See they’re on the usual trick, slagging off folding camping chairs in favour of that dreadful pop up, they’re selling today😵💫Hang on! they were selling folding camping chairs the other day and they were a must have if you’re out and about🤔😀
Ah but think of the money he’s saved us in the winter, using one poxy heater, heating one room at a time🤔😀or at least as he would have us believe 😵💫🤣🥴
Yes quite true, more to go wrong not so easy to fix on the road side your self🤬Need a computer just find out what’s wrong most of the time. Can be £50 just to read the codes depending what broken🤔☹️
My thoughts exactly, technology for technologies sake🤬😡Hate modern cars in some ways, even the older cars I typically buy have got pointless extras on now🤔😟God know in a few years time and I’m buying todays latest cars second hand in the future😵💫
Another great name from the past, that did make quality audio😃Now just a name sadly high jacked and used on any old tat not remotely related to their heritage 🤬😡😵💫