Random musings and general banter.


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This version is NOT Ideal World. It has absolutely nothing to do with previous versions. It is a TJC jumble table channel using the Ideal World moniker. Just like Swan & Edgar watches have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the department store that closed in 1982..
😲what? After all this time now you tell us! I thought this was the ‘Harrods’ of Selly Telly.

I’ve just drunk a boat load of vinegar on the advice of Jally Sacks and Paul Burk cos I wanna be like them..y’know, honest,trustworthy,responsible etc.

He drinks it every morning! Of course you do dear Paul,of course ..and Selly Telly Sally,the darling of this channel,treats it as an antibiotic… like Fluclocksilly(Flucloxacillin is what she meant. Bless her)

Well we’ve had Carnival Clearance,Birthday Bonanza so it follows that the next will be Christmas Crap I guess🤨
😲what? After all this time now you tell us! I thought this was the ‘Harrods’ of Selly Telly.

I’ve just drunk a boat load of vinegar on the advice of Jally Sacks and Paul Burk cos I wanna be like them..y’know, honest,trustworthy,responsible etc.

He drinks it every morning! Of course you do dear Paul,of course ..and Selly Telly Sally,the darling of this channel,treats it as an antibiotic… like Fluclocksilly(Flucloxacillin is what she meant. Bless her)

Well we’ve had Carnival Clearance,Birthday Bonanza so it follows that the next will be Christmas Crap I guess🤨
Wouldn’t surprise me if Christmas Crap launch wasn’t tomorrow
Oh just noticed it's Duchump bullshit time, again.

How did Van Aeriallebrokke get to be an expert in mops and vacuums etc.? Does he have a diploma from an online university of some sort?

Amazon?? Jumble Table TV's biggest competitor, Kwai Chang Caine says...Really? Poundland or the PDSA shops more like??

We've had several new owners over the years, Butler says. But you probably haven't even noticed the change... No... But most of the unpaid creditors probably did!!!
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How did Van Aeriallebrokke get to be an expert in mops and vacuums etc.? Does he have a diploma from an online university of some sort?

Amazon?? Jumble Table TV's biggest competitor, Kwai Chang Caine says...Really? Poundland or the PDSA shops more like??

We've had several new owners over the years, Butler says. But you probably haven't even noticed the change... No... But most of the unpaid creditors probably did!!!
Jeff Bezos will be ******* himself
Erik Ten Hag and Sean Dyche would make good IW Presenters. Sean could have his first show with Sally. You have to read it how Sean Speaks

Shaun, So Sally you say your from Burnley yeah
Sally. Yeah Shaun that’s right
Shaun. Yeah well By how you speak, I think I’ve Spent more time in Burnley than you have, Plus I’ve a Pub named after me
there's definitely a Burnley accent lurking in there, TV mum lets slip the odd word occasionally , I used to work with someone from Burnley its a very broad Lancashire accent. Bit like the Irish woman who kept hers hidden/in-check until instructed to go full on mrs brown boys for the latest IW.

I guess when you are a fashion guru and fragrance ambassador working with the top perfumeries (Perry-Paris/London/Basildon) , one has gotta do ones upmost to not sound like the rough norven bird.
Good to read a contribution from you again, SiRich.
Thanks Duke(y) still keeping an eye on channel 668 shenanigans from time to time and still enjoy a read on here for a bit of a sanity check, had a bit of a break from the tat fest after finding too many of the current presenters more irritating than ever, as if that was possible:LOL:
I can’t agree Phaedrus. Not one bit.
There are many people who have earned just enough to get by, and not much else.
Maybe this would surprise you, but as a young man, and one only just married, we had no spare money at all. I kid you not when I say that a tin of cherry pie filling, so we could make a pie was a once a month (sometimes not even that) treat. As a family we used to only ever buy things second hand. And I don’t mean cars - we never had one. I mean cups, saucers, etc.
As we got older, most of the savings we made as adults and we have not ever claimed a penny from the state, have gone on things to do with ageing -

disability aids and so on. If you have those savings, the state insists you use them before it will help.
Yes, you are supposed to support yourselves. The state provides a safety net for the poorest/worse off.

The government provides a state pension. It provides nothing else for us.

Apart from a comprehensive Benefits system.
You can argue it doesn't pay enough.

Oh, and a free at the point of use Health Service for all conditions, except teeth.
But we'll ignore all that and concentrate on £300 a year.
I’ve worked all my life and have nothing but a state pension and a small personal pension. When I say small, I mean around £100 a month. And I can’t have the state pension until I’m 67, which I don’t think my MS will allow me to reach, sadly.

The next thing is that to give a payment for years means people will rely on it to arbitrarily remove it is cruel. Nothing less.

Yes, it is government's fault for paying it for 27 years that people are now used to it.
The y're not arbitrarily removing it. They can't afford it and decided to means test it. Deciding it is unacceptable to pay it to all pensioners, irrespective of income.

So set threshold at Pension credit level, same as free tv licence.

The government could have chosen to remove the allowance from higher rate taxpayers

They are! It's now being effectively means tested at the Pension credit income level.

