Recent content by misiuszka


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    Andrew Bagley

    Snap! I was wondering who all these forum members were as I didn't recognise their names! And then I was thinking surely Andrew is older than 46 🤣
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    Laura Geller TSV 23/02/25

    I find BM foundation in its powder form just like B&B in that I've had both years - they seem to last forever! Having said that I've around 12-15 foundations, all different coverage and colours for different occasions and time of year...
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    Caso Hot Water Dispenser

    Thanks Alison very helpful!
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    Laura Geller TSV 23/02/25

    I like IT cosmetics and the BA Rosie was very good too.
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    Caso Hot Water Dispenser

    Ah ok thanks x
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    Caso Hot Water Dispenser

    This is on feature price (£99.96) at the moment - anyone know how long it will be at this price for? Also has anyone any experience of it? It get very good reviews. Many thanks!
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    Dressage by Paul Costello TSV 26/02/25

    Dressage?? I thought it was going to be a horsey TSV....
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    Big Deals 17/2/25 - 23/2/25

    I have a friend who has been using the CurrentBody version for 6 weeks and is seeing positive results
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    Laura Geller TSV 23/02/25

    Ooooh really? Now that is something I would get excited about (y) :)
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    Wet and Forget

    The blue one is excellent - not tried the pink as you're just paying for the fact it's been diluted so ready to use and in a trigger bottle. But if that's convenient for you I'd go for it as it's really good!
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    Alison Young

    Metabolic Gold didn't do anything for me either!
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    Centigrade TSV 20/02/25

    I'm assuming it's not waterproof?
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    Laura Geller TSV 23/02/25

    I've got opened B&B that I've had for years - use it on and off and it doesn't seem to go off. I can't imagine it ever running out!
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    Batteries NOT included

    QVC only used to supply the cheap batteries that lasted 5 minutes so it's not a huge loss!
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    QVC UK Group on Facebook

    I know some BAs and models are on this forum so it's likely Abi Cleeve is too. Hopefully she takes the feedback she gets on board!