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Dec 14, 2010
Check out this review on Trust Pilot, and Ideal World’s subsequent reply.

Basically this punter is saying that the £250 Vostok Watch that he/she bought is broken and that the after sales ‘Technical Help’ is non existent, the punter got absolutely no reply to his/her questions whatsoever.

So how do Ideal World Reply?

They actually thank the punter for the ‘Kind Comments’ and then say ‘Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance regarding your watch‘

You couldn’t make it up :mysmilie_19:


Great show, and great presenters. I enjoy watching it very much! I bought a couple of watches from this show, one very nice Constantin Weitz, and the second not long after a Vostok N1 Expedition 24 hour Dual Time..., for £249.99p, slightly miffed that I just missed out on the cheaper offer some time before on their TV channel going for £189.99p but never mind, I'm quite happy with the watch, classy and robust.., only thing is the 24 hour dual time does not work properly for some reason? Contacted Idealworld customer services, they were very good, although they did not seem to know anything technical about the watch? Sent emails to 'Watchbase' (Their technical help leaflet was in the Vostok box), and also Vostok company, unfortunately and surprisingly did not
get any help nor response back form neither of them? But I'm happy with the watch anyway, it gives good time, and the date calendar works fine too, I'm not an Airline Pilot! LOL, so I don't really need the 24 hour dual time to work anyway, but you would think for near enough 250 quid that the dual time hand would of worked properly..., especially the seemingly excellent reputation that Vostok seem to have. Other than my moderate qualms above I would of given it more stars....

Ideal World Response:-


Many Thanks for your kind comments,we really do appreciate them!

Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance regarding your watch,

Kind Regards,IW.

:mysmilie_17: I think the complaint and response speak for themselves...:mysmilie_17:
The punter sounds a few bob short of a shilling themselves.

That did cross my mind too ha ha :mysmilie_19: But really, that reply from Ideal World’s CS sucks.

So the poor mug of a Punter is really polite (in fact almost fawning) despite seemingly being shilled a broken watch. Then, he couldn’t get any assistance either from Ideal World or the Watch Manufacturer & their representatives. And yet all he got on a public forum was that lame reply.

Well I won’t be buying a Vostok from them now :mysmilie_19:
They ought to try contacting Kevin 'Kevski' Reynolds directly because I suspect he would be more helpful than Ideal World in resolving this issue :mysmilie_59:

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