Sick, twisted and evil!!! (warning, it could make you very upset)


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No, I can't look either.
Images stay with me a long time
This is why I don't read that paper. It's not even good enough to w.m.a.w!!

Not looking. Am annoyed with myself for even clicking on the post and seeing the title. :(

Another reason I avoid my FB newsfeed too. Am I going to have stop using the Drop? :banghead: lol
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I see that I have upset some of you, that was not my intention at all. My sincere apologies to posters #2 and #3.
I am not sure what my intentions were other than, reading this article left me utterly shocked and upset and as I was on the ST Forum just prior to reading it, I naturally came down here again, to share about it.

I must elaborate a bit further about the content of this article: although the theme of the article is distressing, there are no blood and gore photos in it. I am sure many of us have heard about this evil practise going on in China, before: it's about a truck load of cats destined for the Chinese restaurants; fortunately intercepted, seized, and the poor kitties escaping their dreadful fate on this occasion .

I know that not everyone likes to read about animals in distress, I respect that and therefore I included the warning in the title. However for some of us it's impossible to remain nonplused by stores like this and rather than burry our heads in the sand about the ugly truth, we choose to deal with the heavy lump left in our throats for days on end, as a result of choosing to know the truth.

Stories like this are often discussed here in the drop, have a read through...That's why I am particularly taken aback by Capirossi's (a tad over the top) reaction to my post. Can't see why would you choose to react to my post in such a sarcastic, almost vehement manner - judjing by the (very loud and clear) tone of your post; even accompanied with a little banghead icon for a visual confirmation of your disapproval to my post. I don't see any point in shooting the messenger that reports the ugly, evil practice that the Chinese indulge in, (that be it DM, AOL news, Facebook or myself and others on this forum). Would you rather the world remained oblivious to this revolting practice, just so we don't upset our precious selves?! Do you suggest we should all choose to remain blind to animal cruelty, just so we can have a comfortable day ahead of us, unperturbed by the cats' suffering?!

You had a choice to read the article - or not; as you acknowledge yourself, too. I made it easy for anyone: the warning was in the title, no need to upset yourself if you did not want to know. However, the cats had no choice about this evil practise, at all.

Some people choose to know the distressing, upsetting, ugly truth. Not for the sick voyeuristic value, not at all... it upsets me just the same as it upsets you, be rest assured. However, knowing the truth often gears up people that care, together and leads them to take positive actions in various forms. Some of which concluded this particular story with a happy ending. I would also like to think that perhaps some of us here might go away from reading this post on the forum and perhaps get prompted in other ways to help and contribute towards animal welfare.

Some may not...and that's OK, too. But what is not OK, is to throw your weight around to indulge your own precious self, or possibly worse - show your superiority on a public forum.

This is why I don't read that paper. It's not even good enough to w.m.a.w!!

Not looking. Am annoyed with myself for even clicking on the post and seeing the title. :(

Another reason I avoid my FB newsfeed too. Am I going to have stop using the Drop? :banghead: lol
Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Tapatalk 2
Some may not...and that's OK, too. But what is not OK, is to throw your weight around to indulge your own precious self, or possibly worse - show your superiority on a public forum.



Throwing my weight around? Superiority?

I was merely voicing my opinion that these stories in the DM are not the type I like to read. I hate seeing them on this forum too. But I am one tiny insignificant forum member, I wouldn't take my opinion so seriously if I were you.

I think you'll find that lots of other members don't like seeing them on here either....but maybe they are too worried about offending other people to say so.

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
I don't think your post was OTT at all Capirossi :heart:

Animal abuse/cruelty is so upsetting and lots of us on here have pets who we love to bits. It can get a bit much sometimes

You did put a warning in your title OP, but when I saw it involved cats I couldn't click. I don't think posters should have to if they don't feel they can cope with graphic pictures or stories.
I'm relieved to read the cats were rescued this time :heart:
IceT, I didn't open the link as I feared the worst - that I would see some dreadful picture of some poor tortured creature and I could not bear to see it. I hate cruelty to animals and won't even eat them. I share your concern that too many people don't acknowledge the atrocities that poor animals have to endure day after day. Believe me, I do actively promote animal welfare - PETA, WWF, Compassion in World Farming,Animals Asia Foundation, Humane Society International, WSPA etc, - you name it, I support it, financially, attending rallys, forwarding information on. My MP must dread my emails to him but I have to say, he is always very polite and seems supportive. The joy I experience when I've participated in something that improves animal welfare is indescribable - I know I should get a life ( or so I've been told by some who don't have the same passion that I have) but I'm a big softie where animals are concerned.

