Recent content by stratobuddy


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  1. stratobuddy

    Big Deals 3/3/25 - 9/3/25

    Will reply later, may take a few days, off to OH's soon. Then I can report what she thinks as well.
  2. stratobuddy

    Favourite TV programmes

    Quite amusing - - took it apart and couldn't put it back together, and then another item fell apart :)...
  3. stratobuddy

    Favourite TV programmes

    Rob Brydon used to be on shopping TV.
  4. stratobuddy

    Favourite TV programmes

    Would I lie to you is brilliantly funny, IF you believe thay have no idea what is on the card. About 2 weeks ago Lee Mack made up a brilliant untrue story about why he was thrown out of a swimming pool. It was so good I can hardly believe it wasn't rehearsed !
  5. stratobuddy

    Big Deals 3/3/25 - 9/3/25

    Good news but also a bit annoying. Despite saying it would not arrive today, and despite a large notice on my front door saying that I was in and to RING THE BELL, it arrived at 1555, the bell was not rung, it was left outside, and I didn't discover it until hours later! But at least it has...
  6. stratobuddy

    Big Deals 3/3/25 - 9/3/25

    I doubt they will deliver it tomorrow as it is Sunday, and Monday will be too late as I will be at OH's for the week. I have some other presents for her, but I think she would have really liked this one as she often files her nails
  7. stratobuddy

    Big Deals 3/3/25 - 9/3/25

    It's the HOPE that gets to you, after they had just said they will deliver today :(
  8. stratobuddy

    Big Deals 3/3/25 - 9/3/25

    It was supposed to be arriving today and I needed it today to take to OH in time for her birthday, but, yet again had this mesage - (if the pic is too small to read and it won't enlarge, it said it was out for delivery today but then I had this update) 10:09 - Sat Mar 08 We're sorry, we're not...
  9. stratobuddy

    Big Deals 3/3/25 - 9/3/25

    I have ordered a set, some will be given to OH if they work for me, or else will be returned. Thanks for the advice
  10. stratobuddy

    Big Deals 3/3/25 - 9/3/25

    Something that quickly reduces the length, and if used regularly, I won't have to cut them.
  11. stratobuddy

    Ninja TSV 5/3/25

    I bought a Vitamix in the early days when I first got shopping TV as I got caught up in the hype. I've hardly used it, it's main selling point was that it would crush ice, but having bought it, I have never done this :(
  12. stratobuddy

    Ninja TSV 5/3/25

    Amother food wasting day with Gail.
  13. stratobuddy

    Big Deals 3/3/25 - 9/3/25

    I don't understand how they can be rough enough to actually file a nail to reduce its length, yet at the same time be smooth enough to polish the top. Surely they would rough up the top of the nail, and make it too thin.
  14. stratobuddy

    Big Deals 3/3/25 - 9/3/25

    I've tried lots of files, including a diamond chisel sharpening block and a sandpaper block, but nothing seems to work for me. This has about 70 glowing 5 star reviews, but also has a number of 1 star saying they were rubbish and went in the bin! So has anyone on here used them and can let me...
  15. stratobuddy

    Easiyo TSV 21/12/24

    A litre of UHT milk is currently 69P, which I'm sure is much cheaper than an Easiyo sachet. And I love the flavour, it's much better than the flavour of the original plain Easiyo that started it all off many years ago, Apart from the Hansell sachets I got for free (see above) I have been...