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Guy Andrews
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    • Guy Andrews
      Guy Andrews reacted to Ellaaa's post in the thread Tommie Copper TSV 31/07/24 with Like Like.
      ...Just like that .. 😉
    • Guy Andrews
      Channel hoping spotted Natalia presenting Opatra - what has she done to her face - the glossy look 😳
    • Guy Andrews
      Guy Andrews replied to the thread My returns.
      I’ve had a few Amazon items incorrect items delivered and told to keep and refunded - nothing more than £30 ! Had a £100 ring in an...
    • Guy Andrews
      Guy Andrews reacted to merryone's post in the thread My returns with Like Like.
      I've had some serendipitous occasions when it's come to ordering stuff. First one - many years ago when I used to run a catalogue, a...
    • Guy Andrews
      Guy Andrews reacted to Marietta's post in the thread Random musings on TJC with Like Like.
      Any 'scheme' brought in by TJC is for THEIR benefit, not yours!
    • Guy Andrews
      Guy Andrews replied to the thread Random musings on TJC.
      The problem redeeming codes came up for discussion several times - credit was applied quickly and issue with an outstanding order...
    • Guy Andrews
      Guy Andrews reacted to Kit10's post in the thread Random musings on TJC with Like Like.
      How interesting. I’ve had invites before but never bothered. I alway wondered where the Next Day Delivery went. It was the reason I...
    • Guy Andrews
      Guy Andrews replied to the thread Random musings on TJC.
      Interesting one hour focus group primarily looking for feedback on TJC plus - participants been with TJC for years, regularly buy...
    • Guy Andrews
      Guy Andrews replied to the thread Lock & Lock TSV 15/7/24.
      Had many many many sets of Lock n Lock over the years - IMHO there was a dip in quality a few years ago but my recent 3 purchases - the...
    • Guy Andrews
      Guy Andrews replied to the thread Random musings on TJC.
      I stand corrected ! The charge was for part of order that’s been dispatched - d’oh ! Channel hoping and notice more on air jewellery...
    • Guy Andrews
      Guy Andrews reacted to Kit10's post in the thread Random musings on TJC with Like Like.
      This subject has come up on numerous occasions. TJC or QVC do not take your money until the goods are dispatched. Your money never...
    • Guy Andrews
      Guy Andrews reacted to Kit10's post in the thread Random musings on TJC with Like Like.
      It does always pay to shop around. A while ago I ordered the Joe and Jo Loafers from TJC at £24.99. I then discovered that they were...
    • Guy Andrews
      Guy Andrews replied to the thread Neck beauty products.
      Thank you for all the advice - you are a great bunch of people 🙋🏼‍♂️
    • Guy Andrews
      Guy Andrews posted the thread Neck beauty products in QVC.
      Any recommendations for any neck beauty products - thinking of the Gatineau product of the month ?
    • Guy Andrews
      Guy Andrews replied to the thread Random musings on TJC.
      Is it me but noticing more jewellery items with 7/10 days despatch dates - the cynic in me is there a company cash flow issue - they...
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