Recent content by Whatsinaname


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  1. W

    Carole Hochman TSV 07/06/24

    Agreed but at least it's hideous cotton, not polyester :)
  2. W

    Has anyone tried Benamor?

    Thanks, I'm going to give it a try :)
  3. W

    Has anyone tried Benamor?

    Any views on this brand? The reviews are mixed but I'm always willing to try a new beauty brand now and again. Also (showing off) I'm going to Madeira in a few weeks so it would be a good excuse to drag my partner into a shop to try it out!
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    Best guests

    I saw him a few years ago at the BBC Good Food Show with that very expensive blender
  5. W

    Momentous occasion...for me

    Well done, this takes will power and you've done yourself a favour. Funnily enough, I said the same thing to myself this weekend, after checking my credit card statement and realising I've been paying about £50 a month. I'm not getting sucked into that again.
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    Grace Fashion Collection TSV 24/07/17

    As my dear mother would say - if you have the nerve, you can get away with almost anything :mysmilie_17:
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    Links of London, Orla, Kipling and Lola Rose.

    I have a few older pieces of Lola Rose but I don't like the new ones with metal beads in them and they are using a lot more dyed quartz nowadays which can easily be copied. Links of London is vastly overpriced in my opinion, nice designs but I'm not buying into the hype. I really like my half...
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    Wrong item received but it's better than what I ordered

    Gosh, so many different ways of looking at my situation, thanks to everyone for a fascinating response. This is why I enjoy this forum, an opportunity to have a good debate without being "jumped on" for disagreeing. On balance, I'm sticking to my original plan and keeping the item. I don't...
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    Wrong item received but it's better than what I ordered

    That's swung it for me, I'm keeping it! :mysmilie_50: I reckon someone just stuck the wrong address label on it so it's their mistake. I don't think I'm obliged to sort it out for them.
  10. W

    Wrong item received but it's better than what I ordered

    I recently ordered an item in the QVC sale and when it arrived, the invoice was correct but I actually received a completely different and very nice item of a higher value. Do I keep it? Has anyone else had a similar dilemma?
  11. W

    Hit list! / blast from the past to return

    Dispose of - the Molton Brown 'ambassador' - TOO SHOUTY!! and snobby. Product - anything that says "Richard Jackson's" on it - just encourages him to keep coming back. Practice - plugging their own enterprises, novels,etc. Bring back - Antony Heywood - sense of humour
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    Clarks Shoes TSV 15/03/17

    I agree, I bought a similar Clarks TSV last year in yellow and wore them a lot, everyone loved them, so I've bought the Sand in size 5. I hope they're as comfortable as the yellow ones. I like a platform like this with lightweight trousers in the summer. I live in flats at work so it's nice...
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    Debbie Flint is moving to Devon

    Did it involve wearing white wedges and leggings?
  14. W

    Radley solves all my dilemmas

    Just caught the presentation of the Radley Travel Card Holder in Summer Fig colour. Good old QVC and Radley, only offering one colour option because "the choice is made for you". After all, who would want to choose their own colour, far too demanding at this time of year? :mysmilie_483:
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    Coco Bianco "Fashions"

    I've stopped wearing wide leg trousers at work for that reason! Got caught up with the hems flapping round my ankles walking upstairs a couple of times so I stick to straight legged ones for work now :doh: These were Evans linen trousers by the way, not hideous QVC polyester things. Imagine...