Please do not stop caring and advocating for animal welfare and I apologise on this occasion that I could not open the link, I am so pleased that the cats were rescued xx
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There is no need to apologise to me IceT.
I was not offended by your post in the least. You gave a warning which I appreciated and chose not to open the link.

Throwing my weight around? Superiority?

Then I suggest you may want to formulate your responses in a little less sarcastic way, in future.

I was merely voicing my opinion that these stories in the DM are not the type I like to read. I hate seeing them on this forum too. But I am one tiny insignificant forum member, I wouldn't take my opinion so seriously if I were you.

That's your prerogative. I am not forcing you to read my post. However your sarcastic response was indirectly implying I relinquish my right to post my views, which happen not to be to your liking (as far as I know my chosen theme in this post is not forbidden by any forum rules, no?). As I said: my post had a warning in the title, you could have chosen not to read. That would have been polite and would have solved your problem. Your response was far from polite.

I think you'll find that lots of other members don't like seeing them on here either....but maybe they are too worried about offending other people to say so.

Maybe...and maybe not?! You couldn't possibly have a precise answer to that, or are you so presumptuous to think that you may be now be representing the majority of this forum?! You can only represent your own self Capirossi. One voice. You can only voice your own opinion, otherwise you may come across as having ambitions of being a self appointed representative for the majority of this forum (your words, not mine:"I think you'll find that lots of other members don't like seeing them on here either....but maybe they are too worried about offending other people to say so").

If you were just voicing your opinion in a non hostile way, I would have included you in my opening apology of post #5, where I deliberately singled out posters #2 and #3 which fair enough did not want to look. But you were not merely voicing your opinion (in a non hostile way). You were trying to be clever and failed miserably. Do choose your words in future.
Bloody hell!! Seriously?! I will be as sarcastic as I want thank you very much. Please do not presume to tell me how I should phrase my posts. It is, as you say, a public forum afterall. If my incredibly tame post has sent you into this hysterical state I advise not reading some of the others by other FM's!! There are a lot worse. Or maybe nobody has dared to disagree with you before. Precious, moi?!

Please make your posts a little shorter and less hostile in future please.

Anyway, I seriously cannot be arsed arguing on a forum. I'll just avoid and ignore you from here on in. I suggest you do the same.

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
Just figured out what w.m.a.w meant .....
Meanwhile its obviously a very emotive subject as expected from the heading. If someone starts a subject which is liable to upset others then you can`t object if people voice their feelings about it, good or bad, it`s why you posted about it in the first place. You wanted reactions, you got reactions, end of. I`m a cat owner and actually saw this post elsewhere, my reaction isn`t a happy one either but I won`t give anybody the satisfaction of declaring my reaction isn`t good enough for them.
Bloody hell!! Seriously?! I will be as sarcastic as I want thank you very much. Please do not presume to tell me how I should phrase my posts. It is, as you say, a public forum afterall. If my incredibly tame post has sent you into this hysterical state I advise not reading some of the others by other FM's!! There are a lot worse. Or maybe nobody has dared to disagree with you before. Precious, moi?!

Please make your posts a little shorter and less hostile in future please.

Anyway, I seriously cannot be arsed arguing on a forum. I'll just avoid and ignore you from here on in. I suggest you do the same.

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)

Well don't be so aghast - you reap what you sow, my dear.
And don't worry about being sarcastic either (an objective which you so often manage to achieve to perfection when things are not going your way - just reading your posts for the last day or two, proves the point). But then don't jump up all offended and in defensive (poor me) mode, when someone else stands up to your spoilt persona and challenges your nastiness and hostility (you are not meant to borrow my phraseology,did you know?! try to be more original). It all very much smacks of precious and spoilt so, Oui!

