Recent content by Selly telly novice


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  1. S

    Lock & Lock TSV 12/4/16

    That is the image i get if i access the website through the e-mail link sent to my laptop and iPad, yet i don't see it if i access the website through the e-mail link sent to my mac and iPhone, weird or what. Its the same email address thats accessed, just on different devices. Out of curiosity...
  2. S

    Julia's vocabulary.

    Believe me, you would be committing murder if you ever crossed paths with my daughter's boyfriend, who's descriptive powers definatly mark him out as a future QVC presenter, if he fails in his preferred career. This is how he recently described the colour of his mothers new car...
  3. S

    Lounge wear

    like most of her generation had a 'china cabinet' where the 'best' crockery lived. Yip she had one of those as well, we all called it "the sore bum cupboard", because thats exactly what you ended up with, if you dared to go near it. As for lounge wear mine mostly consists of whatever joggers &...
  4. S

    Lounge wear

    This thread reminds me of my my gran, who was one of these people who refused to answer the door to anybody, no matter who, without a full face of makeup, hair immaculate, full jewels and dressed in House of Frasers finest if she was going out or M&S's if she was staying in or doing housework...
  5. S

    Generator steam irons

    "One of the irons automatically adjusted itself for different materials, so it had no dial, and they left it standing on the cloth as it is guaranteed not to burn". I have a feeling the iron Strato is talking about is from the "Philips Perfectcare" range, similar to the one i have. Plus: They...
  6. S

    Cook's Essentials TSV 29/01/16

    Thanks for your advice. Orea you kind of hit the nail on the head, one of my main concerns is just that. If she does like it and gets used to using it, then something goes wrong, its then getting QVC to fix it. Apparently the QVC guarantee on electrical is only 6 months, thats really bad. At...
  7. S

    Cook's Essentials TSV 29/01/16

    The family are thinking about getting one of these for my Mil & just Wondering if anyone can give me a bit of advice on using this product. Mainly is it really as easy to use as Q are trying to imply. Had a look on Qusa, but their cookers are different styles to this one also appear to be huge...
  8. S

    No More Nina on Leighton Denny Shows

    Wonder if this has something to do with her decision. "Hammer Holdings’ Chairman, George Hammer, has been involved in the Beauty and Wellness industry for decades – from The Fitness Centre in 1975 (which included the Alternative Therapy Centre), to The Sanctuary, the world’s first urban day...
  9. S

    All I Want For January Event

    Sorry to disappoint you Akimbo but i make my own sausages, burgers, pizza dough, bread etc, in fact pretty much everything we eat were possible and practical is organic, meat is free range and meals are made from scratch and no i'm not a Generation game contestant or some head up my A*** trendy...
  10. S

    Wearable Christmas motifs

    The most emm "interesting or disturbing" (depends on your point of view) displays of Christmas attire I have ever witnessed was in Australia a few years ago. One of the bright sparks in a local bar near where we were staying, decided to run a charity night competition, called "SPEEDO...
  11. S

    TV Guide

    If you type TV guide into the search box at the top of the page it brings up the TV guide and lists the presenters doing the show beside the program. I've always did it that way never realised there was a different way of doing it.
  12. S

    Joan Rivers & QVC

    While rummaging around the net today looking for something I needed for work & uni, came across this rather interesting article in Forbes about Joan Rivers relationship with QVC. I know her product line was popular, but I had never realised how popular. Also gives a little background about...
  13. S

    What do they actually use Ipads for?

    Don't you dare interrupt to correct me when I say something clearly inaccurate and wrong. I am always right even when I'm wrong and don't forget it. How dare you think you know more about this product than me, just because you represent the company. Shut up I'm talking.
  14. S

    QVC changes

    In my honest opinion it would appear that Ms Flint has somehow managed to get hold of a very large mouldering lump of s**t with regards to someone in management, now with her Svengali status on the rise and her cult firmly established, she has decided for whatever reason that this is the ideal...
  15. S

    Beauty bash 2016

    From my understanding Beauty Bash tickets in theory note "IN THEORY" should be issued subject to the following criteria: Number of purchases within beauty category per year; Cost of each purchase; Total yearly spend on beauty purchases Purchasing patterns: Do you only purchase TSV's; Do you...