Mr Basso is not very pleasant - anyone got his clothes?


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Must have caught me on a good day when I was feeling tolerant and generous!! :mysmilie_17:

I would doubt very much that you know what I do or where I work. What I do know is that there are a lot of embittered, hypocritical, Brexit-voting grannies on this forum! I am generalising, of course. There are some people on here of all generations that are quite OK and open-minded.
As for the bitter prunes - let them stew in their own juice! I personally hope they take delight in the fact that Mr Basso is a successful, wealthy many who provides products people want and value and that there is no sign of his success abating and that their often-misguided ramblings and self-satisfied, smug beliefs won't make one iota of difference. As for the animals - they probably don't suffer much at the hands of Basso's outfit. They likely feel a bit odd for a few seconds as they are swiftly suffocated to their deaths, their legacy living on in the form of lovely coats to be sold to upscale New York socialites. People have been wearing furs for years. It's a shame Basso doesn't round up the foxes in London and make a few coats out of them!
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I would doubt very much that you know what I do or where I work. What I do know is that there are a lot of embittered, hypocritical, Brexit-voting grannies on this forum! I am generalising, of course. There are some people on here of all generations that are quite OK and open-minded.
As for the bitter prunes - let them stew in their own juice! I personally hope they take delight in the fact that Mr Basso is a successful, wealthy many who provides products people want and value and that there is no sign of his success abating and that their often-misguided ramblings and self-satisfied, smug beliefs won't make one iota of difference. As for the animals - they probably don't suffer much at the hands of Basso's outfit. They likely feel a bit odd for a few seconds as they are swiftly suffocated to their deaths, their legacy living on in the form of lovely coats to be sold to upscale New York socialites. People have been wearing furs for years. It's a shame Basso doesn't round up the foxes in London and make a few coats out of them!
How sad that some people think that wild animals a there to slaughtered so the rich and privelidged can show of their wealth. Sad also that bastard basso has made himself rich out of this suffering. Not sure what the hell brexit has to do with this though but some always feel the need to blame everything on this and always will.
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That song shadupayourface is in my head for some reason ...

:mysmilie_17:...yeah I know ...for a dried up old prune ..I'm quite young at heart .( immature lol ) heart has pawprints imprinted on on it ( has have many animal lovers have on theirs ) ...always have and always will ..dried up prune or not :mysmilie_48: :mysmilie_7::mysmilie_1:
I would doubt very much that you know what I do or where I work. What I do know is that there are a lot of embittered, hypocritical, Brexit-voting grannies on this forum! I am generalising, of course. There are some people on here of all generations that are quite OK and open-minded

Given that you've written posts showing off on this forum before about 'read my article in the Daily Express/Daily Mail' I'd be careful about biting the hand that feeds you, Julius. The readership of the Express and Mail are precisely the 'Brexit voting Grannies' that you so carelessly and disdainfully dismiss.
Excerpt from quote:

I eat meat. By this I mean beef, chicken (not battery) lamb, pork and fish. There are certain things I will not eat, such as fpis gras and veal. I keep getting told that I should eat veal because the !ale calves (from the milk industry) would get shipped to France and mistreated if we don't buy British veal. Is this true? Shocking if it is. So if you drink cows milk, please think about what happens to the male calves that are born from keeping the cows pregnant.

As far as I know approx three quarters of male calves in general are raised as beef.The remainder used to all be euthanized or go abroad but now also a proportion of these are as raised as 'Rose' veal in the UK rather than all going abroad.These other options are variable depending on the individual farm .Dairy cows are impregnated once a year so enough milk is produced to keep up with consumer demands.So if you are asking whether it is better to eat British veal,in a way the more support it gets the better,hopefully less calves go abroad.A lso as far as I am aware veal crates are banned in UK. .However,where does it end?Pigs,intelligent curious animals, are still in the most part reared inside.Why?Outdoor reared pork is more expensive but unless people buy more farmers might not bother to spend the extra to do it.The whole meat debate is always an emotive subject. I haven't eaten it since I was 12 a good 30 + years ago,but buy butcher and cook for others.
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Julius knows no more about most of us as we know about him. It's so easy on some of these Forums to 'be' whoever you want to be. For example I'm a lottery winner and own homes all over the world, I have a large Garage to keep my Classic cars and I have Champagne and Caviar for breakfast every day. Actually my homes are little plastic ones I stick on a map of the world to keep track of my contacts (I'm an Amateur Radio Operator). The Garage is my Grandsons I keep it under the stairs fully stocked for when he visits. As for the Champagne and Caviar well I mad that up. P.S. I won £3 on the Thunderball.
Julius knows no more about most of us as we know about him. It's so easy on some of these Forums to 'be' whoever you want to be. For example I'm a lottery winner and own homes all over the world, I have a large Garage to keep my Classic cars and I have Champagne and Caviar for breakfast every day. Actually my homes are little plastic ones I stick on a map of the world to keep track of my contacts (I'm an Amateur Radio Operator). The Garage is my Grandsons I keep it under the stairs fully stocked for when he visits. As for the Champagne and Caviar well I mad that up. P.S. I won £3 on the Thunderball.
Oh bugger, and I was just going to get down on one knee:mysmilie_17:
I would doubt very much that you know what I do or where I work. What I do know is that there are a lot of embittered, hypocritical, Brexit-voting grannies on this forum! I am generalising, of course. There are some people on here of all generations that are quite OK and open-minded.
As for the bitter prunes - let them stew in their own juice! I personally hope they take delight in the fact that Mr Basso is a successful, wealthy many who provides products people want and value and that there is no sign of his success abating and that their often-misguided ramblings and self-satisfied, smug beliefs won't make one iota of difference. As for the animals - they probably don't suffer much at the hands of Basso's outfit. They likely feel a bit odd for a few seconds as they are swiftly suffocated to their deaths, their legacy living on in the form of lovely coats to be sold to upscale New York socialites. People have been wearing furs for years. It's a shame Basso doesn't round up the foxes in London and make a few coats out of them!

