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    • L
      Lelo reacted to Clothescloth's post in the thread Menopause Your Way with Haha Haha.
      I see it’s Pippa’s turn to wear the comedy glasses!! Changed channel as soon as I saw the word menopause. One day last week I...
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      Lelo reacted to mitteny's post in the thread Andi Peters with Like Like.
      Andi Peters brings nothing to the party!! Why is he still on QVC? I for one would never buy anything that he is presenting, even if I...
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      Lelo reacted to Silver Fox's post in the thread Ruth Langsford TSV 11/10/24 with Like Like.
      They must be raking in the sales to keep up this relentless ‘is there ever a day without Ruth on QVC’? I would use ‘overkill’ myself it...
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      Lelo reacted to AndiK's post in the thread Molton Brown TSV 06/10/24 with Like Like.
      Right, I’m picking up on a mood of serious capitulation on this thread. A couple of you (naming no names) are starting to weaken and...
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      Lelo reacted to AndiK's post in the thread Sunday Riley TSV 04/10/24 with Like Like.
      A woman after my own heart! In the case of big plastic bottles of body lotion where the product won’t all come out even when you stand...
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      Lelo reacted to catzrcool's post in the thread Menopause Your Way with Like Like.
      I remember my granny telling me I shouldn't be having a bath when I was on my period. Thankfully my mum didn't think like that. I had...
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      Lelo reacted to Cashers's post in the thread Jilly with Like Like.
      Nope, I heard it too!! Unbelievable!!!
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      Lelo reacted to GlamDolly's post in the thread The Presenters! with Haha Haha.
      You're dreadfully behind the times - this is how the stylish man-about-town wears his suits now. It was first apparent when Daniel Craig...
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      Lelo reacted to GlamDolly's post in the thread The Presenters! with Haha Haha.
      Oh Lord, so true - don't get me started on Ruth Langsford, and the way she needlessly PUTS huge EMPHASIS on EVERY other WORD. As though...
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      Lelo reacted to GlamDolly's post in the thread Flinty and Kangas with Haha Haha.
      How I miss QVC's glory years when fun, charismatic people with a bit of 'Oomph' would rock up to the studios in person to set out their...
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      Lelo reacted to Misty's post in the thread She is everywhere ! with Haha Haha.
      Her prices are very high, I have for a few things but they all went back. They’re just not worth the money. The thing I can’t stand...
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      Lelo reacted to Lilo Lil's post in the thread Where Have You Been Emails with Like Like.
      No - have never received any offers etc from QVC by e-mail …
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      Lelo reacted to C-Lion's post in the thread Skinsense TSV 27/8/24 with Haha Haha.
      I think her hairdresser secretly hates her 🤣
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      Lelo reacted to candycane's post in the thread Old times with Like Like.
      Starmer just released a statement I believe that "things in Britain are going to get worse before they get much worse". I think I made...
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      Lelo reacted to Brissles's post in the thread Ruth Langsford TSV 24/08/24 with Haha Haha.
      Is it one where the belt is tied in a knot ? Because most women can't "do" coat belts, they look like a bag of sh.... sugar tied...
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