Meg writes
The Old Dear woke me with a request this morning
It seems that kitten_with_claws had trouble with the new website (thread:Todays items?) and asked if I, Meg, could double-check the Old Dear's findings!
Well, I confess, at the time I really couldn't be bothered (cat's peroggative you Know), but later I took pity on you poor humans & dispatched my man to consult the the one responsible
Look what he found - the lad in charge. I wouldn't get too hopeful if I were you lot.
I must say, I adore QVC. It's my favourite channel, though I don't get to watch it as much these days. The Old Dear is rather fed up of it.
Fascinating to study you humans. You are so funny. You really have no idea though do you.
I mean, take for example the models.
No need to gurn like Beth, or flounce & fling your arms around, trip & stumble like some of the others. Look at how the experts do it
An expert indeed.
In fact, I think my breed should take over. We are so versatile, so natural.
Beauty & Bath
What a stink you all seem to like. Frangipani, verbenna, floral..... All gloop and chemicals. A spit & a wipe is all you need. Dunking should only be considered in dire circumstances. As for fragrance - catnip, though I'm rather partial to bleach in the loo myself.
All you need is a nice flea collar, like this one. Now, isn't that nice!
Could you see Dale selling this? No chance.
Move over Joan Rivers! Worn with panache - not embarrassment .... Yes, you Julia!
None of that strange stroking - straight to it! Nice bed, sheets, pillows and sleeps.
Refined dining. No slurping, oohing & ahhhing.
Just a natural. Note: no high heels like Carmel sported in the Pilates hour last week!
Style baby, it's all about style.
The Old Dear woke me with a request this morning

Well, I confess, at the time I really couldn't be bothered (cat's peroggative you Know), but later I took pity on you poor humans & dispatched my man to consult the the one responsible

I must say, I adore QVC. It's my favourite channel, though I don't get to watch it as much these days. The Old Dear is rather fed up of it.
Fascinating to study you humans. You are so funny. You really have no idea though do you.
I mean, take for example the models.
No need to gurn like Beth, or flounce & fling your arms around, trip & stumble like some of the others. Look at how the experts do it

An expert indeed.
In fact, I think my breed should take over. We are so versatile, so natural.
Beauty & Bath


Could you see Dale selling this? No chance.





You humans have a lot to learn.
Anyway, I'll leave you to it. I've got more pressing things to do.
You humans have a lot to learn.
Anyway, I'll leave you to it. I've got more pressing things to do.