Recent content by saffron bun


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  1. S

    Debbie Flint returning?

    Just seen the 'Debbies Coming Home' promo on QVC! Haven't watched it in ages but will definitely watch to see Debbie again.
  2. S

    What happened to Molton Brown?

    I agree. I ALWAYS got the MB tsv for my Xmas prezzie from my aunt - I didn't like the stuff - very overhyped imho - but it was always a nice little earner for me on Ebay!!!!:tongue2:
  3. S

    Michael Dicesare coming back to QVC

    Would be great to know why he turned his back on the deal with IW!! I don't think it's often QVC take brands back on after they've left?? Wish I knew the goss on this one!!!
  4. S

    Vodafone Tocco 4 day deal do not buy !

    I didn't know if you could tell before you bought it - that's what is putting me off buying one, once you've bought it it's too late!
  5. S

    Vodafone Tocco 4 day deal do not buy !

    Have been away for a few days and missed the offer you had - it was a cracking deal. Oh well - maybe next time! Just out of interest, how could you tell the black one was unlocked? It will be handy to know cos i need a new phone & don't want the hassle of new number etc, as I like the number &...
  6. S

    Feather Bed or Memory Foam

    So true! I'm sure on the demos they said this didn't happen which why we bought one. It was like having needles stuck in you all over the place, it went in the dogs bed eventually!!!:giggle:
  7. S

    Worst QVC products

    I'm soooooo glad you all hate the microfibre towels too! I was given a set last year for using on my baby as they are lovely & soft but they absorb diddly squat in the way of moisture! I've washed them & washed them hoping that would help but she ends up being just as wet as when she started...
  8. S

    FlyFlot...a load of old rubbish.

    I bought 2 pairs when Ideal World first started selling them - they were the singularly most uncomfortable pairs of shoes I ever had the misfortune to own!! sold them on Ebay eventually. At the beginning of the year, i saw a pair in a chairty shop for £1, they seemed comfy & bought them. I...
  9. S

    Tignanello Guest

    She'll be worse than ever after the Iona-from-Edinburgh-what's-your-name humiliation ??? Do tell!!!:giggle:
  10. S


    Yes, they do dig in if you don't get the positioning right - but I suppose that would come with practice. I don't use mine anymore as my hair is now short but they certainly were handy & more stylish than loads of hairpins/slides. I have seen those 'african' ones on sale at agricultural shows...
  11. S

    Ready to wear eye collection - Ye Gods!

    Why demonstrate it on a model with such pale eyelashes? It may not have looked quite so horrific on someone with a darker lash. Poor girl she looked like she had 4 stumpy lashes and a bad case of blackheads!
  12. S

    Ready to wear eye collection - Ye Gods!

    Is anyone else watching this? It's like car crash TV. Flaky clumpy mascara for £25??:52: The poor model is trying not to laugh at the comaparison pictures - she looks better before than after!! The mascara is flaking so much he is having to brush it away!!! Don't they realise we can see how...
  13. S

    Tova Diamonique TSV

    Was Ernest Borgnine mentioned at all???:grin:
  14. S

    Have you read the reviews for the last Butler and Wilson TSV??scathing!!

    One of the reviewers says 'I do agree about the earrings not sitting correctly in the ears but when I changed the posts the problem was rectified'. Surely the point being that having paid nearly £40 for them you shouldn't have to change anything to get them to fit properly?? she still gave it 5...
  15. S

    Pick of the Day 20/06

    It's £19.99 on the website too, plus their P&P is only £4.95. Don't know if they are anything to do with IW as they are also based in Peterborough.