Facial Cleansers


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Jun 26, 2008
Good morning ladies & gents.

Could I have your recommendations for a cleanser from the QVC ranges that would suit me. I'm nearly 60, my skin has no problems other than the age-related slackness and odd thread vein on my nose. It's quite dry though so I've been using an oil cleanser by L'Occitane but it makes my skin feel tight which really surprised me as I assumed an oil would be kind to the skin.

I prefer a wash-off cleanser and it doesn't have to remove eye make-up as I use a separate product for eyes.

Thanks as always

EM xx

PS - ideas for a facial exfoliator would be appreciated too.
Morning EM. I have sensitive skin so all Q products irritate me but did like Elemis Pro Radiance Cream Cleanser if you don't suffer from reactive skin like me. A lot of forumites complain of the chemicals in Elemis, which is justified but oddly I don't react to their pro collagen marine and oxygenating night creams. As for an exfoliator, their rose one is supposed to be good, again I reacted but it is rated as the gentlest. I would recommend a flannel with porridge oats in and warm water!
i like the dreaded high street. superdrug and boots do fab ranges for all skin types. the spa ranges that qvc sell contain a lot of irritants. elemis, decleor, emma harding all have essential oils which are known irritants. alpha h is one of the better ranges imo. no essential oils. very hard working and deliver good results in a short space of time. its not fluff or puff or dreamy spa smells but if your skin is sensitive alpha h is a good contender
I have dry skin and use a balm cleanser (Emma Hardie or Elemis) at night. You can add a little water once it's on the skin (I don't bother) and then remove with a mitt or muslin cloth- this does sufficient exfoliating for me. My skin feels soft after. However I live in a hard water area so the water itself can leave my skin feeling tight a few moments later until my moisturiser goes on.

In the morning I like a wash off cleanser in the shower. I have tried the Emma Hardie foam and the L'Occitane precious foam (both good) have also tried a decleor one (aroma cleanse) which was nice and am about to try a decleor set from QVC which has 2 cleansers in it -both will get used in the shower. It's item no 208 179 with the vitamin C primer/spf 50 stuff in that they say is a primer, moisturiser/serum and SPF in one..... worth a try!

Edit: I also really like the L'Occitsne Shea facial soap. It feels lovely and lasts for ages. The bars I have are the old formula with more Shea in. Not tried the new formula yet.
I don`t buy skincare from Q anymore but the SBC collagen cleanser was really good and didn`t upset my sensitive skin.
I have uber sensitive, easily irritated skin, which can react to a product one day, and be okay with it the next. Moringa balm (Emma Hardie), is so efficacious. Elemis Pro Radiance Cream Cleansr, is so kind to my skin.
By the way - you don't have to tell- are you really "Eric's Mum"?
I have been using LE C&P for years as I like the taking off with the cloth & I don't need to bother with a separate eye makeup remover.Recently I have tried Alpha H Balancing Cleanser which I like as much as C&P.I think as you get older ( I'm 68) is to moisturise morning & night.@ the moment I use Ultrasun Face 30 as a moisturiser & Clinique serums, eye creams & night cream.
Alpha H blancing cleanser or SBC collegen 3 in one cleanser. Alpha micro cleanse exfoilator.
I agree that the water in your area will have an effect on how tight your skin feels. For that reason, make sure you use a toner after cleansing.

Whatever I cleanse with, except for micellar water, I use a clean flannel and warm water to wash them off (one flannel a day). Don't make the water too hot as that can be drying and sensitising.

Once you've toned, if you've got a facial oil you like - put some on your face to help with any tightness. I find a slightly damper skin is often better able to absorb the oil. Some oils will be too heavy for daytime, but ones I find quite good are Decleor Aromessences, if you can tolerate essential oils, or L'Occitane Divine Oil. Best is to try some and find out which suits you best. You're not aiming for an oily feel - so about 3 drops max pressed into the skin should be enough during the day. Night time is another matter... I use Clarins Blue Orchid oil, AD Skin Synergy, Decleor Balms, or Liz Earle Superskin Serum.

