Recent content by Little Miss Prefect


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  1. L

    It's Not All About You

    :down: Glad I'm not alone then - I thought I'd give her Twitter a nosey a couple of weeks back and very quickly wished I hadn't :down::confused: I found all the fart/poo/burp references (and there are loads of them) very strange and quite unsettling. I thought maybe I was becoming really...
  2. L

    Emu - advice on sizing please

    No Worries! :giggle:
  3. L

    Emu - advice on sizing please

    Is it this one ? Did someone also mention a name like Puddleduck? But I couldn't find that one.
  4. L

    Tignanello TSV Wednesday 29 September

    Fixed now - hopefully!
  5. L

    Tignanello TSV Wednesday 29 September

    Am thinking about going for Seems like a good price for the glove leather. Don't know whether to go for cognac or peridot. I like the idea of a green bag as it's a little more unusual, but am...
  6. L

    Jill in a wig..

    Awful...just awful :doh:
  7. L

    Elemis TSV Sunday 29th of August

    Ah, I only tried it from a mobile whilst abroad now I think about it:phone::confused:
  8. L

    Elemis TSV Sunday 29th of August

    Liverpool! In that case you could probably just wave a placard with Wanted! Elemis TSV and your customer number on it :mysmilie_61: Hope you have a great time!
  9. L

    Elemis TSV Sunday 29th of August

    Apparently you can call 0044 151 4821292 from abroad to place an order. I think you get through to a Customer Services person rather than the orderline or QCut but they will be able to place it for you. Freephone (0800) numbers won't even connect from abroad, as you cannot add the dialling code...
  10. L

    Phones at Liverpool

    I think it may be the Liverpool accent which (naturally :tongue:) most of the call centre staff have. In my experience their pronounciation of 'Mrs' can sound alot like 'Mizz'. I tend to go by 'Ms' as my title - I kept my married surname when I divorced, but wanted to define my change to...
  11. L

    QVC Website

    Just taken me about 30 go's and 35 minutes to get my order of the Kipling OTO to go through. :angry: It's pathetic and QVC really need to get this sorted out. It's 2010 for gawd's sake - hello! people want to do stuff online. I can't believe they would even try and place the blame on their...
  12. L

    new kipling names

    The 'Waynetta' with lots of pockits outside for ****, more ****, spare elastik band for hair, matches, giant marker for bingo and 'nuff room inside for large bottle of Lambrini, mobile fone, kidz mobile fones, baby's dummy (furry), dog's collar and ****.
  13. L

    Julia looks unwell

    I think perhaps she may have had some laser eye surgery (or similar procedure???) Can't remember exactly which hour, I think it was in the Everyday Beauty one (5-6pm), she said something about it being a long story but having not been able to wash her hair herself, she had to visit a salon...
  14. L

    Separated at birth

    OMG That is hilarious. I hadn't read this thread and just looked at the last post and knew instantly who it was :mysmilie_483: EDIT: btw the DH on the gate stands for 'Darling Hubby'!
  15. L

    Gin & Tova

    :drunk: Think she's hoping the portrait will assume Dorian Gray properties and start aging whilst she retains her youthful bloom for all eternity. :drunk: