Recent content by Festivefun50


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  1. F

    Elemis TSV 28/7/24

    Snap!! Its like they must have shed loads of the body stuff left & throw in tsvs. They used to be amazing with face oil, serums etc and now they’re crap. At least Gatineau put usable items in…items cheaper elsewhere. I checked out some Monsoon bits and actually on Monsoons own site they were...
  2. F

    Food tasters!

    Totally agree. Jeez that John guy was so adoring of EVERYTHING and he has been a “guest” now for years so whilst he was/is a lovely gentleman it was embarrassing listening to all of them gushing about the food!! Especially the hugely overpriced Original Cake co and their victoria sponges…prob...
  3. F


    Agree, using that language is unnecessary. We are all entitled to our opinions surely and mine are based on the personality that comes across on tv - they may be different off screen. I too switch off 🙃
  4. F

    Oh dear Ophelia

    OD is one of the worst…! All she wants to do is see herself on the tv screen (imo). Saying that - the “queen” is most irritating of all with her stupid hand gestures, condescention of others constantly and the realisation frequently she “forgets” to be posh - when she puts a at the end of...