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  1. F

    Debbie Flint returning?

    The 3 hours marked "Sara Griffiths / TBC" have been removed and replaced by other presenters ! So disappointing ! :sad: I guess we'll just have to wait for the 24th to see her back as Fallen Angel said. Can't wait ! :clapping:
  2. F

    Debbie Flint returning?

    On Sunday 18/10/2009, there are 3 hours marked "Sara Griffiths / TBC" in the QVC TV guide. Maybe TBC could mean... Debbie Flint ? :angel::flower::flower:
  3. F

    Debbie Flint returning?

    Sorry to intrude, but are you a personal friend of hers, or can anyone ask to be her friend to have news from her ? I have always loved her and was devastated when she left QVC.
  4. F

    Liz Earle 'Fine Fragrance'

    Sorry, Bluebell ! I hadn't seen your post while I was doing mine !
  5. F

    Liz Earle 'Fine Fragrance'

    You're right, Boris Bear ! Janm did. :happy::flower:
  6. F

    Debbie Flint returning?

    I can't access her news on Facebook. :sad: Do you have to be a "Friend" of hers to read them ?
  7. F

    Liz Earle 'Fine Fragrance'

    :flower:Will Liz Earle's perfume be sold on QVC on Saturday 17/10/2009 ? Does it has an item number yet ? :flower::flower::flower:
  8. F

    Elizabeth's Daughter?

    Thanks Daisy2911 for sharing your experience ! :confused2::flower: I have always been reluctant to using silicone and never dared putting Photofinish on my skin. Thanks to you I will never try it on ! :flower::flower:
  9. F

    Liz Earle 'Fine Fragrance'

    How big (ml) is the bottle ?
  10. F

    Debbie Flint returning?

    Hi, Aleksandr Orlov ! :hi: Thank you VERY VERY much ! :heart: I didn't know and I'm very happy about this great news ! :clapping::clapping: Can't wait either !!! :flower::flower::flower:
  11. F


    I don't know Sophyto either, but I know alcohol is bad for the skin : it's drying at least. I always think that QVC should put the ingredient lists on their website.
  12. F

    There is just so little

    I agree with you all. In the past, I used to watch QVC all the time or at least leave it on TV to have company while doing other things. I used to like nearly all the presenters. :happy: Now it's the contrary. I hardly ever watch QVC. :sad: But maybe everything will change back to normal when...
  13. F

    £3K watch

    Thank you so much, AllThatGlitters, for mentioning this watch ! :flower::flower::flower: I wasn't home and sadly missed it on telly. I laughed so much, you've made my day ! :grin::grin::grin:
  14. F

    Liz Earle TSV on Saturday 17th October 2009

    It's funny that with 2 totally different ways we both arrive near £38.5 ! :flower::flower::flower:
  15. F

    Liz Earle TSV on Saturday 17th October 2009

    Yes, you're right. :flower::flower: I would even say around £38.75 ! (calculated by dividing the QVC price by 1.2) because TSVs always look like 20% off when they're only 16.67% off really ! :cheeky: