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  • Toril
    Toril reacted to historymystery's post in the thread Let's talk ASDA with Like Like.
    A really good service from Iceland for online deliveries round here, too, and it's rare there's any substitutions. The one or two subs...
  • Toril
    Toril reacted to donna255's post in the thread Let's talk ASDA with Like Like.
    I am going to lose my temper with you and your stupid comments about cats and fish! Cats are land hunters, ever see one going out with...
  • Toril
    Toril replied to the thread Let's talk ASDA.
    I’ve only been to Asda once in the last three years, despite the fact that’s there’s a large store less than a five minute drive from...
  • Toril
    Toril reacted to historymystery's post in the thread Let's talk ASDA with Like Like.
    According to our vet, tinned tuna should be an occasional treat, not a regular food, and we always followed this advice - he's the...
  • Toril
    I tried the elasticizer that came in a sample sachet a few years ago. The only thing that it did was to make my hair look and feel...
  • Toril
    Toril reacted to Bea Frugal's post in the thread Ninja TSV 5/3/25 with Like Like.
    I feel like Brenda from Bristol - What, not another one? My only ninja product is the soup maker. I use it all winter and love it. Don’t...
  • Toril
    Toril reacted to Samki's post in the thread Grumpy gardener shovel with Like Like.
    I have that one too - it’s a brilliant shovel
  • Toril
    Toril replied to the thread Grumpy gardener shovel.
    I bought a similar kind of shovel from QVC a couple of years ago, but I can’t remember the brand without going out to the barn but, as...
  • Toril
    Toril replied to the thread Lara Pearl TSV 25/2/25.
    I don’t like pearls so have happily ignored this TSV. The stainless steel part wouldn’t have bothered me though as it won’t tarnish.
  • Toril
    Toril reacted to ohnonotshoppingagain's post in the thread Laura Geller TSV 23/02/25 with Like Like.
    I think AY shoukd take early retirement, personally!
  • Toril
    Toril replied to the thread White Stuff 24/2/25.
    To me, a jumper means warmer than cotton. I guess I must be a tad odd. 😂
  • Toril
    Toril replied to the thread Fantasy QVC clear out....
    I haven’t had custard for years and even then I only liked the tinned custard. I never have milk in the house unless someone’s coming...
  • Toril
    Toril reacted to Battiola73's post in the thread Laura Geller TSV 23/02/25 with Like Like.
    Must be catching. Helene Birman big deal jacket made in Uk using Italian artisan tweed. Gd job AY not presenting as she’d probably...
  • Toril
    Toril replied to the thread Denim Comfy Jacket.
    I must be one of the only people who hasn’t got one and I don’t intend to buy one either.
  • Toril
    Toril replied to the thread Gabbling presenters.
    I had the Morning Show on in the background this morning and, when the Metabolic Gold was featured, Will kept saying “Alison Young, our...