Recent content by PhædrusR


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  1. PhædrusR

    Random musings and general banter.

    Ohhhh, 'cake'. It could have been worse... ⬇️
  2. PhædrusR

    Random musings and general banter.

    Haven't heard 'moosh' for ages. Along with 'fizzog' we had the other week. Thanks for that.
  3. PhædrusR

    Random musings and general banter.

    No, you were fine, it was a joke, a play on words. Mistake Miss Steak. Misspelling, Miss Spelling.
  4. PhædrusR

    Random musings and general banter.

    Miss Selling. Is she also on the channel?
  5. PhædrusR

    Random musings and general banter.

    Because to mop up is a verb also, not just a noun. The verb for a broom is to brush. Ask a silly question, get a serious answer. 😜 S'ok, I know you were jesting.
  6. PhædrusR

    Random musings and general banter.

    Dunno'. Probably because they can't make a profit on them when they're available everywhere else at similar or better prices and tech doesn't have large profit margins, unlike beauty products. Possibly also don't want the hassle of tech support, returns and warranty claims if there are...
  7. PhædrusR

    Favourite TV programmes

    Anybody started watching the new Bergerac reboot on U&Drama? I started in the first episode and it looked interesting, although some similarities to Whitstable Pearl: morose detective, lost his wife, depressed/alcoholic, has a daughter he has a difficult relationship with. @merryone Pottery...
  8. PhædrusR

    Random musings and general banter.

    Glad you're still around on here. You could always just post on topics of interest and leave the comedy sketches/pastiche images alone for the time being. Just a suggestion. Or come join our Off-topic discussions on Favourite TV, Asda, etc.
  9. PhædrusR

    Favourite TV programmes

    "Brilliant!" Oh no, that's Paul Whitehouse's character.
  10. PhædrusR

    Random musings and general banter.

  11. PhædrusR

    Favourite TV programmes

    Pottery final: what was that half disc thing embedded in his big pot? A ufo flying saucer? Is that his hobby or interest? I didn't see the earlier explanation background. Ahhh, with the popcorn was it a homage to sci fi B-movies or something? I thought the other guy's animated zoetrope was better.
  12. PhædrusR

    Favourite TV programmes

    This episode recent revelation was that Clarkson, amongst all the other things he doesn't know too, doesn't know that a 'hump day' is the office colloquial slang for Wednesday, the middle of the working week. He'd never heard of it. This a man who's worked as a journalist for 40 odd years...
  13. PhædrusR

    Random musings and general banter.

    This episode recent revelation was that Clarkson doesn't know that a 'hump day' is the office colloquial slang for Wednesday, the middle of the working week. He'd never heard of it. This a man who's worked as a journalist for 40 odd years, worked in offices all that time. Also has no clue about...
  14. PhædrusR

    Random musings and general banter.

    The (any watch he's flogging) is an: "all-metal automatic" "built like a tank" "22 jewels, so incredibly accurate" As opposed to made out of rubber and feathers? It's just a bog-standard cheap automatic movement in a case with some basic complications and a cutaway flowery face.
  15. PhædrusR

    Random musings and general banter.

    No, he collects Dust too. It's an exclusive brand.