Recent content by sonvida


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  1. S

    News from me

    Congratulations and many many happy years together. You should both have a great future together:glass:
  2. S

    my Grandma wants a new Undercounter Fridge with Freezer Section

    hi. definitely worth changing the bulb which is really easy rather than buying your mum a new fridge. but if the fridge is still quite new it may worth seeing if you still have a warranty so they can look at anything else that isn't working properly.
  3. S

    Warning on Gel manicures

    not sure why you are all so cynical. why is a manicure worth your long term health. suspect there is no smoke without fire and i suspect that those chemicals pose a real danger. remember it can take years to prove links between chemicals and illness (cancer etc) only have to think back to...
  4. S

    Warning on Gel manicures

    i think there may be a problem with gel manicures and the gel polish. i was advised by my doctor that they can cause allergic reactions after many months/years of use and can cause permanent nail damage. the reason that the polish stays on so long is due to the gel containing a form of 'glue'...
  5. S

    Presenters 'white noise'

    I know that this may not go down well but if you don't enjoy watching the channel you don't have to. No one is forcing you to endure the screaming and hysteria. This is TV shopping and as a consumer we all have the choice. After all you can order from the web site and not have to turn the...
  6. S


    Hi. ALthough I haven't posted much I have bought a lot from gems in the past. I'm sure steve does check out what's being said. the fact that he doesn't do anything about what is raised is a whole different matter. To be honest I think that the quality is poor of late and doesn't represent...
  7. S

    Its been a year since "A go at a "constructive" thread" was done.

    jacaualina agree with you. Meesh - would love to know how your meeting came about. Did you write the 3 page document and ask for the meeting?? The reason i'm interested is that if gems want feedback they need to get a range of opinions and feedback and act on what they have been given so...
  8. S

    Cracked Ipad Screen

    hi. can help with this as i had an ipad crack after 10 days. i didn't drop it or bang it but left it to charge overnight and found it cracked the next morning. I phoned apple straight away and explained the problem and made an appt at my local apple store. I did some research on the...
  9. S

    Milano Charm hour on Rocks TV

    what doimand do you like