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  1. C

    Anne Dawson

    Oh Lord! Does she ever pause for breath? She's not the presenter to have on at 10pm as she never shuts up. I can't stand her.
  2. C

    Percy & Reed guest - tattooed guest's hands

    My Dad had one done when he was in the army during the second world war. I do believe he was drunk at the time! It was very pale - a bluebird carrying a letter with my Mum's name on it. Over time it really faded, or maybe I just didn't really notice it. I don't like them although I can...
  3. C

    Watches - Brera Orologi - Unbelieveable Prices!

    I've never heard of these watches and I've definitely never seen them in the shops.
  4. C

    The Jane plan. Anybody tried it?

    Sorry, not for me. I'd rather cook my own foods and that way I know that there are no additives. The price would put me off too.
  5. C

    sale fashion

    I'm in agreement with Brissles. What a load of old tat. I don't know how they have the nerve to call it "fashion." I rarely watch a full programme anymore and I certainly am not buying these days. They may be getting new customers but I reckon they are losing loads of regulars. I won't get...
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    car crash television

    I don't like either of them but Chloe made a really nasty comment about Jackie Kabler a couple of weeks ago. I don't know how she gets away with such infantile behaviour.
  7. C

    Kathy on Denim & co

    What the hell does that mean? Can we blame the daft woman for all the rubbish "supposedly fashion" that Q sell? She irritates me beyond words.
  8. C

    Skechers Footwear TSV 21/10/16

    Another Skechers TSV. Q are really short of ideas. I definitely won't be buying.
  9. C

    am I losing it ?

    Really sorry Brissles, but under your heading "Am I losing it" up popped an advert for Dementia Care at Home! If you book your place, I'll book mine!
  10. C

    Sunday Morning Gift Show

    I think it would be very selfish if you didn't buy one for all the people who knock on your door. It's the "Gifting" season, dontcha know!
  11. C

    Female Presenter on TJC

    I've actually bought quite a few pairs of earrings from TJC - but online. I couldn't stand watching all the tat they sell on TV. I do like Vicky, the woman who calls herself "Queen of Sparkle" but again, the rubbish that's being sold is off-putting and embarrassing to watch.
  12. C

    New hairstyles?

    I agree they all looked awful but what about Chloe Everton! My goodness that woman really needs to get a mirror. Her hair looks as though it's been chewed at the ends, backcombed until it's a bit "booffed" then sprayed with half a can of firm hold hair spray so that it wouldn't move in a force...
  13. C

    Mr Basso is not very pleasant - anyone got his clothes?

    A MUSQUASH coat? Did you indeed. I hope it made you very happy. Go and polish your cars Julius.
  14. C

    What did we do to deserve 2 hours of charlie bears with mecharlie?

    Enough of the over-priced, over-hyped stuffed things. Five minutes of one of these presentations is more than I can cope with - but 2 hours???
  15. C

    Centigrade TSV 28/09/16

    I caught this presentation last night as I was mooching around getting ready for bed. Apart from the garment being so ghastly, the irritating Glen Campbell said the words "fashion fix" at least 4 times in 6 minutes. Of course, we had "running through", "kick the sleeve back" (I assume that...