Recent content by Pickothday


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  1. P

    I'm in shock. P&P was actually mentioned!!!!

    Wow, the presenter this afternoon mentioned a deal to save on P&P!!!! I have never heard P&P mentioned by ANY presenter on any of the Situp channels before, ever. Today they were selling the duvet/sheet/curtain combo. Instead of selling them as 3 lots like they usually do, they sold as one...
  2. P

    Festive Food TSV 05/10

    Where from?!! Previously the brag by the man selling this meat was that he knew where all the meat came from. The importance of this fact was always stressed. You should always know where your meat comes from, and they could track it back to each individual cow etc..... Just watching now...
  3. P

    Festive Food TSV 05/10

    Got to give the man credit for actually getting a word in, when Simon is presenting!
  4. P

    Festive Food TSV 05/10

    Buccleuch foods Has everyone on this board got a short memory?!! The little (fat) man peddling this meat is notorious. He started on Ideal World, then switched to QVC selling genuine "Buccleuch" quality meat. I can't find a suitable link, but there were many threads at the time. This was...
  5. P

    Hp tsv 15/11/08

    It is actually running Vista 64bit version, a bit unusual for a home system.