Recent content by Marietta


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  1. M

    Talk show

    The Breaking News announcements are rarely about anything of interest. I actually think they're getting it hard to find enough jewellery to keep going!
  2. M

    Talk show

    If they are selling the best gemstones back into the market and trying to sell 'the dross' to their Gemporia customers, then it's not Gemporia/GemsTV any more. It's a scam and no-one should buy from them any more. How could they have stooped so low?
  3. M

    Price Increase - Even More Ridiculous?

    A million dollar parcel? Ah yes, according to Dave....... Well, that says it all! 😉 As another forum member once said: If Dave told me the sky was Blue, I'd have to go outside and check.
  4. M

    Talk show

    Yes, poor Jim's out of his comfort zone.
  5. M

    Talk show

    Greenland Ruby? That's probably why Trump wants to buy Greenland! So he's been duped too. 🤣
  6. M

    Talk show

    So, the Primal clearances are usually there 'cos they're getting near their sell-by date? That's absolutely disgraceful! So typical of the shystery that goes on nowadays. I'm glad I never bought any!
  7. M

    Gemporia 'Downfall'

    So, they're taking a leaf out of TJC's book? I hope it doesn't continue.
  8. M

    ASA Ruling (Upheld) - More Misleading

    Edit: just to say, Historymystery, I agree 100% with your comments!
  9. M

    ASA Ruling (Upheld) - More Misleading

    Before Gemporia/Gems tv, most of us didn't know that we could actually ask a jeweller about gemstones origins, treatments etc. We didn't even know what we were buying, and trusted the jewellers! Now we have a bit of knowledge and can ask before we buy. It's sad to see the deterioration of a...
  10. M

    ASA Ruling (Upheld) - More Misleading

    They'd probably be docked some of their wages if they even mentioned Kyanite!
  11. M

    Are pieces worth the prices

    The ebay seller obviously believes the stone is a sapphire. However, that doesn't look like the original certificate of authenticity. 🤔
  12. M

    ASA Ruling (Upheld) - More Misleading

    Village Idiot sounds about right!!
  13. M

    ASA Ruling (Upheld) - More Misleading

    Price hikes, cheese-wire bands on rings and any scam they can think of, that's why Gemporia seem to be doing alright at the moment. It's certainly not because of the wonderful MD's dazzling IQ. He was good for nothing else, in my opinion! 🤩
  14. M

    ASA Ruling (Upheld) - More Misleading

    They would, deservedly, be my first two, also. Can you just imagine the change in viewership if Troth were gone? Read the reviews, the main reason people don't watch is TROTH, droning on incessantly about..... nothing, really. No-one has ANY interest in what he has to say! 🤔 And then there's...
  15. M

    ASA Ruling (Upheld) - More Misleading

    Thank you for that! So, If it's extremely rare, as you say, we're hardly going to see it on Gems! 😅