Jill is winding me up now.......šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Yes I remember JF trying to flog QVC fitness equipment, you couldnā€™t see her if she stood behind a Bodyblade, saying that though I could imagine JF being a right scrubber, so maybe so.
I remember her doing the fitness programmes and a bloke called Tim who did the tech programmes then I think QVC made a change and they had to sell everything. Tim left but Jill stayed on.
Sheā€™s one of the reasons, and thereā€™s many, that I donā€™t even channel hop a fraction as much I used to. Her delusions of grandeur are off the scale, and yes sheā€™s so far up her own arse she can check if thereā€™s something stuck in her teeth from the back. She has this opinion of herself being a Californian Miss World, even someone youā€™d see off those American high school films aimed at teenagers, her attitude is really quite bemusing.
šŸ˜‚ I have not been here for a few years, and am glad to know I can still have a laugh here. Jill will never change, I have always found her so patronising , and it irritates me to no end when she says, " you know me " as if all the viewers are her close friends and are all waiting for every word she uttersšŸ˜…
Sheā€™s one of the reasons, and thereā€™s many, that I donā€™t even channel hop a fraction as much I used to. Her delusions of grandeur are off the scale, and yes sheā€™s so far up her own arse she can check if thereā€™s something stuck in her teeth from the back. She has this opinion of herself being a Californian Miss World, even someone youā€™d see off those American high school films aimed at teenagers, her attitude is really quite bemusing.

also, it seems darling buds of may and few others plus Me And My Girl on stage. I must see if I can find the bio site which included her and a few other QVC presenters? Oh, and it seems she is American!!!

Found it.


Well, thats an interesting assessment ! - The photo is a very attractive one of her, and is more evidence that a little bit of weight keeps the lines and wrinkles at bay. No amount of potions and lotions can get 'that' look, so maybe thats what she needs now a bit of weight to plump her face out. I had to chuckle at the "pointed face" description.

I was an avid viewer of Darling Buds at the time, and she must have had a fleeting role, unless it was a bit part, like a shopkeepers daughter, because clearly she wasn't recognisable at the time. I'm too old for Grange Hill, so thats irrelevant. Her stage work was probably in the chorus line. Telling that she gave up acting for her love of 'hosting' ! no doubt realised there was too much competition at auditions and more money in hosting. (there's me being mean again).
Just for fun, I tried to find a picture of her in Grange Hill, Tuckerā€™s Luck, Darling BoM or anything sheā€™s supposed to have been in, but I failed. I donā€™t know what her name was pre-marriage but I couldnā€™t find a Jill in the cast lists either (except for one who played an aunt so too old).
someone did find a group photo of in grange hill I remember it. Now it was not a close up just a group shot.

I hope you all read the others QVC presenters from that site, they are all funny. CHuntley is so a favourite and comments further down.šŸ˜‚

Call me Sherlock! Her name is Jill Dixon before marriage.
Spot on LATI ! They all like to add 'qualified' to their cv that lot. Chuntley is a 'qualified' dental nurse, and Young has 'qualifications' that date back to the Magna Carta, and much as I like him Miceal is a 'qualified' chocolatier.
Didn't Miceal go away somewhere for a couple of days and come back as a " fashion expert " ?;)
šŸ˜‚ I have not been here for a few years, and am glad to know I can still have a laugh here. Jill will never change, I have always found her so patronising , and it irritates me to no end when she says, " you know me " as if all the viewers are her close friends and are all waiting for every word she uttersšŸ˜…


Itā€™s great to see you back again ctd. ā¤ļø

Just for fun, I tried to find a picture of her in Grange Hill, Tuckerā€™s Luck, Darling BoM or anything sheā€™s supposed to have been in, but I failed. I donā€™t know what her name was pre-marriage but I couldnā€™t find a Jill in the cast lists either (except for one who played an aunt so too old).

Tuckers Luck.........is that rhyming slang? šŸ˜‚
She needed to be married to my late husband for a fortnight - he'd soon tell her what to do with her nail varnish ! Telling isn't it, that she rings HIM up at the supermarket ! so that's something else she doesn't do then, lower herself to be seen amongst the baked beans and cereals. Well, thinking about it I suppose if he does all the cooking, cleaning and gardening, there's no reason for her to step inside one.

Her lifestyle is all very well now, but I've seen so many ladies who don't 'do', that when bereaved or left alone, they haven't the bloody foggiest how to operate, because the old man has done literally everything for them. Find out how to load the washer Jill and how to make a bit of toast, you might need both functions in years to come.
Itā€™s great to see you back again ctd. ā¤
Thank you shopperholic šŸ™
I have stopped shopping with QVC, I had about Ā£ 300 refund from QVC, that I had not cashed as I was unable to , because I was very ill, and my other half had put them away, (he already had a lot on his plate looking after me, the fear of losing me plus a lot of other things ) I came across the QVC cheques and other cheques ( dividends) from BT and my building society , sent about the same period or even earlier.
I spoke to all three of them, BT and Building society were so sympathetic and they went out of their way, looked back the years and gave my money back.šŸ™‚
QVC would not give my money, even though I told informed, that the other two had . That made me very sad šŸ˜” and angry šŸ¤¬

I had spent thousands and thousands of pounds with QVC . The money was mine and it must be with them somewhere in their accounts. So much for their " QVC Always With You " šŸ˜”
Thank you shopperholic šŸ™
I have stopped shopping with QVC, I had about Ā£ 300 refund from QVC, that I had not cashed as I was unable to , because I was very ill, and my other half had put them away, (he already had a lot on his plate looking after me, the fear of losing me plus a lot of other things ) I came across the QVC cheques and other cheques ( dividends) from BT and my building society , sent about the same period or even earlier.
I spoke to all three of them, BT and Building society were so sympathetic and they went out of their way, looked back the years and gave my money back.šŸ™‚
QVC would not give my money, even though I told informed, that the other two had . That made me very sad šŸ˜” and angry šŸ¤¬

