter.
I bet you nearly passed out with shock, God forbid if it had have been Mason😱😱😱
On about Peter in a strange way I’m missing him
In a strange way I must admit I'm not. I'm tired of his tired act and his facetiousness to be honest. If there was a warm or sincere person underneath it would be different but I don't sense it at all. We've heard all the lies and vulgarity so often together with the nonsensical word salads from the gibbering old fool. He doesn't live in a damp, dingy hovel. He doesn't suffer any serious health issues. He's made a lot of money over the years by swindling gullible or vulnerable viewers. He could retire in comfort from his career in shystering undisturbed by anything resembling a conscience.

Put him out to pasture in the green fields of Winslow.
the new presenter this morning, does that mean somebody is leaving.

Hope it isn't Rob. As mentioned upthread, the only presenter you wouldn't mistrust to tell you your own name…

…Though if someone is leaving because it'd be great to see them go on to bigger and better things, I hope it is Rob.

So I'm now confused whether I want him to stay or get gone! 😂


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