Recent content by Mollie


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  1. M

    Nails Inc TSV 4/3/25

    Same for me - just had a delivery of the Sloggi underwear at 8 o'clock - forgot the QVC email said it would be delivered today - I'm London 🤔
  2. M

    Hedgehog House

    I've never seen any fence with hedgehog holes but you can buy baseboards, usually concrete but Wickes does a wooden one. Obviously no use if your other fences were then at different heights -I was thinking about getting one as my fence with a broken hole at bottom needed replacing but then...
  3. M

    Molton Brown TSV 18/12/24

    I remember you posting that but knowing IW it could be a stock issue - from what I've seen (and I've watched a bit after buying the MB although have no plans to buy again) they are always talking about it's sold out/it's the last time you'll see it but then its back straight away - so perhaps...
  4. M

    Does QVC give anything to charity at Christmas ?

    I think you may well be right what with Liz Earle and l'occitane I've dipped into much more shows than usual and it was the first time I heard it. Not cynical - on the ball!
  5. M

    Does QVC give anything to charity at Christmas ?

    I watched a little of the molton brown presentation last night and there was a promo video where they said QVC were donating £45,000 to the Trussell Trust (food banks) and encouraging customers to do the same- didn't catch details as I was wandering about at the time..........
  6. M

    Molton Brown TSV 18/12/24

    because of all the controversy , (especially about the Pink Pepper which is a favourite), as I had finished a PP I opened the one yesterday from the IW box with batch made May 2023 (I usually have 3 shower gels on the go and would normally have chosen something else). While the smell wasn't as...
  7. M

    Liz Earle TSV 13/12/24

    Thanks so much Mercury and Ani for querying this - I've just bought the serum and eye cream, £24 each is a terrific price and QVC sent me a £5 off code last week which almost takes care of the postage 🤗. Yet another xmas gift to myself 🤣
  8. M

    Homeworx back on QVC

    Yes CC - showing 8pm, I will be out (which is probably just as well 😁) but may just record 😉
  9. M

    Homeworx back on QVC

    Totally agree 👍 He disappeared a few months back and there was only Homeworx in clearance so I think most of us thought he might have gone for good.....
  10. M

    Homeworx back on QVC

    T Thanks SCW - at least we know you will alert us when he does have a tsv 😉
  11. M

    Homeworx back on QVC

    This is great news, thanks for pointing it out! I was only thinking this week (when I was lighting one of his candles) whether he was selling anywhere in the UK - so pleased he's back on qvc 🙂
  12. M

    Liz Earle TSV 13/12/24

    While I agree it's a shame every tsv contains cleanse and Polish (it almost put me off buying the superskin set but not quite 🤭) if you haven't tried the Rose and Bergamot CP it's a really nice texture and the fragrance is subtle but very pleasant - my tube is the 250 and it's lasting forever!
  13. M

    Does Molton Brown have expiry dates on there Gift Boxes?

    I think your assumption is correct Donna- I bought two of the MB sets from IW and after checking the batch numbers on the box (thanks to instructions from Illoyd ) one was manufactured May 2023 and the other July 2023 so not fresh stock but well within the three year "best before" use. Leaking...
  14. M

    Does Molton Brown have expiry dates on there Gift Boxes?

    Not necessarily 🤔 because of this molton brown thing I've been looking at the IW forum and discovered the Random Musings etc thread. ...... so many of the posts made me laugh out loud 😂 and I'm not usually a laugh out loud person! I thought surely the shows and presentations can't be that bad...
  15. M

    Does Molton Brown have expiry dates on there Gift Boxes?

    So sloppy, glad you noticed - maybe if the tops were loose it could explain any reaction to conditions if not airtight 🤔. I've checked and although some of mine (that I hadn't already opened to test) weren't tight they weren't "open" as such. Our purchases do seem like Russian roulette but I'm...