Hot Tubs


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Alex, Flinty and Claire have one. Alison K probably won’t want one because she has a swimming pool. JR would probably want one so she can boast about it but with her decking and fitness studio she won’t have room for one. Craig and Micheal live in flats, sorry apartments, so can’t have one. I wonder who else will be tempted by reduced prices? Will they regret having one when the exterior starts going slimy and green. DF has mentioned hers in her retreat marketing!
I can see her now sitting in one with her bestie, who is manfully keeping his hair out of the water, surrounded by limited edition Yankee Candles & eating something delicious vegan nibbles when who should appear but the Scottish boyfriend & his mum da da da. The boyfriend gets all possessive, Ms Huntley the Elder acts like a heroine from a Victorian novella (simper, simper), & he jumps into the tub to save her honour; we know his mum won't be able to fit in as well because her weight issues have been told to the nation, well the ones that watch the Q, so she stands by with a towel. All imagined as though it's a sitcom from the 1970s.

I can see that sitcom now “Rising Damp” Chuntley as Ms Jones (man mad and thinks she’s seductive) Yankee Stephen as Alan (well he’s got the hair) and anyone of them could be Rigsby :mysmilie_17:

Alex, Flinty and Claire have one. Alison K probably won’t want one because she has a swimming pool. JR would probably want one so she can boast about it but with her decking and fitness studio she won’t have room for one. Craig and Micheal live in flats, sorry apartments, so can’t have one. I wonder who else will be tempted by reduced prices? Will they regret having one when the exterior starts going slimy and green. DF has mentioned hers in her retreat marketing!

The presenters may all have money but got no style or class, just like QVC really. :mysmilie_3:
Oh my word, could you imagine it (or rather not) Simon Dairylee demonstrating would be like someone lobbed a shag pile in the water with that chest hair, as for Chuntley, well Chuntley doesn’t really need an excuse to get those knockers out on show.

You may well have been dreaming about your favourite presenter but you are right about her having one. It was the first person I thought of when presenters having a hot tub was mentioned and I just knew there would be a selfie so that she'd get her mug in the shot.

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Well done!

:mysmilie_17: There's always one! I'll write to QVC and put your name forward as someone keen to appear in the ads promoting the hot tubs with the above!

Personally I wouldn't go near one. Aside from the 'personal' aspect of sitting in a warm bath with other bodies that are shedding skin and their potions of cream and suncare products creating an oil slick, there is the little known danger of contracting Legionnaires Disease.

I always run the shower at least 4 minutes before I get into it, as shower heads have been long known for harbouring the bugs that cause this disease. As do hose pipes that haven't been emptied and left sitting in the sun.

Sorry to be the harbinger of doom, but better safe than sorry.

Indeed, the thought of these is a bit grim, especially if someone's done a wee in there.....Think of what must be in the filter & if they are changed enough at the spa..Bet they are like a gorilla's plug hole.... toenails, 'fluids' etc. Must use loads of power.
I'd say Craig but he has a flat I think so it must be Claire Gypsy Caravan Sutton, Biagi has got to be in there and either Flint or Huntley. Probably wrong lol. Oh yeah forgot, Gill Gauntlett's dad is a must.


Gifting!!! Binmen!!!!!:mysmilie_8:
Oh my word, could you imagine it (or rather not) Simon Dairylee demonstrating would be like someone lobbed a shag pile in the water with that chest hair, as for Chuntley, well Chuntley doesn’t really need an excuse to get those knockers out on show.

'Knockers flailing'*

Knockers Knockers Knockers!!!!!

*Best ever Shoppy quote, IIRC, a while ago.
Flinty's massive mug is like a satellite dish.
Claire the **** has a filter on her snaps...shame she can't add one to her gob.
I'd say Craig but he has a flat I think so it must be Claire Gypsy Caravan Sutton, Biagi has got to be in there and either Flint or Huntley. Probably wrong lol. Oh yeah forgot, Gill Gauntlett's dad is a must.


I don't think Craig living in a flat ever stops him from either having a freebie or having something 'on trend' ! Where he puts all the Kelly Hoppen, Yankee Candles, Peony flowers, Cooks Essentials, and anything thing that Jill 'garden tat' Gaunt flogs, is anybody's guess.
Flinty's massive mug is like a satellite dish.
Claire the **** has a filter on her snaps...shame she can't add one to her gob.

What is it with Flinty and this obsession with sticking her face into every photo. Good grief!
I don't think Craig living in a flat ever stops him from either having a freebie or having something 'on trend' ! Where he puts all the Kelly Hoppen, Yankee Candles, Peony flowers, Cooks Essentials, and anything thing that Jill 'garden tat' Gaunt flogs, is anybody's guess.

He doesn't live with his partner so he probably shares out the freebies: "One for my place, one for yours".
He doesn't live with his partner so he probably shares out the freebies: "One for my place, one for yours".

I didn’t think of that! I wonder if his partner has a blow up hot tub? Soon they’ll be promoting Wet and Forget as a cleaning product for all their moss covered hot tubs.
He doesn't live with his partner so he probably shares out the freebies: "One for my place, one for yours".

I didn’t think of that! I wonder if his partner has a blow up hot tub? Soon they’ll be promoting Wet and Forget as a cleaning product for all their moss covered hot tubs.

Craig Rowe will figure out a way to get a free hot tub on his balcony, I bet the neighbours can’t stand him already, the house prices will have already dropped dramatically having a QVC presenter in the building :mysmilie_17:
Craig Rowe will figure out a way to get a free hot tub on his balcony, I bet the neighbours can’t stand him already, the house prices will have already dropped dramatically having a QVC presenter in the building :mysmilie_17:

Aww he's alright though isn't he? Fairly harmless as a neighbour I would think. I don't like freeloaders but he doesn't come across to me as over the top.

When you've been watching him for years, it suddenly becomes noticeable how many times he says, how he has 'one' in his bathroom / looks great in his bedroom / which he has used in his kitchen, / looks great on his wall at home / took it on holiday with him / been using it for weeks as an night time moisturiser, on and on and on it goes.

Little wonder there isn't a great turnover of presenters when on top of their salary, the varied freebie perks must be too hard to let go.
Aww he's alright though isn't he? Fairly harmless as a neighbour I would think. I don't like freeloaders but he doesn't come across to me as over the top.


We’ll have to agree to differ, I find he tells fibs quite a bit and if he stood on his balcony with his hand going ten to the dozen like he does on QVC, he’ll take off and end up on someone’s roof.
That’s a good business model QVC. Keep presenters who will not go unless pushed and lose viewers/customers who can’t watch the self obsessed, freebie grabbing presenters. Generally a rather unpleasant collection of people. Most are just not nice.
This freebie thing only seems to have appeared in the last 10 years. AY always got products to trial for upcoming TSVs and new launches but the others never mentioned on-air if they got freebies. Then suddenly for some reason, I think it was Claire said on air to the guest she got one of whatever to try before the show/launch and it wasn't beauty stuff.

Who remembers they used to mention a QVC staff shop? Like department stores, they had unopened product testers sold cheaply for the staff to buy. I know Debenhams used to have one not sure if they still do?
Who remembers they used to mention a QVC staff shop? Like department stores, they had unopened product testers sold cheaply for the staff to buy. I know Debenhams used to have one not sure if they still do?

Johnson & Johnson used to have a staff shop and lucky old me, my friend worked for them. I used to get ROC products for pennies compared to RRPs and not testers either.


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