Recent content by Alex Knowles


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  1. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    I’m pretty sure no one is going to ask me to do it again either!! 🤣
  2. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    You are spot on @Scraping the barrel 😂😂😂…I should definitely stick to the pillows as I don’t think Levi’s, Calvin Klein or Diesel are coming knocking at my door anytime soon!! 😂😂 I did say ‘the guys in the forum are going to give me pelters for this’! So fair play!! I was fully expecting it 😁😁...
  3. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Good evening everyone! I hope all is well, everyone’s families are good and you are set for the weekend. I’m back from holiday so just checking in to say hello as I have been away for a couple of weeks. It’s nice to be back. 😊👍
  4. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    @Scraping the barrel @Duke of Cheese - very good lads, that made me chuckle! I’m off for a couple of weeks so won’t be on here much - hope you all take care and look forward to catching up when I’m back. I will do that behind the scenes video and they are doing open days for customers in the...
  5. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Hi guys - I hope all is well :). I did ask again about the direct price comparisons being on the screen and this is something they are working on still. It’s getting permission off that company / website to show it at that price on their site…so that’s where the delay is. We aren’t allowed to...
  6. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Morning guys - sorry I haven’t been on here for a few days so just catching up now. I hope everyone is well. I’m still asking about the price comps @dukeofcheese to see if we can get the name of the websites on the screen where the comparisons are coming from. I’ll ask again today. I hope no one...
  7. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Hi guys :). You know me by now I will always try and answer if I see something on here. I don’t know who reads the forum here. Some people do, others don’t or more likely - those that do read it that work in the industry pop in and out. For example I haven’t looked since Friday just because I...
  8. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    I didn’t say it would heat up an entire room did I? 😂😂 I did say it will give off some heat because it did give off quite a lot of heat and if you stood next to it, you would feel that but it absolutely wasn’t a radiator that would heat up the whole room :). It was a good bit of kit though -...
  9. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Yep - 3 to 5 with various bedding and heating items and then some protectors later tonight at 7 😊. Good luck tomorrow Jazzy - I hope it goes well.
  10. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    I hope everyone is well and keeping warm. Same here, kids outside trying to play in the thin layer of snow that we have had but an icy drive into work this morning. Any messages sent over to me - Sorry if it appears I don’t reply to them, I check in every few days but you can always inbox me and...
  11. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    And I appreciate that as well. For me - I’m a shopping tv fan and part of this forum. I do have a fine line of course and you all know that but I do think that if points aren’t raised or questioned then nothing changes. Now nothing may change - as with everything in life you can’t keep everyone...
  12. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    @Scraping the barrel @Duke of Cheese @Gooner1963 and everyone. I have been to ask about the price comparisons to the management team here this morning and I have let them know the issues you have mentioned above. With regards to direct comparisons made to a product and price elsewhere, I have...
  13. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Jazzy I’m happy to offer any advice on this and don’t worry I’m not going to try and sell you ANYTHING! 😂 Lack of sleep is awful and I have done so much research on it because I need to really with everything I am asked to talk about on here. A weighted blanket is the best shout. Wherever you...
  14. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    @Gooner1963 @Duke of Cheese I will ask about this on the price comparisons. I can’t guarentee you will agree with the answer but I will ask if the comparisons that are put on the screen can have a link to where they come from. I have used comparisons in the past on some of the bedding and like...
  15. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    I didn’t think I did Gooner - I was too busy trying to make sure I vacuumed the floor and didn’t say ‘Hoover’ by mistake! That’s the first time I have demo’d a vacuum on tv and wanted to make sure I was coherent enough with it. I thought we pointed out that for £44.99 it was a good price for a...