. Instead it chose to remove it from single people with only a state pension. That, to me, is wicked.
No, it removed it from ALL pensioners above the Pension credit limit. It didn't single out any groups, it targeted all. No matter how much you wish to personalise it for specific groups.
But let’s leave it at that. Shopping tv is why we are here, and it’s a lot more fun than me worrying whether my 94 year old mum will actually freeze this winter.
Actually, shopping tv is relevant, sort of.
Who do you think buys stuff from IW?! Pensioners with disposable income, a lot of them.
And there'd a lot more wealthy pensioners as my stats showed.
We can argue about the threshold to remove £300. But the principle to means test.
The saving would not be big enough for just higher rate tax payer pensioners.

The age limits need to be raised for free prescriptions and many other things, imho. 60? No. 65 at least
The country cannot afford giving out benefits they seem to believe they are all entitled to. Cut them, just not me.

This capitalist system is not perfect, you can decide to tax the rich and give benefits to anyone below some threshold. If you think there is enough tax and money to pay for everything. There isn't.
Imho, the country is insolvent and in an IVA, paying interest on 2 trillion pound debt to stay above the waterline. People don't seem to appreciate the financial crisis the country and much of the western world economy is in. Wait for the crash/alignment/WWIII to reset it.
Let's see what the budget hold.
Presumably they will tax the rich with CGT, IHT, car, alcohol, private healthcare and school tax hikes.

I would like to see a GB bond/investment where those who can afford would voluntarily buy £2k or more bond to donate to the country coffers. Labour mooted it.
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Yes, you are supposed to support yourselves. The state provides a safety net for the poorest/worse off.

Apart from a comprehensive Benefits system.
You can argue it doesn't pay enough.

Oh, and a free at the point of use Health Service for all conditions, except teeth.
But we'll ignore all that and concentrate on £300 a year.

Yes, it is government's fault for paying it for 27 years that people are now used to it.
The y're not arbitrarily removing it. They can't afford it and decided to means test it. Deciding it is unacceptable to pay it to all pensioners, irrespective of income.

So set threshold at Pension credit level, same as free tv licence.

They are! It's now being effectively means tested at the Pension credit income level.

No, it removed it from ALL pensioners above the Pension credit limit. It didn't single out any groups, it targeted all. No matter how much you wish to personalise it for specific groups.

Actually, shopping tv is relevant, sort of.
Who do you think buys stuff from IW?! Pensioners with disposable income, a lot of them.
And there'd a lot more wealthy pensioners as my stats showed.
We can argue about the threshold to remove £300. But the principle to means test.
The saving would not be big enough for just higher rate tax payer pensioners.

The age limits need to be raised for free prescriptions and many other things, imho. 60? No. 65 at least
The country cannot afford giving out benefits they seem to believe they are all entitled to. Cut them, just not me.

This capitalist system is not perfect, you can decide to tax the rich and give benefits to anyone below some threshold. If you think there is enough tax and money to pay for everything. There isn't.
Imho, the country is insolvent and in an IVA, paying interest on 2 trillion pound debt to stay above the waterline. People don't seem to appreciate the financial crisis the country and much of the western world economy is in. Wait for the crash/alignment/WWIII to reset it.
Let's see what the budget hold.
Presumably they will tax the rich with CGT, IHT, car, alcohol, private healthcare and school tax hikes.

I would like to see a GB bond/investment where those who can afford would voluntarily buy £2k or more bond to donate to the country coffers. Labour mooted it.
The very worst aspects of capitalism, all laid bare, all blindly supported here.

Safe to say, Phaedrus, that you and I do not agree, on any single point of your post.
Not one.

I find your views arrogant and cruel.

And for the first time on this forum, I am going to set you to ‘ignore’.
My life is hard enough anyway, without you making it worse.
I have tried, throughout my life to pay my way. I have never claimed a single penny. But as I approach the end, I discover people like you who believe, somehow, I should’ve done even more.

Well, that hurts. A lot.
I truly find your view aggressive and arrogant.
So, goodbye - I hope you never need what you can no longer fund yourself.
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I last voted in 1997 when I foolishly believed the then Labour Party would bring true changes overall politically, including equality and fairness for all. They didn’t. Now we see Bungle ‘Sausages’ Starmer defending the indefensible of taking £20k to put his son in a GCSE safe house and a box at Arsenal, concerts, clothes etc…while his chancellor (a LABOUR chancellor) cuts the winter fuel payment for those just over the benefits threshold- people on the breadline, as it were. We have an NHS where many of us will end up on trollies in hospital ED corridors, seriously ill, or worse and with no proper connected discharge structure with other services if you are old, vulnerable and lucky enough to survive your arrival at one. Never have I seen such an unbalanced, unfair and unsupportive society as the one we live in now. After my wife’s appalling death at the QMC, and previously watching my mum and dad die without any dignity whatsoever at the Whittington in Archway, I genuinely fear for my own future (or lack of one) when I come to end up in an NHS hospital, seriously ill. That said, with so little state support for people on the financial brink, but just above benefits cutting in thresholds, most of us without additional independent means will have the cold home and the empty food cupboard polish us off, rather than the hapless clinicians.
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