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  1. V

    Hurry Girls Doris Is On !!!

    I've just been watching Catherine on the Electronics hour, and I thought she looked lovely. I think it's very hard to come across as sincere on shopping telly, but Catherine does it very well. To me, comes across as the kind of girl you'd like to have as a friend. Easy to get along with and...
  2. V

    Hi, Newbie on board

    Hi Minne, a big welcome from me, too.
  3. V

    What if...

    I think that's a very good point rainbowdottie. Like you, I don't want to keep harping on about this forever, but I think the problem is that if QVC keep offering the cheque hold option, they are setting themselves up to have the system abused. If you have a cheque book you also have a debit...
  4. V

    I've just had 'the phone call'!!!!!

    Best wishes to your Mum from me also Love A'kin. With all this talk of letters and threats perhaps it's better to go back to the High Street to shop. I'm now very aware of what I return. QVC wins again, I'm afraid.
  5. V

    What if...

    Thanks for saying that...I do enjoy this forum as it's good to hear other views. I think we all have a little of the shopping addiction within us, albeit in differing doses. Nothing wrong in liking to shop though, just as long as we all know our limits. Here's to QVC!
  6. V

    What if...

    I think I'll end my contribution to this thread here as I don't want to annoy anyone else. With me, it's not a case of going against QVC, it's just that I feel that QVC don't warrant loyalty, they are unscrupulous in their pursuit of profit. Any business needs profit, whether it be M&S or...
  7. V

    What if...

    I understand what you're saying Tigers Eye, but when using Ebay you're promising to pay one person - the seller. With QVC it's a company, as such one individual is not out of pocket and having to re-list the item. I think Igelkott has probably picked up a bad habit, rather than wilfully try to...
  8. V

    What if...

    I genuinely don't know why people are getting so touchy about this. I'm sure QVC appreciate your concern. It's good to be so loyal but they're only a shopping channel. It's not a priviledge to be a member. They make pots of money from all their customers, as well as ripping them off as much...
  9. V

    What if...

    Still think you're being tough. QVC make pots of money; as an American company I would think they're probably quite cut throat, especially to their suppliers. People make mistakes, no-one's perfect. Putting goods on cheque hold is not the crime of the century. Sending used goods back costs...
  10. V

    What if...

    I think some are being a little unkind to you here igelkott. Maybe you've put one too many items on cheque hold. I guess you'll now be more careful. I would hate to be struck off QVC's customer base, as they do sell some great products. The high street doesn't always compare. I hope you...
  11. V

    What if...

    I think this thread is getting a bit holier than thou in parts. I see nothing nothing wrong in sending goods back; not half used pots of pro collagen, that seems greedy and wrong, but jewellery that you've changed your mind about, why not? In everyday life we do this, things don't suit and we...
  12. V

    is qvc evil.

    I think QVC beauty is excellent. I would never come across the range of prducts they sell in "real life", and if you can cut through the hype, QVC is an excellent place to shop. I don't think much of their supposed Sales, terrible fashion etc, and why shop for plants on a shopping channel...
  13. V

    This is doing my head in...........

    This is doing my head in.... The only advantage to shopping with QVC now is that it's easy. Membership is set up and you can order on line in a few secs. But, it's all cheaper elsewhere now, you can buy on line at often a fraction of the price. It just takes more effort, and sometimes I'm a...
  14. V

    This is doing my head in...........

    Sorry if this has all been said before, but all this sales malarky is doing my head completely in. Hours and hours of relentless sales goods, and I would think that most of it is stuff that hasn't sold that well, the fashion is terrible and poor presenters living Groundhog Day. This is what...
  15. V

    30 day money back guarantee.........!

    I know I'll be unpopular for saying this but QVC are a business and as such have at times got to protect themselves from people continuing to send things back. I've sent loads of stuff back over the years, if I'm honest mainly because I've changed my mind. I've only once received the wrong...