Recent content by missbabs


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  1. missbabs

    Drinks are on me 🍸

    Just a random post to say how this group always cheers me up,especially today as it's my birthday ( no need for greetings & such). But if you were passing,Babychams are on me...thanks folks💜 Also,why was cheeky Margaret Dabbs wearing her negligee last night 🤦🏼‍♀️
  2. missbabs

    I thought I only disliked Ophelia as a presenter......

    Willy is my fave too,can't tolerate any of them for too long. Del boy is getting worse for sucking her belly in! If she moves suddenly it's all gonna flop out. I already feel suffocated I could do without nausea too🤦🏼‍♀️
  3. missbabs

    What's Happened to What's Cooking?

    I read that as 'people slapping faces' 🤣. Ooh,I'd be on the next train to Chiswick just line them up!
  4. missbabs

    Catheirne Huntley Weight Loss

    Boots do a variety of weight loss jabs and there's the Allurion Gastric Balloon...the pill that you swallow. But to the crazies that believe all their bull,it's a fantastic new supplement🤣
  5. missbabs

    Catheirne Huntley Weight Loss

    How delicious that would be🤣 unfortunately us mere mortals will never know as we definitely won't receive an invite ( I'd probably be vomiting throughout,so good job really)😬
  6. missbabs

    Does Ruth..

    Mrs.Solcombe 🤣🤣🤣
  7. missbabs


    🤣 She must've had a barrel of it backstage 🙄
  8. missbabs

    Does Ruth..

    Absolutely 💯% 💪
  9. missbabs

    Help needed to unhear "you're loving this"

    😄 yes! The viewing figures have gone through the roof...the gloss one is always so tacky☺ Even her dog Sky has had enough Q 💩...last seen heading towards the nearest cliff🙄 🤣 The Cleaver Cult! (One slip of the keyboard and I'd be banned for life). Abi will not rest until every single...
  10. missbabs

    Model JC

    I don't dislike Cordelia,she lives on the island of Gozo (Malta). Had many lovely holidays there. Anyway,you'd think she'd slap some of Prai neck cream on those crow's feet tbh. Probably why she doesn't smile alot. Don't want to sound spiteful but she's obviously conscious of them.
  11. missbabs

    Catheirne Huntley Weight Loss

    Chunts mini me,aka her daughter is getting married this year🤦🏼‍♀️. I can only imagine the car crash that will be🤣
  12. missbabs

    Catheirne Huntley Weight Loss

    A few do,some never and do not use an ipad etc. She is the worst one for this...typical Narcissist 🙄 As we know Chunts is a yoyo dieter & as someone else mentioned 'the Wedding of the year' is fast approaching. AY not sure,she raves about this herbal medication but it could probably be that...
  13. missbabs

    plus size models

    Saw that too,it made me feel sick tbh. Must have been painful,honestly the backstage 'style' team want sacking 🙄
  14. missbabs

    Catheirne Huntley Weight Loss

    That and Tik Toc. Bloody awful both of 'em. Chunts mentioned today she's mostly on IG nowadays & rarely goes onto Twitter/X. Probably because she got severely trolled on the latter 🤣🤣🤣
  15. missbabs

    Catheirne Huntley Weight Loss

    Don't get me started on pay,minimum wage etc etc. Women work flipping hard & get little thanks or a decent wage. But kudos to you 💪