Balms are good as they emulsify, and you can get in a good massage as you're cleansing. Personally I love the Elemis Pro-collagen cleansing balm, and Emma Hardie Moringa balm.
Creamy cleansers like Elemis Pro-radiance / Liz Earle C&P or their high-street dupes (eg: NSPA) can also be good; Alpha H Balancing cleanser is lovely... I'm also a fan of Clarins cleansers... Pure Melt Cleansing Gel with Marula Oil is genius - a gel that becomes an oil that becomes a milk. It's very gentle but leaves your skin incredibly smooth and fresh. I also like their Cleansing Milk with Alpine Herbs and its counterpart toner. I love their Extra Comfort Toning Lotion (it has a thicker consistency, and is really supposed to partner their Extra Comfort cleanser, which is also nice). I use Liz Earle Instant Boost Skin Tonic a lot as my everyday toner.

My tip with any toner (mentioned on another thread) is to put a small amount in your cupped palm, put your hands together to "distribute" it across both palms and fingers then spread it across your face. It is much less wasteful than using cotton wool pads, and you can feel where it's going, and there's nothing to mop away afterwards. I manage to distribute mine across face, neck and décolletage without any problems. It makes my toners last ages!

Oh - and frequency of cleansing - morning is something quick and light. Evening - if you've used sunscreen* PLEASE double cleanse unless you want spots! *including SPF in moisturiser or makeup.

Oh - exfoliation is also good. If you've got sensitive skin, maybe avoid particles... the 2 Gatineau ones which QVC sells are fab. There's an antiageing one and my personal favourite is the radiance one. Or you could have a go with Alpha H Liquid Gold 3 nights a week.
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That's an excellent post May, I've been following your tip about toner since you posted it previously.

You and Donna are our resident beauty experts on our forum. :mysmilie_508:
Thank you all so much for sparing the time to give me detailed replies.

I forgot to say in my OP that I've just started using Alpha H Liquid Gold and I think I'm seeing results. Some of you have recommended their cleanser and exfoliant so that's where I'm going to start.

Eric is my cat not offspring - not sure I'd name my child after my favourite but ageing rockstar, all-time greatest guitar player ! I've added his pic as my avatar now. He's 17+ and a little sweetie.

EM xx
I was initially nervous about using Liquid Gold, but I love it. I don't use it all the time, but when I do use it, it seems to give my skin a real boost. I get keratosis pilaris on my upper arms, and also use it on that... it's not gone entirely, but the texture is much-improved.

If you ever find it a bit drastic using LG on its own... one tip I've read in a number of places: do your evening cleanse earlier (when you get in of an evening) and do the Liquid Gold straight after. Make sure it's a couple of hours before you then apply a moisturiser, to allow the LG to work its magic. This is a more sensible approach for most of us, I think, than Ali Young's idea of setting an alarm in the middle of the night to put on a moisturiser (personally, once I'm asleep, I like to stay that way!).
, This is a more sensible approach for most of us, I think, than Ali Young's idea of setting an alarm in the middle of the night to put on a moisturiser (personally, once I'm asleep, I like to stay that way!).

No need to set the alarm here, I could just wait till the seagull that is nesting on my next door neighbour's roof wakes me up every day at 4 am making a horrendous noise for hours. Although putting on moisturizer is not in my mind - heading outside with a blunderbuss is!
This is a more sensible approach for most of us, I think, than Ali Young's idea of setting an alarm in the middle of the night to put on a moisturiser (personally, once I'm asleep, I like to stay that way!).

What utter rubbish. Disturb your beauty sleep to effect a false one! :mysmilie_466:
AY must think the is terribly clever having invented this, what a load of rubbish and she will most probably flog this idea for years, like the one she invented that the Alpha H eye gel removes dark circles by the circles rolling off under your fingers or something to this extent.
I used ABC's skin wash in the mornings, on days I haven't worn make-up and when I shower to wash/cleanse my face.

But on days when I have to take my make up off, I use Elemis' white flower eye & lip remover to take my eye make up off and I alternate between SBC's 3-1 Collagen Cleanser with the pink shammy and Elemis' Lime Blossom cleanser.

However, at the moment I'm using the special addition Elemis Pro-Radiance Cream Cleanser, with the cedarwood, rosewood and bergamot in it. I really like it too. It smells lovely and I really think it's help my skin look better.

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