Recent content by nothingtodowithbid


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  1. N

    My motivation

    The Royal 'we', of course. Again I can only express my opinion that Sit-up are boisterous in their aim to confirm to all Ofcom regulation, I'm sure that they would be crazy not to.
  2. N

    My motivation

    I post on this forum with the same anonymity as you all do.
  3. N

    My motivation

    I have not posted here under any other name. I simply want, without prejudice, to put another point of view onto this forum.
  4. N

    My motivation

    OK, in this instance the presenter in question confused 73 with 93 which we argue is an acceptable mistake to make in the heat of a live presentation. The argument made is that this does not detract from the overall quality of the product. For example if a sales person stated that Rolex was...
  5. N

    My motivation

    In a way I agree. However, many product advertisements on TV receive upheld complaints, and the protocol is to remove the ad in its present form, which Sit-Up have consistently done. So compliance is met. The issue the ASA have is that due to to relentless pestering by a small number they feel...
  6. N

    My motivation

    See above deepee
  7. N

    My motivation

    I have. Hence why I feel that the vast majority are simply the act of one, or a very small group of people who have an issue with Sit-Up. A good example is the fact hat they all (almost) resort to bid, and exclude PD, despite the fact that the channels are delivered on the same sale point. I...
  8. N

    My motivation

    What right do I have? As much right as you to post on here. I think I have described my view in the posts on this thread. Feel free to have a gander if you fancy.
  9. N

    My motivation

    Quite. The ASA have to pass on the issue at some point, if they feel that they cannot bring a conclusion. They are not expressing an opinion of guilt, as many on this forum appear to assume.
  10. N

    My motivation

    I'm not suggesting it's a positive that the company has received this number of ASA placements. But it is perhaps worth noting that many of these placements are put forward by a small number of repetitive, nuisance complainers. I'm sure OfCom will recognise this, and is probably the reason that...
  11. N

    My motivation

    Thank you. This makes me feel as welcome as PJ. singing Happy Birthday at the ladyslashgodess's big day.
  12. N

    My motivation

    Anyone who isn't faithfully singing from the 'death-to-situp' Hymn sheet is trolling. Then I plead Guilty.
  13. N

    My motivation

    Aren't you just a Saint, PJ. So selfless, and not at all bothering. :star:
  14. N

    Ofcom launches investigation into the Sit-up channels

    Oh PJ., Never was so much owed by so many to so few. What a consumer champion you are. I'm sure when the regulators have finished prodding around at sit up, and we are back to normal, everyone will sit down with a bottle and chortle the night away at your tiresome posts. ;)
  15. N

    Ofcom launches investigation into the Sit-up channels

    P.J. Christ, get over yourself. Stop looking, stop hating. Bid tv staff are doing a job, and getting on with their own lives. Give it a go yourself.