Did someone say another throw away comment (or two or three)?


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Registered Shopper
Mar 2, 2024
I will put them in no particular order, but I think they lead into one another.

Are the staff all on commission? After all, I've lost count of the amount of times multi buy has come into the selling spiel.

I caught sight of a close up of Lindsey's hand. I notice these things. It was fleeting, but to me, it looked 'old' and her bright red (probably Visage?) nails had a large white space at the rear. She either needs to repaint or replace her nails. :p

And talking of presenters. Talk about talk. There are some voices I could hear, of both sexes, 'read a book' they have that, in my opinion, nice a voice in tone and volume. There are those who have such a voice that is so monotonous, they disappear into the background and you 'forget' they are talking, or even what they are talking about. Then there's presenters who talk so much (yes it's their job), but they talk as if they don't use punctuation, so much so they give me a headache and I have to turn them off.
The presenters are definitely on commission, I think that is the only way that we’d get some of these bizarre sales techniques.

I also watched some of Lindsey’s show today and while she is definitely not my favourite presenter in any way, I do think her nails looked fine, they looked like they had been done quite recently to me. Unless you are talking about a show on a different day of course, I’ve only seen them today!
I will put them in no particular order, but I think they lead into one another.

Are the staff all on commission? After all, I've lost count of the amount of times multi buy has come into the selling spiel.

I caught sight of a close up of Lindsey's hand. I notice these things. It was fleeting, but to me, it looked 'old' and her bright red (probably Visage?) nails had a large white space at the rear. She either needs to repaint or replace her nails. :p

And talking of presenters. Talk about talk. There are some voices I could hear, of both sexes, 'read a book' they have that, in my opinion, nice a voice in tone and volume. There are those who have such a voice that is so monotonous, they disappear into the background and you 'forget' they are talking, or even what they are talking about. Then there's presenters who talk so much (yes it's their job), but they talk as if they don't use punctuation, so much so they give me a headache and I have to turn them off.
Lindsay I can listen to for all of about one minute, then it sounds like mice being tortured. Jeff and Jim I used to find quite easy on the ear (although more recently they've got more 'hard sell', IMO). Jess I find irritating and hyper and full of 'wow's, 'what'!! and other cr%p, so two minutes max.
The presenters are definitely on commission, I think that is the only way that we’d get some of these bizarre sales techniques.

I also watched some of Lindsey’s show today and while she is definitely not my favourite presenter in any way, I do think her nails looked fine, they looked like they had been done quite recently to me. Unless you are talking about a show on a different day of course, I’ve only seen them today!
Yesterday's show. But, it was fleeting, as I said ;)

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