Recent content by dottiebird


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  1. D

    Julia's Birthday

    She was born in 1956, so it will be her 57th birthday:up:
  2. D

    Julia's Book

    I suffer from insomnia...maybe it is just the book to send me off to sleep quickly:giggle:
  3. D

    Pipa on the 3pm hour

    Can't be doing with her...she always seems fake to me, and it's all just an act.
  4. D

    Who's Blog do you enjoy?

    Mine's Ali K's blog too...don't bother reading the others.
  5. D

    Your QVC membership number

    Mine's 7 digits too, starting with a 1...been with em since day one:sad:
  6. D

    please take their I pads away.

    I was thinking "put the bloo*y i Pad down" too when I was watching today...very annoying and very boring *yawn*
  7. D

    I'm so sick of all this American stuff

    I soooooo agree...the American fashion is sooooooooooo 1980's. I think they are in a time warp.
  8. D

    The Yankee Presenter

    I think Michaela has had a personality bypass...I don't know what has happened to her of late, but yes she is rude and very snooty too. When she first started presenting Yankee Candles she wasn't half as bad as she is now...she needs to go if she can't be arsed any more. Rosa is definitely far...
  9. D

    Jill Franks--again!!!

    Just been watching her on the 11.00 pm Northern Nights hour...she had her bed brought in from France "don't yer know"..."Face bovvered".......NAH.
  10. D

    Suzy Adams!

    Just one word "DESPERATE" springs to mind:dull::down:
  11. D

    Julian Ballantyne v Miceal Murphy

    I can't stand the phrase "are you ok chuck" it gets right up my nose. Sir Burlz sounds good to me
  12. D

    Inane laughing and an obvious dye job

    I agree...what a couple of weirdos:down:
  13. D

    Julian Ballantyne v Miceal Murphy

    I love Julian:bow:
  14. D

    Yankees and Black Smoke

    Just Googled the bit below...and Yankee Candles are made from Paraffin........ "I can't help but wonder if we realised what was in the candles we burn, if we'd continue to do so. Unknown to us, many of our paraffin candles contain carcinogenic compounds! Petroleum, which is the base product...
  15. D

    The changing faces of Alison Young

    Well choices are Jill Franks, Claire Sutton and Debbie Flint, but that's just in my humble opinion:happy: