Presenter home try-outs


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Apr 27, 2009
Can we see an end to the comments given by presenters who have been 'lucky' enough to try out products at home.

At the launch of Yankee tsv, Craig showed the message by Jackie Kabler who waxed (?) lyrical about the 'fantastic' candles in the tsv bundle. In the past Dale has done it with Peony, Kathy with the Cottage fudge company, and Simon hit the jackpot with a single bed he had delivered complete with the mattress for that day's tsv !!!!! so many others too numerous to mention.

This is never going to be a true representation as to the quality/functionality/usefulness of any product - the presenters are ALWAYS going to give 5 star ratings whether its sh...te or not ! - not worth losing their job over, and its just another excuse to give them all freeby perks, so rather than make me buy, it just irritates the life out of me. A very pointless exercise.
That's the same as the "guests" they have like Alison Diamonbleek and Lori gets on my wickmire, as if they're ever going to say they don't like something, I'm so pleased I don't contribute to their wages anymore because I don't buy from QVC. It's funny watching the presenters taste the food too, and listening to their orgasmic hmm hmm, oh yeah! So they like it..........shock!!
I absolutely agree, it is a complete waste of time, and imo nothing more than jollies for the presenters, a perk of the job, of course they will say IT or THEY are just wonderful.

I also get so tired of them pushing themselves as I think that should be left to their off air lives, but of course, many people unless they saw them on QVC and you know there are hundreds of people in the good old UK who have never heard of QVC. I have friends who have never seen it, don't know what I'm talking about when I mention as none of them watch that 'sort of tv'.

Nuff said - I'm sick of all of it.
Speaking of Alison Diamonbleek - l've been watching Q for over 10 years, and now we have this person as a regular for Diamoneek purporting (what a good word) to be an expert on this glass jewellery ! Ok, apparently she's been in the jewellery business for years and knows her stuff - so why hasn't she popped up before as an expert then ????
As Jessie J sings its all about the money money$$$££££ If I was in the money I would not go to Alison to make me a ring because she would charge me for diamonds and make the ring with eeeek.
They did have a customer panel, remember the phone in from someone who said on the launch show,"I got this to try and its the best thing since sliced bread". Of course they never picked the one who was luke warm about it to phone it.

On Facebook the other month on the official QVC page(no not BTY, the other one:mysmilie_11:), a woman posted a few times. She kept asking how to get back on the customer panel as it seems she was no longer receiving stuff to review. She posted twice about it ask the mods on the page who to contact? Lets say a few people suddenly wanted to know about this panel. :mysmilie_10:
She was asking 'how to get back on it' - how did she get on the panel in the first place ? Perhaps Q don't trust the public in praising their products to the hilt, so its a far safer bet to get the Presenters to do the 'testing' !! OR (heaven forbid) its mates of the presenters who get chosen to do the product testing !
Not just presenters are in it for what they can get. There`s people clamoring to be on tester panels and the worst time of all IMO is when the invites are sent out for the Beauty Bash and FB is awash with people moaning they either didn`t get invited and should have been or if they did get invited moaning about how their FREEBIE goody bags simply weren`t good enough.
Not just presenters are in it for what they can get. There`s people clamoring to be on tester panels and the worst time of all IMO is when the invites are sent out for the Beauty Bash and FB is awash with people moaning they either didn`t get invited and should have been or if they did get invited moaning about how their FREEBIE goody bags simply weren`t good enough.

Should be open to all!! Once again, I seem to notice the SAME NAMES being mentioned or getting these freebies over and over again! Maybe I'm just not that greedy for freebies!? :mysmilie_12:
She was asking 'how to get back on it' - how did she get on the panel in the first place ? Perhaps Q don't trust the public in praising their products to the hilt, so its a far safer bet to get the Presenters to do the 'testing' !! OR (heaven forbid) its mates of the presenters who get chosen to do the product testing !

She wanted back on it.
Until I first heard someone calling in who was on the 'customer panel' several years ago (I've been with Q for 20 years) I had no idea such an animal of this rare species existed at all. So, I asked myself, how do they get to be in this state - I have no idea just like the rest of you, but I sure would like some freebies to try out (and presumably keep) which is fine if they're good of course. I don't know who chooses such people, but all I would say in the interests of fairness and consideration for their viewing public, from whom they make vast amounts of money, people should be on some kind of rota, so that we all get a taste of this.

So wrong QVC and I hope you're reading this.
Until I first heard someone calling in who was on the 'customer panel' several years ago (I've been with Q for 20 years) I had no idea such an animal of this rare species existed at all. So, I asked myself, how do they get to be in this state - I have no idea just like the rest of you, but I sure would like some freebies to try out (and presumably keep) which is fine if they're good of course. I don't know who chooses such people, but all I would say in the interests of fairness and consideration for their viewing public, from whom they make vast amounts of money, people should be on some kind of rota, so that we all get a taste of this.

