Debbie Flint-Oh dear!


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Jun 24, 2008
Just had a quick look at the clothing hour presented by D.F. And omg. What is she wearing? I can’t decide if it’s a pair of curtains or a set of loose covers from way back when. She looks just awful in fact the items she is presenting don’t look much better and the prices are ridiculous.
Nipped over to see the show and they are showing a MIDI dress. Now I know I’m a shortass but to me midi is a bit shorter than a maxi but on every model it was at or above their knees!
I have noticed and okay I am not watching much these days. But every time I catch a show she is in it is the same flowing whatever which makes her look like a sack of spuds! Nothing to give her a bit of shape and the black 3/4 length leggings she has a thing for wear. Just made her legs look shorter.

It's like she just does not care how she looks, I bet she does have a waist and the right length of dress would make all the difference.
its odd because when I saw her at the Beauty bash she was wearing Ingenue. she looked totally different to the rag bag of stuff she wears on QVC
I have yet to see DF look smart, she hasn't got any dress sense. She always seem to look like an unmade bed, imo it has nothing to do with what weight you are. Marly Wynne is not exactly small but always manage to look good and well groomed.
Debbie Flint has absolutely no dress sense at all, I agree with Kathy. She wears colours that don’t suit, clothes too tight it’s like she’s been poured in and three quarter length leggings that make her already short legs look shorter. As for her hairstyle, I think the animals were still going in two by two when she last (and first) had it done.
Debbie Flint has absolutely no dress sense at all, I agree with Kathy. She wears colours that don’t suit, clothes too tight it’s like she’s been poured in and three quarter length leggings that make her already short legs look shorter. As for her hairstyle, I think the animals were still going in two by two when she changed it.

Ouch! I love it.
I don't understand it. its like qvc telling her to fit in with a certain QVC demographic. like a characature. Catherine Huntley the smutty jokes one, Craig I am a cool geek London guy, dale the housewives choice, Sutton the yummy mummy. Michel the poetic, wise studious one. and so on!
I don't understand it. its like qvc telling her to fit in with a certain QVC demographic. like a characature. Catherine Huntley the smutty jokes one, Craig I am a cool geek London guy, dale the housewives choice, Sutton the yummy mummy. Michel the poetic, wise studious one. and so on!

I agree, something for everyone. :mysmilie_17:

Collectively they should be known as the “failed entertainers who are not the least bit likeable and think they’re something they’re not, definitely up their own arse”......ahhh, that’s better :mysmilie_3:
I think that DF chooses to wear mostly QVC “fashion”. She is always wearing it in the photos she posts and her vlogs. I get the feeling she is a regular in the QVC staff shop greedily picking up clothes at very reduced prices and loving it when she gets to keep things she has presented as TSVs. Most of them are a bit like that with TSVs.
I have noticed and okay I am not watching much these days. But every time I catch a show she is in it is the same flowing whatever which makes her look like a sack of spuds! Nothing to give her a bit of shape and the black 3/4 length leggings she has a thing for wear. Just made her legs look shorter.

It's like she just does not care how she looks, I bet she does have a waist and the right length of dress would make all the difference.

I agree with most things that you say here but disagree with her not caring how she looks. I really think that she thinks she looks gorgeous in everything she wears. She comes over as very self assured, a know all and very off putting. Rather like JR. Just my perception
I think that DF chooses to wear mostly QVC “fashion”. She is always wearing it in the photos she posts and her vlogs. I get the feeling she is a regular in the QVC staff shop greedily picking up clothes at very reduced prices and loving it when she gets to keep things she has presented as TSVs. Most of them are a bit like that with TSVs.

She must have bought up every piece of shape wear on the planet as she always looks as if she has full body armour on underneath. How she can breathe is a mystery to me.
I agree with most things that you say here but disagree with her not caring how she looks. I really think that she thinks she looks gorgeous in everything she wears. She comes over as very self assured, a know all and very off putting. Rather like JR. Just my perception

Plus ‘The what I’m I today?’ Pipa
I agree with most things that you say here but disagree with her not caring how she looks. I really think that she thinks she looks gorgeous in everything she wears. She comes over as very self assured, a know all and very off putting. Rather like JR. Just my perception
I absolutely agree. DF thinks that we all want to look like her she is so up herself!
Debbie just, oh here’s Sharon showing the Laura Gellar TSV in a video for you all. Thank you to everyone on social media for promoting.
No shouldn’t it be thanks from your pal Sharon, that’s been sent a load of goodies for free again then, Debs.
Debbie Flint has absolutely no dress sense at all, I agree with Kathy. She wears colours that don’t suit, clothes too tight it’s like she’s been poured in and three quarter length leggings that make her already short legs look shorter. As for her hairstyle, I think the animals were still going in two by two when she last (and first) had it done.
What a nasty person you are. She is just someone doing her job on a tv channel that nobody forces you to watch. Just turn the tv over if you don’t like her 😡
What a nasty person you are. She is just someone doing her job on a tv channel that nobody forces you to watch. Just turn the tv over if you don’t like her ��
This is a Forum where people can express an opinion, if you don’t like it don’t read it.
Perhaps Debbie isn’t as confident as she seems, especially when it comes to her appearance. I admit that I never know for sure that I look ok to other people. Debbie might feel safe in her leggings, wedges and stripey hair and can’t make the leap. We aren’t always what we appear to be.
What a nasty person you are. She is just someone doing her job on a tv channel that nobody forces you to watch. Just turn the tv over if you don’t like her ��

Get real. DF doesn`t know you and you don`t know her and frankly she wouldn`t give a damned what`s said about her on here nor anywhere else. Neither would she care that unknown people speak out on her behalf.
She does selly telly and has a skin as thick as a rhino and as you said it`s just a job to her so she`s more than aware if you put yourself out there flogging overpriced tat, then people will comment.
Stand in front of a camera in front of several thousand viewers and they`ll notice everything, good bad or ugly. It`s the nature of the beast she works for.
She dresses dreadfully, promotes herself non stop, has an ego as big as a house, a gob to match and doesn`t appear to have any qualms about trying to flog a diet book when she`s as rotund as a bowling ball. Such is her delusional self adornment.

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