Update on comments


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Steve Bennett

Registered Shopper
Apr 18, 2011
Hi everyone, here is just a quick update, I though I would write today, as I am off gem buying for 2 weeks tomorrow.

Our open discussion day is going ahead at 11.30a,m on Wednesday the 25th of May. We would welcome as many people attending as possible. As my assistant Please email my assistant [email protected] if you would like to come along..

Here are a few updates since I last wrote 10 days ago:

Why not a weekly email to customers containing relevant information and concerns. For example this could have been used to warn customers of web site changes and selling changes:
Barry Kirley who you will remember presenters on Rocks TV and has worked for me for many years has taken over the e-commerce side of the company and this is one of the first areas he will be looking at.

Gems FaceBook is poor:
Barry will also be looking at Facebook, Twitter etc.

Can Lady presenters not reveal so much of their….
Hopefully you will have noticed an improvement.

Requests - the facility to request items appears to have now disappeared and customers are expected to rely on the goodwill of the presenters:
We have tried various request methods over the past few years and spent tens of thousands of pounds developing online request formats that directly built show schedules etc. Unfortunately, to-date, requests shows and dropping individual requests into hours have not financially proven viable, therefore currently we do not include them in the TV format. That said, handling requests is always on the agenda and something we continually evaluate new models and ideas.

Since I wrote the response above, we have tried a few hours on Extra where people have been texting in requests. Matt is looking at how we take this further.

Chat going - and the fact that no interaction with the studio is possible at all now.
A text facility was added last week and the chat with Presenter / Producer update is almost ready to for testing.

No international postage facility:
We met with the couriers on Monday and hope to launch this by September.

More higher end jewellery, especially in platinum:
We have a collection of 950 Platinum now in production.

Loud Music:
We have installed some new equipment that should regulate the volume,

Presenters Shouting:
Hopefully you have seen an improvement.

Sorry about this one. I [resented twice this week and no matter how hard my daughter worked on my nails they still looked awful. I am looking at whether I should wear gloves.

Website - no decent search facility. The search facility currently is limited:
I agree this is not ideal. We are working hard on our websites, but have limited resources.

Returns - last time I bought and returned something I had to wait far too long. Most companies take 1-2 weeks to process refunds:
We are averaging less than 48 hours at the moment.
Can Lady presenters not reveal so much of their….
Hopefully you will have noticed an improvement.
Yes - noted thank you, and commented upon in another thread.

Loud Music:
We have installed some new equipment that should regulate the volume,
Nothing noticed yet, in fact just a couple of days ago a presenter was totally drowned out by music. Unfortunately I don't recall the details.

Presenters Shouting:
Hopefully you have seen an improvement.
Not really. Those that never shouted thankfully still don't, but I had to mute Emma (once a favourite), yesterday I think. Nick and Angeline could still break glass - I'd hate them to be my neighbours. :wonder: Ali seems to have complied in all respects.

Sorry about this one. I [resented twice this week and no matter how hard my daughter worked on my nails they still looked awful. I am looking at whether I should wear gloves.
I note that the red nails are gone, but the ghastly ping pong (or would that be wiff-waff) paddles continue to take centre stage with their horrendously filthy and gluey nastiness on the undersides. If the ladies feel the need to wear false nails, can they not consider keeping them short and neutral (at least for working)? Hands would be far better unobtrusive since it's the jewellery that's being sold and not the hands. I think with regard to your own, most of us are aware that you are constantly rummaging about in a pile of rocks and can't do a great deal about it. Unless you were to wear gloves whilst rummaging :cheeky:, which I can see as impractical when handling small pieces, I can't see what you can do. I know a couple of us are disturbed by this, but personally I simply see them as working hands and it doesn't bother me.

Good to hear platinum is one the way but please don't make them all tanzanite or diamonds, lets see some other gems such as sapphire, emerald, Zultanite, rubellite, indicolte and spinel, i could go on but i think you get the idea :)
Steve - just a suggestion. If a presenter has naff nails how about buying one of those hand sculpture things that you can put rings on? That could then go on a turntable (or not). So it gives the illusion of what it'd look like on the hand.

I've got to be honest I'm on the fence as to whether this would look ok.
Thank you for your reaction to our comments Steve and I have indeed noticed that the female presenters are now wearing more suitable attire - a great improvement.
The other points you are working on all sound hopeful, although I have yet to notice any reduction in shouting from the presenters. For some it cannot be simply explained as getting over-excited as they have only one volume and that is very loud indeed. I am extremely sorry, though, that you have not addressed the issue of the gimmick of the heartbeat sound and continue to use it with monotonous regularity on both channels. It is now by far the biggest turn-off for the channels in my opinion - I can't beging to describe how much I hate it.
I completely agree with Argy and iclaudipuss about the awful acrylic paddles (porno nails?!) so beloved of many female presenters. Jerry Lee on Rocks and Co has lovely, natural looking nails, the best of any of the female presenters and they don't detract from the jewellery in any way. I was pleased to notice that the presenter who sported bright red nail varnish had clear nails the other day, but again those awful acrylics.
It sounds as if things might be changing for the better and I so look forward to welcoming back the Gems of old, can't wait.

Steve - just a suggestion. If a presenter has naff nails how about buying one of those hand sculpture things that you can put rings on? That could then go on a turntable (or not). So it gives the illusion of what it'd look like on the hand.

Sorry Meesh, sounds creepy to me - the severed hand of death! Also, how many fingers would it be extending lol :happy:

Inge xx
Hi everyone, here is just a quick update, I though I would write today, as I am off gem buying for 2 weeks tomorrow.

Can Lady presenters not reveal so much of their….
Hopefully you will have noticed an improvement.

I wondered how long this would last. I see Ali is back to the 'late night adult channel' look (Sunday, 1 May; 16:58). I dread to think what might happen to that dress/top(?) if she were to sneeze violently whilst on air! So much for listening and taking on board customers' feedback.!:down: Either Steve has no control over his staff or he has no concern how his company is perceived as long as sales and profit remain high. Clearly, his staff don't listen to him!
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I take back my comments on how I've noticed the ladies are now wearing more suitable attire after Ali's performance last night. Doesn't surprise me because she's had her ****s on show since she started on old Gems years ago. I am female (as are most probably the vast majority of Gems customers) and find it unpleasant and inappropriate for a 'family' business. How can this happen within days of Steve's assurances that it would change?
I don't mind looking at a decent dislay of pretty ****age, but just don't like watching animals trying to make a break for freedom, nor melons bouncing out of their crate. :mysmilie_503: xxxxxx

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