Random musings and general banter.


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Am I being cynical? Do I see a bloke/fella/geezer who always refers to a hypothetical plumber as a bloke, selling a never ending stream of sub-£10 goods in the manner of a BLOKE on a wagon at a mid-1980s Sunday market as not offering the products I would ever want to buy until Hell freezes over? Golden Anus perfume next. Hang on… Glasses on…Golden Shyt…Pick whichever bottle you want, he says!! None of ‘em, fanks…

Oh my giddy aunt…. They’ve brought one out from the Gim…Gallery. Only for a few seconds, thank God. Keep them in there, for all our sakes.
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I’m just catching up and I have to laugh because I’m in Neasden. Yes, it’s rather boring but at least it looked normal until they decided to build the sodding North Circular Road straight through the centre of the High Street leaving only a small section with nothing much to recommend it.
I remember getting my school uniform from the school outfitters in Neasden back in the late 70s/early 80s🙂. I always thought the North Circular was in a strange place!
Oh i've a Duchump in my collection.

Duchump a master watchmaker, designed the raidillon in his workshop in Switzerland, so proud of his Swiss watchmaking heritage he designed it with a Japanese movement and had it assembled in China. Just can't make that **** up. :ROFLMAO:

Wonder when the kids at TJC/IW will have the balls to post here, cowards.
OfTheMasons selling cheap trainers. Usual over the top spiel. These are the ones he's been wearing at home, and he gets lots of compliments about them! People always asking what brand they are🙄 Is that after they've enquired about his watch?

He needs to invest in a new sales patter.

There's a lot you can unpick about Mason's psychology from his sales patter.

He veers so often to selling things to blokes the basis of "you'll get compliments, people will notice you, blokes will want to be you, ladies will want to be with you", etc.

To me, that says a lot about him: he craves attention and validation from others, and he wants to be thought of/seen as being better than others. He thinks people will envy/admire him because of what he buys (watch, pair of shoes, cologne, etc) and what he thinks/hopes that conveys about him to others (that he's rich, fashionable, smart, etc).

Of course, he's flogging utter tat on the channel, and he knows little of what he's selling to punters would ever result in anyone thinking any of the above.

(We've all seen the proper expensive watch he wears when he's not doing watch shows).

But he uses that whole schtick in his sales routine as he assumes everyone has that same raw need to be noticed/admired/seen as better than they are.
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Torchy Weirdo with Duchamp watches (where did he get that haircut?). I don’t know much about watches, but he’s selling one with a skeleton dial. There’s hardly any contract between the hands and the dial and looks almost impossible to tell the time.

He really does spout a load of manure.
Janice now flogging a rechargeable fan with lighting - apparently it's the future of fans!
I feel so cheated, having bought a bladed fan, a shower fan, a fan with water mist, a neck fan........and now I find THIS is the fan I should get.
It looks like you could get a dog's leg in the area with the light - shocked that hasn't been mentioned.

Anyway, looks like Dirty Peter is back Friday - he will not only advise me which fan to buy, not only will he tell me when to multi-buy, he will guide me to 'ave a buy', alright, ok.
Just hope he hasn't tangled with the patio doors again.
Torchy Weirdo with Duchamp watches (where did he get that haircut?). I don’t know much about watches, but he’s selling one with a skeleton dial. There’s hardly any contract between the hands and the dial and looks almost impossible to tell the time.