I had spent thousands and thousands of pounds with QVC . The money was mine and it must be with them somewhere in their accounts. So much for their " QVC Always With You " šŸ˜”

QVC are truly vile and wouldnā€™t know ā€œcustomer serviceā€ if it hit them square in the face. They were even called out on a TV show forcing them to refund postage, without it theyā€™d have just carried on keeping customers money, after all they did for the first 25 years. Get in touch with Resolver or Trading Standards, both services are free, that money is yours and theyā€™ll have to give it to you. That ā€œalways with youā€ is a load of bull, they had to be shown to be doing something and a few words on a screen cost them not one penny.

Hope youā€™re feeling better now love, I too stopped shopping with QVC about six years ago now after shopping from day one, the prices are almost as hilarious as their service. I bet youā€™re like me, see something you like on QVC, Google it, then buy it a lot cheaper somewhere else šŸ˜‚. Take care of yourself and if youā€™re feeling up to it get that money back šŸ‘ big virtual hug ā¤ xxx

Hereā€™s the link for Resolver, theyā€™re really good. https://www.resolver.co.uk/
Thank you shopperholic šŸ™
I have stopped shopping with QVC, I had about Ā£ 300 refund from QVC, that I had not cashed as I was unable to , because I was very ill, and my other half had put them away, (he already had a lot on his plate looking after me, the fear of losing me plus a lot of other things ) I came across the QVC cheques and other cheques ( dividends) from BT and my building society , sent about the same period or even earlier.
I spoke to all three of them, BT and Building society were so sympathetic and they went out of their way, looked back the years and gave my money back.šŸ™‚
QVC would not give my money, even though I told informed, that the other two had . That made me very sad šŸ˜” and angry šŸ¤¬

I had spent thousands and thousands of pounds with QVC . The money was mine and it must be with them somewhere in their accounts. So much for their " QVC Always With You " šŸ˜”

I donā€™t know about Resolver, which Shopperholic mentions, but was going to say it would be a good case for Martin Lewis / Money Saving Expert to get their teeth into as they would use it to show others how not to get stung. Would be great to see QVC shown up very publicly for such callous treatment, too. Even if you had not been ill, the way theyā€™ve treated you is disgusting. Which? also help with these things and publish them as cases, but I think you have to be a member.

How ā€œoldā€ was the refund you were due? Had you just not got around to returning unwanted items and missed the deadline?
I defy anyone to get past the first 30 seconds of this. Talk about grating.

(I donā€™t know why I do it to myself!)

Oh Andi. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ the flesh literally stood up on my arms watching that through the pure embarrassment of that fake enjoyment thing they do, you know as if the product theyā€™re selling is great fun so you must buy it, it almost burned through my phone with pure cheesy-ness. If JF was a dancer, then Iā€™m nominated for an Academy Award for going to Aldiā€™s.
Thank you shopperholic šŸ™
I have stopped shopping with QVC, I had about Ā£ 300 refund from QVC, that I had not cashed as I was unable to , because I was very ill, and my other half had put them away, (he already had a lot on his plate looking after me, the fear of losing me plus a lot of other things ) I came across the QVC cheques and other cheques ( dividends) from BT and my building society , sent about the same period or even earlier.
I spoke to all three of them, BT and Building society were so sympathetic and they went out of their way, looked back the years and gave my money back.šŸ™‚
QVC would not give my money, even though I told informed, that the other two had . That made me very sad šŸ˜” and angry šŸ¤¬

I had spent thousands and thousands of pounds with QVC . The money was mine and it must be with them somewhere in their accounts. So much for their " QVC Always With You " šŸ˜”

Threaten them with going to the Press, and see what happens. The last thing they want in these financially stretched times is further bad publicity.
Oh Andi. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ the flesh literally stood up on my arms watching that through the pure embarrassment of that fake enjoyment thing they do, you know as if the product theyā€™re selling is great fun so you must buy it, it almost burned through my phone with pure cheesy-ness. If JF was a dancer, then Iā€™m nominated for an Academy Award for going to Aldiā€™s.

I know!! Isnā€™t it sickening? I posted it for JFā€™s awful showing off and the cringefest of that ā€œSaturday night extravaganzaā€ format, but I donā€™t really remember the shows or her being that bad (when did she become more subdued?). Having fast forwarded past the worst of JFā€˜s hyperactive bits, I actually laughed at some of Daleā€™s actions - at least he openly mocks it all. I donā€™t think he really wanted to join in, whereas JF pretends to be reluctant before diving in and showing us her ā€œtalentā€. Youā€™re right, if she was a dancer, she must have forgotten all her training.
I know!! Isnā€™t it sickening? I posted it for JFā€™s awful showing off and the cringefest of that ā€œSaturday night extravaganzaā€ format, but I donā€™t really remember the shows or her being that bad (when did she become more subdued?). Having fast forwarded past the worst of JFā€˜s hyperactive bits, I actually laughed at some of Daleā€™s actions - at least he openly mocks it all. I donā€™t think he really wanted to join in, whereas JF pretends to be reluctant before diving in and showing us her ā€œtalentā€. Youā€™re right, if she was a dancer, she must have forgotten all her training.

She seems the same old attention seeking JF then as she does today, all be it a little more subdued today now she knows her position at QVC is safe, and as we she does love to be looked at, very narcissistic, plus she can come out with any old crap and QVC donā€™t even bat an eye. šŸ˜œ

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