You are not really a nice person are you????
I think if a person with these cruel opinions is made to sit in a room to watch exactly what happens to theses poor furry Angels in the name of the sick sick vanity and totaly selfish so called humans ...then I think it would be very interesting to see their reaction .....don't think ..( if any compassion or decency left ) they would want to get to know B then ...but well ..I've probably answered my own question ..
I think if a person with these cruel opinions is made to sit in a room to watch exactly what happens to theses poor furry Angels in the name of the sick sick vanity and totaly selfish so called humans ...then I think it would be very interesting to see their reaction .....don't think ..( if any compassion or decency left ) they would want to get to know B then ...but well ..I've probably answered my own question ..
Yes, I think you have...
(1) QUOTE "I would doubt very much that you know what I do or where I work". ANSWER: Only someone on Mars would not know by now - you boast about being "in journalism" often enough.
(2) QUOTE "What I do know is that there are a lot of embittered, hypocritical, Brexit-voting grannies on this forum" - ANSWER: Don't speak about yourself this way, Julius. You may well be embittered and hypocritical - but we love you anyway! And as for the "granny" bit...well, whatever floats your boat, and some people do enjoy dressing up.

I would doubt very much that you know what I do or where I work. What I do know is that there are a lot of embittered, hypocritical, Brexit-voting grannies on this forum! I am generalising, of course. There are some people on here of all generations that are quite OK and open-minded.
As for the bitter prunes - let them stew in their own juice! I personally hope they take delight in the fact that Mr Basso is a successful, wealthy many who provides products people want and value and that there is no sign of his success abating and that their often-misguided ramblings and self-satisfied, smug beliefs won't make one iota of difference. As for the animals - they probably don't suffer much at the hands of Basso's outfit. They likely feel a bit odd for a few seconds as they are swiftly suffocated to their deaths, their legacy living on in the form of lovely coats to be sold to upscale New York socialites. People have been wearing furs for years. It's a shame Basso doesn't round up the foxes in London and make a few coats out of them!
I just watched a short video on a fur farm. I will admit to feeling a pang of sympathy for the cute creatures. They don't seem to be very well treated at all. I don't know what Basso's setup is like but I wouldn't imagine it's a lot better.

I will post a link to the video here, but please take note, you may find it distressing.

WARNING. This link contains scenes of animals reared in a fur farm and shows scenes of a disturbing nature:
I just watched a short video on a fur farm. I will admit to feeling a pang of sympathy for the cute creatures. They don't seem to be very well treated at all. I don't know what Basso's setup is like but I wouldn't imagine it's a lot better.

I will post a link to the video here, but please take note, you may find it distressing.

WARNING. This link contains scenes of animals reared in a fur farm and shows scenes of a disturbing nature:
I don't need to see this as I already know what goes on on a fur farm. Basso must also know and he still lets it happen in the name on profit. The man is an evil and uncaring bastard who murders animals so the vane can look 'pretty', this make them no better than bastard Basso and all other furriers.
(1) QUOTE "I would doubt very much that you know what I do or where I work". ANSWER: Only someone on Mars would not know by now - you boast about being "in journalism" often enough.
(2) QUOTE "What I do know is that there are a lot of embittered, hypocritical, Brexit-voting grannies on this forum" - ANSWER: Don't speak about yourself this way, Julius. You may well be embittered and hypocritical - but we love you anyway! And as for the "granny" bit...well, whatever floats your boat, and some people do enjoy dressing up.

For some reason he sees being a "journalist" as a badge of honour, to the rest of us we find them a massive pain in the arse and wouldn't trust them as far as we could throw them, mind you I suppose he feels a pang of guilt reporting when Elvis comes round for tea. :mysmilie_17:
I don't need to see this as I already know what goes on on a fur farm. Basso must also know and he still lets it happen in the name on profit. The man is an evil and uncaring bastard who murders animals so the vane can look 'pretty', this make them no better than bastard Basso and all other furriers.

I agree, what's he like hey? :mysmilie_15: warning us of these distressing scenes that we've know for years, cutting edge journalism eh. :mysmilie_15:
There is a Basso-like voice that comes in at 01:54. Now if that really were him saying what was said it'd make a great story!

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