It is obvious to see that you can't cope with reading anything longer that what you are capable of retaining. Is it the amount of overwhelming arguments that are stacked up against your "can't take it back" attitude, or is it that you are looking for a much, much simplified formulation when being replied to (I presume also preferably to be peppered with 'common as muck language' that you so favour to use, yourself)?!
Whichever is the reason that leaves you incapable of dealing with the aftermath of your own wrong thing rings very true of you: don't dish what you can't take...

I can't be bothered either, wasting my time pointing out to you the simple facts of action and reaction (don't play with fire if you can't handle the heat - is another thing that springs to mind when thinking of your initial out-of-order- and-uncalled-for-rude-and-sarcastic-lacking-in -validity-response (read also action) to my original post).

You seem to consistently fail to grasp a simple fact (that only requires a basic intelligence in order to be understood): It's not about the fact that you've chosen to disagree, have a different opinion to mine or even dislike my original post, but it's about the way in which you chose to react and reply to my post. Got it? So don't go running back with an immature attitude typical of the "Mummy, Mummy, poor me...I am crying, can't take it back" response that spoilt little girls adopt after falling out with friends.

As for your suggestion of ignoring you, I wholeheartedly agree - you deserve only that.

And before some of your friends come to join on the bandwagon of slaggig off to show their solidarity with you (as no doubt some clearly see their own reflection described in my posts, staring back at them:hi:), please do read and try and comprehend, no point going in circles. I can't be suffering fools gladly. There couldn't possibly be a single argument that hasn't been answered, confirmed and reaffirmed in my replies here. Although, I wouldn't be entirely surprised when the fools reply.

Not much more left to say (even for those, who fail to grasp it all), so y'all have a nice day, now!
Yes, we do need to get these horror stories out to the public. But I admit I find the DM seems to take great delight in posting them. I flick through the online but dread it most days knowing they will have some horror story about a poor animal. Many even complain about the photos.

I know in The Guardian they had a story about some Chinese high up government official who died from something they blamed on his eating cat meat. I thought fecking brilliant go cats.
This topic shows how easy it is to take things out of context or read things the wrong way.

For the record, I don't think Capri said anything, or meant anything, in a derogative way.

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This topic shows how easy it is to take things out of context or read things the wrong way.

For the record, I don't think Capri said anything, or meant anything, in a derogative way.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Of course, you are very much entitled to your own opinion StumpyBloke, as I am entitled to my own, too and my right to answer to anything that I deem to be hostile, derogative, sarcastic, unnecessary, mean...(I won't go further), directed at me.

For the record, the first two posters, replying to my thread truly did not say anything mean or anything in a derogative way, which I recognised (and did not in any way address them in my replies, apart from apologising for the possible upset my post may have caused them).

However, 'Capri' certainly DID. It's all there, in black and white. She directed at me an uncalled for and deliberately rude and sarcastic post , to show the supremacy of her opinion, in a very immature way. She very much had a chance to try and redeem herself on her second and subsequent replies - an offer of apology perhaps... (...but no, I didn't think she possesses the maturity required to recognise and take that opportunity).

If people's delicate egos can't take it, maybe they should not start it in a first place. Just a thought!
I'm sorry, I couldn't open the link either but if there is a specific charity related to whatever is in the link I will gladly make a donation.
I'm a full blown wimp and can't click on these links either but I appreciate people who do as they bring it to the attention of others and raise the profile of the disgusting, sickening way animals are treated. Sometimes these stories appear on my facebook feed which I don't like, but it's enabled me to sign many a petition against various cruel practices and sometimes make a donation.
I saw this article and its so sad, DM had another one a few weeks ago same thing but dogs. I can't believe they do this but it is happening :devil
The fact the original poster gave warning that the link could upset some people is fair enough, would have been different it people weren't warned, this way people were given choice as to whether they wished to look or not.
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