So wrong QVC and I hope you're reading this.

My thoughts too, been with them nearly 20 years also and never ever heard of this either and never been offered a 'freebie' or to try a product!! Think Facebook, which is a fairly recent tool has super seeded their long lasting and loyal customers. At least I'm not trying to get favours from presenters to get any free products. Am a huge fan of QVC but this does bug me :mysmilie_51:
I remember when this was first mention perhaps two years ago??? Someone on ST(sorry cannot remember who), said that QVC had a research company go out in London on the dreaded high street. They stopped asked people if they would do a survey? If you fit the bill then got chosen to because a customer panel member, then they contacted you at a later date? Now if you didn't live in London you had no chance. If not walking the dreaded high street at the right time and day, no chance.

Now perhaps its just me? But how about it the computer randomly picked customers for a survey and then let them do the product testing? Much fairer to the thousands of QVC customers who just do not live in London.
its not just presenters either, the models are given freebies so they can come on and tell us about their experiences. Sharon was given a forbes spin gym a year ago so she could come on and talk about them.
Like others on here, I've been watching Q since long before the advent of bloody F/Book ! and shiver at the amount (in thousands) of pounds I've spent with this company over the years.

Surely its not beyond the wit of man, and in the spirit of 'fairness' , that Q check their database to pick their customer panel from old and recent customers from wherever their parcels are sent - not just sodding London ! The same names can harbour resentment, as one can picture these homes stock piled high with goodies they've been given to try out. This only adds fuel to the fire when the likes of Craig prattles on about his home heaving under Yankee Candles, Kelly Hoppen bedding and Peony flaaaaars !

The abhorrent post and packaging we all pay, more than covers the profit loss that Q have to swallow when dishing out their freebies.
Like others on here, I've been watching Q since long before the advent of bloody F/Book ! and shiver at the amount (in thousands) of pounds I've spent with this company over the years.

Surely its not beyond the wit of man, and in the spirit of 'fairness' , that Q check their database to pick their customer panel from old and recent customers from wherever their parcels are sent - not just sodding London ! The same names can harbour resentment, as one can picture these homes stock piled high with goodies they've been given to try out. This only adds fuel to the fire when the likes of Craig prattles on about his home heaving under Yankee Candles, Kelly Hoppen bedding and Peony flaaaaars !

The abhorrent post and packaging we all pay, more than covers the profit loss that Q have to swallow when dishing out their freebies.

couldn't agree more!!
I've always thought that, at least some of the time, the presenters get to test out the products in advance for research - if they've already tried it, they have a better understanding and appreciation of what it is.
it is a perk of the job though and essential to know something abut the item you are presenting. qvc is retail and you usually get staff discounts and sometimes products to try/use for free. nothing wrong with that
I've always thought that, at least some of the time, the presenters get to test out the products in advance for research - if they've already tried it, they have a better understanding and appreciation of what it is.

I agree on both points. It means there is some hope (in some cases, at least) that their comments during a presentation will be better informed as a result of using the product in advance.

it is a perk of the job though and essential to know something abut the item you are presenting. qvc is retail and you usually get staff discounts and sometimes products to try/use for free. nothing wrong with that

I agree with you. I can't hold it against them that they get the chance to try stuff either for free or at a substantial discount.

However - knowing that people have samples free or discounted does mean I take with a pinch of salt any rave reviews... This applies as much to journalists, bloggers etc as it does to QVC staff and models and "customer panellists".

It would be good (but fat chance) if QVC were more transparent and equitable about becoming a customer panellist to review products.

For example why don't they run their customer panels more like Amazon Vine?

There are no arcane ways to become a member - the way to become a member is to contribute reviews which have been highly rated by other amazon customers...

Customers are invited to become Amazon Vine™ Voices based on the trust they've earned in the Amazon community for writing accurate and insightful reviews. Amazon provides Amazon Vine™ members with free copies of products that have been submitted to the programme by vendors. Amazon doesn't influence the opinions of Amazon Vine™ members, nor do we modify or edit their reviews.

I can understand resentment of QVC for the unclear way they offer perks to their customer base (like invites to beauty bash, becoming a customer panellist, getting invited to other events the host for other departments or specific brands). But I don't really understand resentment of QVCs employees having perks, unless it's about having our noses rubbed in it.
It would be interesting to know if the staff discount that they no doubt get is indeed separate from the take-home staff try-outs. And yes, we all know its the perks of the job - but I will re-iterate - a pretty pointless exercise if they continually give it a 5 star rating, even if they have a better 'handle' on it to discuss in the studio. And isn't that the very purpose of the 30 dmg ? that we try it for ourselves regardless of their spiel on air ?

(psssssst .... do they realise how very very lucky they are to get all these freebies ? so shouldn't be pressing home the point that they love every product in creation they've been given to try - most of their audience are not in their happy position to get freebies, i.e. taxi drivers, construction workers, public health workers, local authority workers.... the list is endless)

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