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    alter ego reacted to Grizelda's post in the thread Drives me potty with Like Like.
    I don't have a dishwasher, so must do dishes, etc. by hand. I use an equivalent of Fairy Liquid, without rubber gloves. My hands are...
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    alter ego reacted to donna255's post in the thread Drives me potty with Like Like.
    Ah, surprised no one said Ambrosia Creamed Rice 😂 :sneaky:
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    alter ego reacted to llloyd's post in the thread Drives me potty with Like Like.
    On Tipping Point recently was this question: In his epic poems, Homer often refers to nectar as the drink of the gods and which other...
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    alter ego reacted to donna255's post in the thread Drives me potty with Like Like.
    Anything witty, Oscar Wilde. On The Chase the other day, a question was a 13th century writer. I went Dante. Hell, I was right. I...
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    alter ego reacted to Brissles's post in the thread Drives me potty with Like Like.
    Yesss, a sachet of shampoo, and you had to be careful opening it as it could go everywhere. I remember one called Drene ! Don't get me...
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    alter ego reacted to lipstickqueen's post in the thread Drives me potty with Like Like.
    When I was staying with my aunt and uncle as a child in the 1960s, it was Fairy washing up liquid for the bath, my uncle was a...
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    alter ego reacted to donna255's post in the thread Drives me potty with Like Like.
    I remember, and there was a thread about it on here. Some years back, the BBC did a 3 part documentary about the beauty business. Now...
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    alter ego reacted to Grizelda's post in the thread Drives me potty with Like Like.
    Washing up liquid is good to use if you have oily hair. If you're in a pinch and have run out of shampoo, it's worth a try.
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    alter ego reacted to Rebecca Dawn's post in the thread Drives me potty with Like Like.
    Talking of quizzes, my bugbear is people who when faced with a history question say "I don't know, it's before my time" 😳
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    alter ego reacted to catzrcool's post in the thread Drives me potty with Like Like.
    We used to wash our hair in the kitchen with washing up liquid when we were young. Rinsed our heads under the geyser. Got giddy if Mam...
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    alter ego reacted to Brissles's post in the thread Drives me potty with Like Like.
    Back until the late 60s a distant relative worked at Unilever, and said the only difference between shampoo and washing up liquid was...
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    alter ego reacted to Grizelda's post in the thread Drives me potty with Like Like.
    My dear little cat is also very nosey, but I don't allow her in the bathroom with me. Sometimes I can hear her trying to get in, but she...
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    alter ego reacted to donna255's post in the thread Drives me potty with Like Like.
    My cat likes to sit in the bathroom watching me do my morning ablutions! She also sits beside me when I am on the toilet. Just in...
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    alter ego reacted to Muttley's post in the thread Drives me potty with Like Like.
    I dislike all these ridiculous ways of describing items. I want to know what the material is, some guidance on sizing and the cost. You...
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    alter ego reacted to Grizelda's post in the thread Drives me potty with Like Like.
    A new word for Ophelia is "presence". For e.g. "This top has presence. Trouble is, most of the tops she describes have presence. For...