The Original Cake Company TSV 24/06/24


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I don't eat cakes but I bet these are a bit pricey. Mind you, our local garden centre was charging £3.75 for one scone and £6.20 for a slice of cake - maybe that's what they cost these days?

That is about the going price here, too. Again, you're paying for the cleaning, equipment, staff, decoration, etc, in fact the whole experience of taking up some of their space for half an hour to eat one scone and drink one cup of coffee that they can't rent out to someone else for that time. If money was the only factor, I'd stay at home and make a cup of supermarket instant coffee. I agree with you that item for item, it sounds expensive but these small businesses need our support. QVC isn't a small business and doesn't need my £25 for what could be dry cakes, judging by markd's post - if those cakes are that cheap - to keep going.
If you look at the pics SCW has posted, they even look dry! I personally don't see the point in buying cake off the telly when all the supermarkets do decent cakes at reasonable prices and if you're having people round for tea and you're not a competent baker it's not gonna cost you a fortune to try a few out and pick out best ones, cut them up into slices and display them on a pretty plate (and of course enjoy taste testing them along the way). Chocolate Brownies are the exception as in my experience they're difficult to get right and the supermarket ones I've tried are pretty dire. I wouldn't pay Gower Cottage prices, but as I said on another thread I've discovered Pullin's bakery Brown Owl gluten free ones and they're amazing and not hugely overpriced. I'm all for supporting small businesses but I'd sooner support the ones who are local to me, and not give QVC a piece of the pie!
6 inch cake on at the mo, good choice to be fair. Down from £16!!!!! Now £11.88 but wait for it, £5.95postage! Joke, who in their right mind would pay £17.83 for a 6 inch cake, madness! Get to Marks and Spencer and buy quality, fresh cake, and you would probably get at least three for that price. I'm honestly flabbergasted.
If you want a truly delicious cake - special occasion, money no object, then Pattesserie Valerie do a delivery service. I paid for a chocolate cake to be sent for twin boys birthday. The parents and family said it was the best they'd ever tasted. I treat myself to their slice of black forest in Sainsburys. Not cheap, but it's,quality.
If you want a truly delicious cake - special occasion, money no object, then Pattesserie Valerie do a delivery service. I paid for a chocolate cake to be sent for twin boys birthday. The parents and family said it was the best they'd ever tasted. I treat myself to their slice of black forest in Sainsburys. Not cheap, but it's,quality.
When I was at uni in London I had a friend who was a mature student who wanted a career change from being a chef (she was in the Egon Ronay guide or something like that)and she lived in Guernsey. Every holiday she'd get an amazing cake from the original Patisserie Valerie in Soho. They looked and tasted fantastic.
6 inch cake on at the mo, good choice to be fair. Down from £16!!!!! Now £11.88 but wait for it, £5.95postage! Joke, who in their right mind would pay £17.83 for a 6 inch cake, madness! Get to Marks and Spencer and buy quality, fresh cake, and you would probably get at least three for that price. I'm honestly flabbergasted.
I was going to have a look a the video but saw it was that Banker Andi Peters so turned off.😯

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