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He getting her mixed up with Waynetta.
He's got a bloody nerve as he used to puff away himself until recently ! And Sally has never smoked !
He getting her mixed up with Waynetta.
He's got a bloody nerve as he used to puff away himself until recently ! And Sally has never smoked !
Is anyone watching Bid right now? Who wants a Banke B kaftan? Only £20 plus extras. They are hidepus! Apparently they "are in all the shops at the moment" (i haven't seen any). I am posting this on my mobile so can't add a picture. Anyway back to Law and Order on ITV.
He's got a bloody nerve as he used to puff away himself until recently ! And Sally has never smoked !
Are they for the curvy lady then? We all know Peter loves the larger of the ladies whether it be be bust or hips or bum he just loves the curves
And why do you think we are so cynical about MeMike? Whose fault would that be? I did ask a question to you awhile back so forgive me if you replied and I missed it but is the impression he gives of himself on the TV as in a male chauvinist what he is like in real life?
PJ, as you know, I have replied to you several times and again I will tell you that Mike is far from chauvinistic. There are very few men these days that will open a car door for a lady or grab her coat for her to put on, but Mike does. He's is a very respectful and chivalrous man. I obviously expect everyone to pull my comments apart but every time I have been in his company he has been a gentleman. And for the record, his partner 'Waynetta' as you call her (who is the polar opposite to that character) has never had feet problems, does not smoke roll ups, nor has she got flatulance issues!!! A joke is a joke people.
Mike the fashion expert is on................Please please please Mike not taking the p here but a wee helpful hint here...Watch back your old shows and listen to what your saying, then think if you want to improve and learn then you might gain some respect!
M&M Above what you have posted may well be very true but how can anyone get that impression of Mike by watching his antics on TV? You must be watching something else :mysmilie_10:
PJ, as you know, I have replied to you several times and again I will tell you that Mike is far from chauvinistic. There are very few men these days that will open a car door for a lady or grab her coat for her to put on, but Mike does. He's is a very respectful and chivalrous man. I obviously expect everyone to pull my comments apart but every time I have been in his company he has been a gentleman. And for the record, his partner 'Waynetta' as you call her (who is the polar opposite to that character) has never had feet problems, does not smoke roll ups, nor has she got flatulance issues!!! A joke is a joke people.
Not really watching so not much to contributeJust noticed PJ aww is that a reference to a certain song?
Yes ma'am
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Well frankly i'm not bothered one bit if he does sorry i'm just not
It's weird with Mason, obviously he's not very funny unless you enjoy stale old 1980's humour but I can't distinguish from his 'jokes' and when he's telling stories just to try and sell something.
He didn't seem like he was joking about Waynetta's Fungus Feet (he was selling towels and said you need to buy more to avoid transferring germs and infections like verrucas). He didn't sound like he was joking about the smoking and farting (he was selling plugin air fresheners) and he didn't sound like he was joking about her being untidy (he was selling a shoe tidy).
He sounded deadly serious to me. In fact he was being serious, if all that is meant to be funny then he desperately needs a gag writer.