Recent content by sscrett


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    Jill Goldsmith

    So so sad R.i.P Jill
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    Qvc Presenters on Reality shows

    oh oh, you've got me in stitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Superb Drug. My side hurts... Thank you so much.:heart::happy::grin::up::star:
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    Amica the Beautiful Model

    Thank you Jude. All the years that I have 'known' you, you have always been kind and supportive to everyone. Thank you so much, as my heart is just so 'tender' right now.
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    Amica the Beautiful Model

    Please forgive me for my post. I haven't been on the boards for a few weeks. I am also bereaved. My beloved BIG brother passed on the 30th July. I DID NOT KNOW that Beulah had passed. What was wrong with her health, please? Does anyone know? Forgive me. It is all too much. RI.P. Amica and...
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    Amica the Beautiful Model

    Me too. I am also a cancer survivor. I was first diagnosed with endometrial cancer in January 2008.. Had treatment 2011. To GOD be the glory, I am fine, having 3 monthly check ups. I am so so sorry for Amica. I offer prayers for a miracle and send loving hugs. Oh this beastly disease!!!.
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    Prince Harry/James Hewitt

    Princess Diana ONLY met James AFTER Harry was born! It is true. Check out Diana's brother Charles. Dead ringer for Harry, same family.
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    I refuse to let Julian Ballantyne go...!

    Granny jokes... I shall miss the 'his granny' jokes, as in the early days.:happy:
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    :hi::up: I am hoping Andy lifts it. Federer was my obvious favorite, but I am hurraying for Andy....:clapping:
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    Why does Jilly Halliday always sit down?

    too tall perhaps?:cheeky:
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    Memory Foam Matress Topper

    please if you can, get TEMPUR. you will NOT regret it. we have had this nearly 8 years, it WORKS.:sleepy:
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    Amica ... the very lovely Amica

    oh amica, i too will be praying for you, just said a prayer for you now. chin up, and FIGHT with fortitude and courage. cancer hates you to be 'gutsy'. i too had endometrial cancer, and had TAH, BSO in sepember 2011 and one cycle radiotherapy in december 2011 to prevent recurrence. i am 'tough'...
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    thank you miss molly.
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    probably miss molly. how are you? long time? do you remember me of old?:hi:
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    Did anyone hear Julian say, 'his boyfriend' on QVC yesterday and say he has 'outed himself'?:up: He continues to be one of my favorite presenter. ver:clapping:y down to earth!
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    Any news on Amica?

    Cancer Dear Ali, I have never posted on a 'BLOG' before. You are one of my fav presenters, remembering you from 'this morning'. I have been away to Africa, as a Missionary for the last few years, so I missed your 'news'. I am so sorry that you went through this, but by the grace of GOD, you...