Recent content by ruth


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  1. R

    Gems TV - Good Customer Service & deserves praise

    have to say they were terrible with my complaint, i bought a diamond ring via rocks it was £150 cheaper than the normal price but the basket price wasn't as low as it should have been, i changed the currency to dollars and they cancelled the order because i had checked out in the wrong currency...
  2. R

    Longest request time?

    Just asked live help again and apparently there is only one left so cant be auctioned what a waste of a night
  3. R

    Longest request time?

    I'm sitting here patiently waiting for my request for the last 3 hours 20 minutes :33: . Its deffinately instock as i requested it the "proper" way through help at rocks and it was supposidly coming up. Only that i would really like the mystic topaz bangle and i have a basket ready to be checked...
  4. R

    QVC Breast Cancer Care Event Items

    they have just emptied my cart it wouldnt let me pay grr
  5. R

    QVC Breast Cancer Care Event Items

    did they say the mop necklace is the last item
  6. R

    QVC Breast Cancer Care Event Items

    i wonder are they not selling claudia's necklace and earings surely they would have been shown by now:33: i know the ring she is wearing sold out from the digby show earlier on in the day
  7. R

    QVC Breast Cancer Care Event Items

    2 grand for uri gellar :11::11::11:
  8. R

    QVC Breast Cancer Care Event Items

    i do love that pink coat ive got adidas trainers in the exact same colour lol:1:
  9. R

    QVC Breast Cancer Care Event Items

    ive loads of things in my basket cant decide if i want them or not
  10. R

    QVC Breast Cancer Care Event Items

    hopefully it will pick up in this hour when most people will be home from work and turning on the tv etc
  11. R

    QVC Breast Cancer Care Event Items

    your lucky cs let you order they wouldnt let me order and i had to go through the normal phone number
  12. R

    QVC Breast Cancer Care Event Items

    690331 maurano necklace
  13. R

    QVC Breast Cancer Care Event Items

    335875 bell earings
  14. R

    QVC Breast Cancer Care Event Items

    edit phoned the normal phone line instead of cs and they ordered them for me :21:
  15. R

    QVC Breast Cancer Care Event Items

    its so annoying they previewed the bell earings but were not allowed to buy them because theyve not been shown :33::33: