Gtech AirRam K9 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner TSV 14/03/15


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Mine and OH's have both become very noisy too.

A bit worrying that the feature of the new one is that it is "strengthened" with metal gears, which suggests the original wasn't strong enough.

I will have to contact GTECH to investigate the 5 year guarantee
My air ram has also become very noisy and it doesn't get used a lot. I bought it when it first came out as a tsv. I do like it though as it is so light
it would have to do a lot lot more than my old air ram for me to buy this. i would replace but only if my old one broke.
I've just noticed in the 5pm show with Charlie that during the demos, the camera is having to pull away from close ups quickly because it's leaving a trail of un-vacuumed stuff behind it. She's trying to suck up coffee grounds and bits, and the camera is focussed on the front of the machine: there's a sort of cutaway slot in it. It's here that it doesn't seem to pick up very well. Does anyone actually have real experience of it - does it not pick up very well after all?
Hmmmm, I noticed that too, and I've ordered one !

With all the 'duff' products that Q flogging lately, I'm wondering whatever happened to the Quality and Value part of QVC ????? In the old days I remember seeing a promo film where they would be shown testing products before they aired, one assumes this doesn't happen now.
It is normal for the AirRam. Every vac has a belt to rotate the brush, which has to go somewhere.

On most vacs it is on one side, so you don't get edge cleaning on that side.

The AirRam puts the belt in the middle, so you get edge cleaning on both sides. However, this then leaves an unvacced trail about 2 inches wide right in the middle, but it only takes a few seconds extra to go over this bit.

Most of the time you move the vac back and for anyway, so it gets done without even thinking about it. I don't know anyone who just pushes their vac in a straight line from one end of the room to the other, then does the same on the way back, like ploughing a field.
Anybody had it delivered yet? What do you think?
Mine still hasn't been despatched despite ordering pretty early on Saturday morning. I'll be lucky to get it by the weekend at this rate.
Without a doubt, the Air Ram is the best thing I've ever bought from Q. In fact, it could be the best thing I've ever bought full stop.
I love the bloody thing.
The only annoying thing is washing the filters. When I bought it, the guest said they had to air dry, because if you put them on a radiator if could alter the shape of the rubber seal.
The problem is they take forever to dry though. 3 days the first time. Last time it was 2 days because it was a bit warmer.
Might do them this week if this heatwave ever comes and hopefully they'll only take a day. That's the only negative I can think of.
I genuinely adore it. I no longer dread doing the vacuuming. I last did it on Sunday. My bedroom, spare bedroom, study, bathroom, living room & kitchen. Took me 15 minutes max. It used to take me that long to drag the bloody Dyson upstairs! Ha
I agree. I do have two - upstairs and downstairs. Yes, the only downside I find is the washing of the filters and the length of time to dry.

I feel like a modern version of my Mum when she used to whip out her old wooden Ewebank carpet sweeper to clear up the bits - this is the same principle but motorised.
Is it weird that I'm thinking of getting another as a spare? You know, just in case.

Somebody please take my wallet away.
Is it weird that I'm thinking of getting another as a spare? You know, just in case

Be careful what you wish for Mr Marple, or else they will soon be selling it in purple as a colour designed especially for QVC, they'll be encouraging you to buy another to collect the set :wink:
Just watched the presentation for this. I have the original vision, not the k9, and I love it for the ease of changing from one floor surface to another, also for how effective it is at vacuuming on wooden floors (every other hoover I've tried just blows the dust and debris around rather than picking it up!). However, I have really long hair and it does get tangled up in the sweeper brushes, every so often I have to cut it all out from the brushes. Not ideal! In the presentation for the k9 the brushes do look smaller and more compact, but I still wonder if there would be the same problem that long hair would tangled up all over them.

Anyone with long hair (or a long haired pet!) have the k9? - does the hair tangling around the brushes still happen?
Ella I have the K9 and two long haired cats. I think its fab. I whizz it round most days mainly to collect the blobs of car hair that appear with monotonous regularity.

I love it!! I'm seriously considering buying a second. One for upstairs and one for downstairs but that's the ultimate in laziness so I'm holding myself in check. Just about.
Be careful what you wish for Mr Marple, or else they will soon be selling it in purple as a colour designed especially for QVC, they'll be encouraging you to buy another to collect the set :wink:

Don't joke Ellaaa. I love it that much, I'd probably fall for the hype and get one!! Ha Ha

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