Be a wardrobe warrior


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Mar 21, 2015
To borrow that well-worn phrase so beloved of Renée Greenstein, I think there is a useful mission for a wardrobe warrior to go into the dressing rooms of the QVC presenters and attack!

While some presenters probably need a scorched-earth approach to their wardrobe or dressing room contents, I'm restricting it to one item/category per person. And apologies for the mainly female presenter-centric choices...

Alison Young - Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick or any highlighter product. You look too pale and shiny and rather like the tin man in it, it does not give you cheekbones, or make you look a minute younger. Banished from all on-air use forever.

Julia Roberts - Black toe-post sandals. Your feet overlap the sides and they detract from anything and everything you wear. Banished from all on-air use forever.

Debbie Flint - White peep-toe wedges. These belong in the 1980's - when you probably bought them. Banished from all on-air use forever.

Jill Franks - Nails Inc Porchester Square nail polish. Your nails won't fall off if you wear another colour. Banished from all on-air use forever.

Kathy Tayler - All lagen-look clothing by whichever brand. You are an attractive lady, but this stuff just looks dreadful on you, so please accept it and move on. Banished from all on-air use forever.

Sara Griffiths - That top-knot updo (I'll be kind and assume it's a hairpiece). It looks unkempt and deeply unflattering, and it's not even the same colour as the rest of your hair. Banished from all on-air use forever.

Claire Sutton - All cleavage-revealing dresses. Save those for your nights out with hubby or friends. Banished from all on-air use forever.

Simon Biagi - All chest-hair revealing shirts. Save those for your nights out with wife or friends. Banished from all on-air use forever.

Catherine Huntley - All hair dye. Your hair will thank you for an enforced holiday from ringing the changes... besides which many of the colours are not flattering for you. Give it a rest then get some professional advice on your hair colour.

I'm sure I've missed your pet peeves.
I hate DF`s leggings/jeggings and she will insist on wearing them with the white wedges you mentioned.
I`d also bin her Jack Sparrow pirate boots.

Ali Young needs to get rid of the shapeless dresses she often wears and in neon colours which regularly don`t suit her.

Kathy needs to get rid of those awful baggy black trousers and mis shapen black pumps she often wears.

Ingrid T needs a total revamp, everything needs burning !

JF needs to buy more tops with 2 shoulders.
Pipa - hair is far too dark. Now that it is long you look like a refugee from the some horror stage show. It makes your face very long and horsey.
I agree with all above and can I add, Clare Suttons childish voice it drives me mad. Charlie and his slow reveal is another thing that irritates me.
I'd ban the Lion King look covered in enough hair lacquer to start the Great Fire of London, also ban her from asking why and answering her own question and using "of course" totally out of context when it's not "of course" at all..............Chloe Everton.
Yes definitely the toe posts will have to go Julia along with skinny jeans you do not suit them dear, you do not have the figure anymore (I'm not even sure you ever did). Keep your legs covered maybe a long skirt or tailored trousers and some sensible lace-up shoes, much better for the feet 'area'. :mysmilie_17:
Funnily I think Miss J is OK from the top of the leg down which means her legs look OK in skinny things, the problem is her muffin top, tummy and chest. These are all far too big for a "I'm wearing a small" so the problem bits are spilling out making everything look fat.

Don't they say skinny bottoms/flowing top and full bottoms/fitted top unless you are young, tall and very slender in which case you can wear damn near anything!
Absolutely dire, she needs floaty softening materials instead of always looking trussed up. And the striped hair that does her no favours needs stripping.

I think she's a Tova wannabe, if her hair colours anything to go by...........think again Fibby. :mysmilie_17:
Absolutely dire, she needs floaty softening materials instead of always looking trussed up. And the striped hair that does her no favours needs stripping.

She seems to think flowery & patterned tops dresses & the likes hide bumps! Well they do not my dear, plain is better and more flattering. Try it some day :mysmilie_59:
I agree with all above and can I add, Clare Suttons childish voice it drives me mad. Charlie and his slow reveal is another thing that irritates me.

Can we add Marv to list. Saw her today and has she morphed into a cartoon caracter or something? Very OTT and was cringing :mysmilie_1:
Remove the shapeware from DelBoyFlintyBint 's dressing room. Rather than shape her it's obvious she has a suit of armour under the too tight clothes.

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