He really does spout a load of manure.
Your so right. You can barely make out the time for the mess behind. And they want £500 quid!
Torchy starting to get a bit of the Dracula's recently. 👹👹👺
What does persistently come over with Mason on-air is this desire to be liked and admired. His shopping ‘Gang’ with him as the ‘Leader’ of it. Regularly he says he doesn’t care what those who don’t like him (I assume he means on social media) think of him. But by saying it so often you feel he actually really does, which links back to the first ‘desire’ point. The ‘Beautiful Bald Fella’ a case in point. He says it almost in a comedic, detrimental and ironic sense. As if he doesn’t really mean he believes he IS bald and beautiful - the opposite, in fact. But look deeper into it and along with all his other cheeky chappie, blessed to feel music, men admiring his shoes and aftershave in pubs type patter, the probable truth is you DO have here a man who really does believe he is attractive, charismatic, talented and a great sales person. And one who does take extremely sensitively and personally, any views he sees that contradict those beliefs. In turn, he reflects back to us as sales points, that most if not all of the male members of the Gang, live lives so needing of approval, we aspire and yearn to have star struck hairy-arsed dockers in the boozer, tap us on the shoulder and ask us what footwear we have on, or why we smell so good. In other words- you buy in his world to regularly satisfy the burning and insatiable need to be valued by and accepted by others. That tells you much about the values and needs of the seller, but little of the target buyers’ he thinks he influences.
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What does persistently come over with Mason on-air is this desire to be liked and admired. His shopping ‘Gang’ with him as the ‘Leader’ of it. Regularly he says he doesn’t care what those who don’t like him (I assume he means on social media) think of him. But by saying it so often you feel he actually really does, which links back to the first ‘desire’ point. The ‘Beautiful Bald Fella’ a case in point. He says it almost in a comedic, detrimental and ironic sense. As if he doesn’t really mean he believes he IS bald and beautiful - the opposite, in fact. But look deeper into it and along with all his other cheeky chappie, blessed to feel music, men admiring his shoes and aftershave in pubs type patter, the probable truth is you DO have here a man who really does believe he is attractive, charismatic, talented and a great sales person. And one who does take extremely sensitively and personally, any views he sees that contradict those beliefs. In turn, he reflects back to us as sales points, that most if not all of the male members of the Gang, live lives so needing of approval, we aspire and yearn to have star struck hairy-arsed dockers in the boozer, tap us on the shoulder and ask us what footwear we have on, or why we smell so good. In other words- you buy in his world to regularly satisfy the burning and insatiable need to be valued by and accepted by others. That tells you much about the values and needs of the seller, but little of the target buyers’ he thinks he influences.
I know this might be an odd thing to say but I wonder if underneath all this swagger he has low self esteem. Everything is so exaggerated, the swagger, the constant need for reassurance and sensitivity. Probably not but the thought just occurred to me.

And referring to your comment about his 'gang', I wouldn't have thought anyone (old enough to remember) would want to be The Leader Of The Gang😂
Peter selling that corded vac last night.

''The power of the plug''
''you have the power of the national grid in your hand''
''power power power''
''don't worry about battery life it runs forever''

He was selling a cordless vac 24 hours before convincing us why they were better!
That's so funny🤣.

He's clearly working on the assumption that Muriel and all her chums have severe memory problems so won't remember what cr*p he spouted 24 hours ago!

This just shows you what Our Friend Peter, Friend to the Stars, Star of Las Vegas really thinks of his audience😏.

Maybe 'Muriel' will come on to defend him and explain his sudden change of heart on corded and non corded vacuum cleaners. Maybe he had some kind of epiphany which made him change his views. Of course there is nothing stopping Peter coming on here as himself and defending his comments. I'm sure we'd all love that😊
I know this might be an odd thing to say but I wonder if underneath all this swagger he has low self esteem. Everything is so exaggerated, the swagger, the constant need for reassurance and sensitivity. Probably not but the thought just occurred to me.

And referring to your comment about his 'gang', I wouldn't have thought anyone (old enough to remember) would want to be The Leader Of The Gang😂
I am finding Mason increasingly irritating and insufferable.

The jack-the-lad I-can-flog-anyfink spiel with his cheapo fragrances masquerading as top brands but they are good enough for the gang attitude.

Then we have to endure the I-got-the-music in me sessions accompanied by his at the wedding dad dancing.

He is boorish and loutish but he regards himself as chummy and charming. Just the sort of person I seek to avoid because you know it will be all me me me.

Mason is really a jumped-up street trader reminiscent of a war-time spiv like Walker in Dad's Army.
I know this might be an odd thing to say but I wonder if underneath all this swagger he has low self esteem. Everything is so exaggerated, the swagger, the constant need for reassurance and sensitivity. Probably not but the thought just occurred to me.

And referring to your comment about his 'gang', I wouldn't have thought anyone (old enough to remember) would want to be The Leader Of The Gang😂
Well, I think I recall him saying on one presentation or other that he was bullied at school at one point - I may be wrong. He also has often said he only has good sight on one eye. This then could well be an example of guy driven to succeed in adult life and that desire driven by those childhood memories. Somebody who has made the best of themselves physically to their standards, and alongside that, has become a well-paid provider/hunter gatherer for his family.

Speaking personally, and I'm sure others on here will know from their own feelings - what happens to you in your childhood years stays with you – good or bad. We are essentially the products of those childhood experiences. I am sure he is no different. And if he was indeed bullied, that low self-esteem bullying brings to you, often remains lingering beneath the self-confident persona one develops to counteract it as you get older. Maybe Mason has travelled a similar path?

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