Amica the Beautiful Model


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Terrible news. Amica is such a lovely lady and to have battled so hard against cancer like she did only for it to come back is so cruel.
TBH I am sick of the decent people like Amica in this world getting this cruel and evil cancer. I am absolutely gutted that a young gorgeous Lady like Amica is having to through this. I am crying writing this as I just can't believe Amica is going through this. Lots of love, hugs and kisses to an extremely beautiful Lady xxxx
TBH I am sick of the decent people like Amica in this world getting this cruel and evil cancer. I am absolutely gutted that a young gorgeous Lady like Amica is having to through this. I am crying writing this as I just can't believe Amica is going through this. Lots of love, hugs and kisses to an extremely beautiful Lady xxxx

Same here,am in tears at reading this dreadful news.

My God,there's just no end to the people struggling with terminal cancer,is there?

I'll remember lovely Amica & her family in my prayers tonight,God bless them all xxx
Stacy from YBF and Joy the model said they visited Amica last night. On Stacy's YBF show today she was selling a butterfly compact which she said made with Amica in mind.

She described Amica as a butterfly who's about to embark on another journey. I took that as Amica not having much time sad.x
Such terribly sad news. My thoughts are with the lovely Amica and her family and friends.
I. am so sorry to hear the sad news about Amica. How could that bloody woman think of making money out of such a tragic situation unless of course ALL proceeds are going to charity.
Stacy from YBF and Joy the model said they visited Amica last night. On Stacy's YBF show today she was selling a butterfly compact which she said made with Amica in mind.

She described Amica as a butterfly who's about to embark on another journey. I took that as Amica not having much time sad.x
That's beautiful but how was she able to compose herself to say that without bursting into tears!!?? I'm tearful just reading it. :sad: I believe Stacey will be genuinely heartbroken when it's Amika's time to take that final journey.
I spoke to Amica a couple of times at viewer events over the years and she's the exact sweet gentle soul she appears on screen. Her young daughters don't deserve to loose their beautiful Mum so young.

I was sorting though some old magazines the others day and was stopped in my tracks by an advert with a photo of Beulah, I don't want to use these sad events to score points against QVC but I would have liked a few simple words on the website in recognition of Beulah's passing away. In the same way that the BBC or ITV would mention the death of a former news reader or correspondent. I may have missed it but I don't recall seeing anything about Beulah. Maybe Ken Paves might mention her on his next visit as they always seemed to work well together, but I think QVC should have published an acknowledgement.
I agree with Akimbo, just watched Stacey's 5 p.m. show, pity the end was so rushed, but just the last few seconds she had a pic of Amica on display. Yes, they should certainly acknowledge when faithful workers like Amica and Beulah die, they worked for Q for a very long time. I wondered whether the fact that Alison and the models were all wearing black was a coincidence. Been thinking about her all day, it is so tragic and unfair.
maybe beulah's family dont want it recongised on the channel/ mother died when i was 16 of breast cancer.whilst the sympathy and all the lovely messages and support i received was amazing it was at the same time suffocating and overwhelming.i just wanted to carry on my life and grieve in my own way,in my own family had time to get used to my mother going - although she had breast cancer i never truly knew that her time was nearly up - you just dont know how these families are coping with it all.I personally think qvc have done the right thing by not acknowledging it.
This is all so sad. I like Stacey and no way would she try and profit from Amica. I hope that they have the family's permission to even talk about Amica on qvc and on facebook. Not everyone wants their successes and sorrows trumpeted to the world although Amica herself was open about her illness so hopefully she doesn't mind. Amica was glowingly beautiful as usual during her last appearances at work and it's horrible to think of her in a hospice now. It doesn't seem possible somehow.

As for Alison Young wearing black - I'm sure that has nothing at all to do with Amica or Beulah. Beulah's passing never got a mention as far as I know and Amica is still alive. I heard Alison glibly announce that she was wearing 'summer black'. No doubt that's the latest fashion (like winter white) and very shallow it seems too, taken in the wider scheme of things.
Stacy from YBF and Joy the model said they visited Amica last night. On Stacy's YBF show today she was selling a butterfly compact which she said made with Amica in mind.

She described Amica as a butterfly who's about to embark on another journey. I took that as Amica not having much time sad.x

That's beautiful. I have the biggest lump in my throat just reading that.
Such sad news about the lovely Amica . Thinking about her lovely family and what they must be going through now.
Very, very saddened to hear this, even though it's not unexpected as everything's been pointing to it of late. Such a vicioous and indiscriminate disease.
I. am so sorry to hear the sad news about Amica. How could that bloody woman think of making money out of such a tragic situation unless of course ALL proceeds are going to charity.

I thought that was quite distasteful too Bettyboo. I didn't hear any mention of proceeds going to charity:(
Very sad to hear about Amica, was shocked to read that she used to model for Dior thought she just done the TV modelling stuff.

And stacey selling the item with Amica in mind, what you girls have to remember is, she is a business woman, and will make money however she can, she may say your here girlfriends, and your best friend, but deep down she isnt

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